Chapter 3

My Peter Pan
Classes are done for today and I'm now on my way home when Luhan suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I was taken aback so I took a step backward.
"Hm? What's wrong, Eun?" he asked, amused "You look like you just saw a ghost. Your expression is hilarious!" he said while laughing.
"HA. HA. It's so funny, Lu." I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.
He laughed slightly, "Well, kidding aside, you're going home now?" he inquired.
"Err yea? Do you need anything?" I asked, wondering if there were homeworks that we wasn't able to finish these past few days.
"No, nothing in particular. I just thought that because we're studying after school hours, you always go home late so I was thinking.." he hesitated at first but continued anyway, "I was thinking of walking you home?"
"Eh?! You don't need to and we wouldn't want anyone to misunderstand." I disagreed.
"Misunderstand what? What's wrong with friends walking home together?" he asked innocently.
I sighed. Friends. It's so simple for him. "Fine." I surrendered. I walked first and he followed.
It was quiet when he spoke, "So where's your house?" he started.
"It's near xxxx. Just about 15 mins walk from school." I replied.
"Ohh. I didn't know it was that near! I should've walked you home these past few days." he said, quite disappointed.
"I already told you earlier that you don't have too" I sighed, "and won't your parents be worried if you go home late?" I asked. I was curious. He haven't told me anything about his family or anything.
He was quiet for a while and he was just looking up at the sky. "I'm living alone." he whispered, almost inaudible to me.
I was surprised. There was so much sadness in his voice. "I'm sorry. You don't have to talk about it." I said sincerely.
"No, it's not your fault, and since you're my friend, I don't mind telling you at all.." 
He told me his family lives overseas, in China to be exact. They own a really huge company that will open a branch here in Korea soon and that's why he was sent here, to lead the company once he finishes studying. He was pressured and he was sad due to the fact that they sent him here for the sole purpose of leading the company. He must feel really alone and homesick.
I tried to comfort him. I knew that feeling very well. The feeling of missing someone, someone so important. The only difference is, that someone to me is now forever gone. I die a little inside every time I think about my dad's death. He got into an accident and before he could even be brought to the hospital, he was already dead. I got sad too but I somehow get this feeling that he doesn't need to know it. At least not now that he's sad too or I'll just add another problem into his worries in life.
We were so serious into our conversation that we didn't even notice we're already in front of my house. I hesitated but asked him anyway, "Lu, do you want to come inside?"
He scratched his head cutely, "Uhm won't that be awkward? I mean, you said earlier that your mom is home." he said, embarrassed.
"Ah right. You got a point there." I agreed. So stupid. Knowing my mom, of course, it will be awkward.
"Then I guess, I'll be going now?" he said although he's more like asking me.
"Eh, sure. Why are you asking me that." I said. He's such a dork.
He laughed before saying, "See you, Eun!" then he started to walk away.
I just stood there, watching his leaving figure. I can't help but smile like an idiot. Several minutes have already passed but I can still smell his perfume. Is this what they call love? But we just met.. then love at first sight? But still, it can't be love. I shook off those thoughts and started to walk towards the door.
I was thinking so hard that I didn't notice my mom watching me. I was surprised. For how long has she been here?
"Hmm? How was your day, dear?" she asked while opening the door for me. I tilted my head in confusion. I don't know if it's just me but my mom looks really thin and pale today. I was about to ask her if she's alright when, "You look really happy." she added with that knowing look.
I totally forgot about it as I got embarrassed. "Please don't tease me, Mom." I pouted.
"Aigoo, my little girl is already a big girl! So who's that guy, dear?" she asked. She's really into teasing me today.
I sighed before answering, "He's my friend, Mom. My very first friend at school."
"Eh really? But the way you smile when he left-"
"Mommm." I whined before she could even finish what she's saying.
"Hmp fine then." she surrendered.
I'm on my way upstairs to my room when my mom spoke again, "But if you'll ask me, that boy is really fine! He have the looks and is really polite too, right?"
I stopped on my tracks and looked back at my mom who is now reading a magazine. Maybe I should ask her?
"Mom.." I called softly causing her to stop what she's doing and look at me.
She didn't say a word but I know that she's listening so I continued, "Do you.. believe in love at first sight? What does it feel to be in love, Mom?"
"Time doesn't matter, dear.." she smiled at me then looked out at the window, reminiscing the days she spent with dad, "Being in love, it's when your heart beats so fast when you see him, he has flaws but he's perfect in your eyes, his smile is so bright that it could blind your eyes" she paused slightly and looked straight at me before continuing,
"And right at this very moment, you are thinking of someone."
My jaws dropped. She totally killed me with that last sentence.
I was really thinking of someone. I was thinking of Luhan.
I thought I'd never fall in love, 
but he made it possible.
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dreamsxoxo #1
Chapter 10: Awwweeeeee my heart....... so sad:(
Luhan, I'll wait for you always♡
Chapter 10: Well done, i bet you broke every reader's heart after reading this *wiping tears* It was beautiful, but what make it more beautiful is if Eun Ae was the bride...
Chapter 10: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy T____________T
SehunnieXD #4
Chapter 10: I actually thought she was the one getting married! TT__TT why you do this author-nim??
88rissing #5
Chapter 10: daheck i cried and cried this fanfic.........why? why u make cry?? T__T
Chapter 10: Hey I'm new reader in here and... Why author-nim? Why? Why you make me cry in the midnight? ㅠㅠ
I'm pretty sure this fic really like my life ㅠㅠ I won't be end up like that ㅠㅠ I won't be tinkerbell ㅠㅠ
Chapter 10: i like a sad ending, and your story makes me take a long breath ㅠ.ㅠ

the greatest thing is in the last paragraph, of course in the reality i won't be a tinkerbell, too cruel for me
in my opinion peterpan also couldn't be with wendy, but in your story i can accept it (don't mind it) HAHA~~
I can feel the pain... CRIED REALLY BADD!