Chapter 01

Hearts of Ballet

Da-da-da da-da da-da-da da-da-da

Sunhwa listened to the music and soon enough, the hypnotising rhythm of The Nutcracker took over and she found herself dancing to it. Oblivious to everything, the song transitioned to Swan Lake and her mother's cranky voice was heard above the calm, serene song.

"SUNHWA! TURN OFF THAT RACKET! FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, WHY CAN'T YOU BE A NORMAL KID AND STUDY?!" Her umma's voice pierced through her skull and Sunhwa raced to turn off her stereo.

Obeying her mother, Sunhwa sat down at her desk and began to study. But the haunting song continued bouncing around in her head, and she gave in to the sleep that was beckoning her.

No sooner did she drift off, did her mother pounded up the stairs and shrieked in annoyance.


Sunhwa snapped awake immediately.

Then came the venomous, soft voice that told her that she was going to get punished again. "Do you know why Yoona is pretty and all the adults like her? Because she studied. All you want to do is dance, dance and dance. Why do you dance for? Isn't all the money and books in the world enough for you?! HUHHHHH?! YOU CAN GO CLEAN THE FLOOR NOW! I WANT TO SEE MY BEAUTIFUL FACE SHINE! AND KNOW WHY I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL FACE? BECAUSE I STUDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYY!"


Beep! Beep! Beep!

Sunhwa's alarm sounded and careful not to wake her mother, her arm shot out instantly and silenced it.

Pulling on her hated uniform, she headed off to the train station that would take her to Seoul, School for the Rich. That dreaded school was hours away from her home, so she had to travel pretty far.



Sunhwa turned around to meet three of her big group of friends. Hyosung, Hana and Jieun, the three she's closest to.

"Hi guys!" She called out cheerfully.

"See...that's what I like about you. No matter what your umma does, you still stay happy and bright," Woohyun, another of her mates, slung his arm around Sunhwa's neck and spoke to her.

"Back off Woohyun! You'll make her unhappy for the first time ever," Key playfully whacked Woohyun's arm off and they chased each other around the school playground

Sunhwa smiled. It was because of them that she smiled. They were the ones that gave her strength to not give in to her mum. This is the only reason, other than dance, that she enjoyed life.

"Hey Sunhwa!" Suho waved from the distance with Kris, Himchan, Bora and Hara. She was just about to go over to them when a slim body pushed past her.

"Oops! I'm so sorry!" It was Yoona...again...and wonderfullly, she brought her posse too, Hyorin, Yuri and Sulli.

Honestly, no-one knew why Yoona was loved by the adults. She was stuck-up, rude, bossy and spoilt. Her posse were too. Actually, everyone DID know why she was loved. The four of them always acted all sweet and innocent to them, like they were little angels. Fact is...they weren't.

Hyorin cackled, Yuri snickered and Sulli blew a raspberry. With a flick of her hair and the scent of WAY too much perfume, they flounced off.

After that, every single person on the playground burst out laughing.

Jieun wiped away tears that fell from laughing so hard. "Did-you...see that?" She choked out.

After a few minutes, something flew by and landed on Onew's face.

"AHH!" He cried and tripped over his feet.

"Onew condition," They all sighed and Myungsoo helped him up. But something else had caught Sunhwa's attention. The thing that had fallen on Onew's face was a piece of paper. She picked it up and looked at it.

"Auditions for the Busan Academy of the Performing Hearts, to be held on the (insert date here). This audition will be different as the director of the school is to be judging also. Please come to try out." Sunhwa read out loud and looked at the others.

They all had the same expression. It was silent until Hana spoke.

"Question do we make your umma let?"

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Chapter 1: Nice story....I love it...update soon....