
Baby Makes Four?
Trudging through the soggy streets of Seoul Eli wondered, not for the first time, how he'd managed to get talked into this. Oh, right. Kevin. As far as cravings went Kevin hadn't been eating anything particularly strange, but sometimes he wanted things that were just plain hard to find, like tonight, when he'd very sadly said he wished he had a root beer float. Now normally when Kevin wanted hard-to-find American food AJ or Eli would simply kiss him on the cheek with a whispered "sorry baby", but the younger had looked like he was about to cry, so, here Eli was. One 'o' clock in the morning on the other side of Seoul in the pouring rain, wearily climbing the stairs to the one place he thought might have what he needed.
Needless to say most people are not expecting someone to knock on their door in the middle of the night, so Simon was appropriately confused to see Eli on his doorstep looking like a drowned pigeon and asking about North American sodas.
"I just really need a can of root beer. Kevin's been craving root beer floats for a week and he looked like he was gonna cry if we didn't find him one and I can't handle Kevin crying right now and you guys are the only people I know that EVER have root beer," Eli said desperately. Simon blinked a few times as he processed the sudden ramble of english, looked down at the unopened pop can in his hands and wordlessly handed it to Eli.
"Oh my god, you're a lifesaver. Thanks man."
"Uh, sure. Anytime?" Simon replied, still confused as what was going on. Eli turned to leave but was stopped someone else calling his name. He looked back just in time to see Martina poke her head out the door, face obscured by a sheet mask and pink hair twisted up into mini horns with curlers. He almost asked what she was doing but decided that he really didn't want to know.
"Here, take these with you. That way you don't have to come all the way over here next time he wants junk food from home, and we don't pig out and eat the whole thing ourselves." She said, handing him a bag full of American candy, chips and sodas. "And you know any of you guys are welcome to come over any time, so he can come hang out with us if he's not doing promotions."
Eli nodded, taking the bag with thanks. Twenty minutes later he was back home. AJ had gotten back ages ago with the ice cream and was currently feeding it to Kevin while they cuddled on the couch. Kevin was understandably distracted so he didn't hear Eli getting out a glass or the hiss and pop of the can being opened, so he was happily surprised when he felt a new weight settle behind him on the couch and a glass of soda being pressed into his hand. A bright laugh escaped his lips when he realized what Eli had just handed him and he immediately dumped several large scoops of ice cream into the glass. By the time the treat was gone all three of them were exhausted. Once in bed Kevin pressed a sweet happy kiss to Eli's lips with a content "I love you", then turned to kiss AJ as well.
"You two are so amazing to me. Here I am complaining about stupid ice cream in the middle of the night, but you went and got it for me. How did I end up with two perfect guys like you two?" He says, snuggling happily into his spot between AJ and Eli, making them both chuckle.
"I think the real question is how did both of us end up with someone as amazing as you?" AJ murmured. Eli nodded in agreement. It wasn't unusual for two friends to fall in love with the same person, but it was rare for that person to love them both equally. And now to have a baby together? That was nothing short of a miracle.
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DragonMarinaKKR9 #1
Chapter 9: I know this is irrelevant and probably makes no sense but, to me Aiden and Ethan = Teen Wolf Twins. Sorry just had to say it. Love this collection thank you.
Chapter 13: update plzz <3 <3
Chapter 13: Ethan is such a cutie pie! Eli couldn't resist the cookies. XD
orangeniecute #4
Chapter 13: Oh my ~~~ the best chapter ever !!!! Please update soon ~~~
Chapter 13: Awww how cute is that
This story gives me so many feels (✿◠‿◠)
orangeniecute #8
Chapter 13: So cute !!!! >_<~~~
Chapter 12: Looking forward to the next baby. Precious as always. ^^
Chapter 11: I love how the kids are really attached to their umma its so darn cute n the fact that the family is just precious lol congrats kev on baby #3