
Baby Makes Four?
It really started when Dongho had the flu. Then Soohyun had it, then Hoon caught it, so when Kevin suddenly started feeling sick everyone thought he had just caught whatever was going around. Except then it didn't stop. He started feeling better some days, but he still had trouble keeping food down and he was exhausted all the time. After two weeks and no signs of improvement Soohyun ordered him to the doctors before he got someone else sick. Eli had offered to go with him but Kevin had turned him down, not wanting anyone to fall behind in practice on his account. Now he was wishing he'd brought him along after all.
The dorm was quiet when he got back, no sound other than the shower running and the soft clicking of a computer.
"Eli?" Kevin called, knowing if anyone was home it was very likely one of his lovers. Sure enough a familiar fauxhawk came into view as Eli poked his head out of their shared bedroom. "Where's everyone else?"
"Still at practice. AJ and I got antsy waiting for you so Soohyun kicked us out." Eli grinned. Well, that explained who was in the shower. "So what'd they say?"
Kevin opened his mouth to answer but stopped, thinking about what they'd told him at the clinic.
"Um, why don't we wait until AJ's out of the shower. I don't want to repeat this more times than I have to." Truthfully Kevin was just stalling for time, but he really didn't want to have to say the words out loud more than once.
Twenty minutes later AJ was out of the shower and dressed, and Kevin really couldn't put it off any longer.
"Okay, this is going to be really weird." He began. That was obviously the wrong thing to say because both of his lovers began to slowly freak themselves out.
"What's weird?" "Are you ok?" "You're not sick are you?" "Is something wrong with you?" "You're not DYING right?!"
Questions started flying at him one after the other, each more panicked and irrational than the one before. Kevin held up his hands agains the barrage of words.
"Guys, I'm not dying. It's just... I don't know. They told me something really weird when I was there." He said, fiddling with his shirt uncomfortably. Warmth surrounded him as AJ wrapped him in a strong embrace, concern lining his handsome features.
"It's okay Kevin, you can tell us. It'll be alright." Kevin lifted his gaze to meet AJ's, tears shining in his eyes. When he finally spoke his voice came out barely more than a choked whisper.
"They told me I'm pregnant."
"Pregnant?" AJ whispered back, the words taking a minute to sink in. Then a wide grin spread across his face and he lifted Kevin up and spun him around in excitement. "Oh my god, I can't believe it! We're going to have a baby!" He finally set Kevin down just long enough to lean down and take his lips in an ecstatic kiss. Kevin pulled away with a laugh and turned to Eli, who was frozen in shock. Not even blinking, just staring into space with his mouth hanging open.
"Eli?" Kevin called, nerves returning. Bonelessly, Eli sank into the couch.
"That's....amazing." He finally said, still looking shocked. Kevin almost cried with relief and moved Eli's hands to settle in his lap. AJ joined them, scooting close so his shoulder brushed Eli's
"So, do you know which one of us uh..." AJ trailed off. Even as Kevin nodded Eli cut AJ off.
"It doesn't matter. It's Kevin's baby, so it's our baby. The three of us. And as long as Kevin's okay with that I don't care which of us is the father." He said, leaving no room for argument. Kevin didn't think he could get any luckier. He'd been afraid that this would break their relationship but it seems it would only make it stronger.
"Did they tell you how far along you are?" Eli asked.
"About eight weeks."
"Eight weeks huh? So that's what, two mo....-waaaaiiit a minute." Eli trailed off as the math started to come together in his brain. "You guys were ing while I was in DC!" He complained. At least Kevin had the decency to blush. "Oh, you are SO making that up to me!"
AJ chuckled at that.
"I think that's something we can manage."
I'm baaack! Hopefully this one makes sense, I was writing it at like two in the morning OTL this actually comes before the first two chapters (obviously XP ) and i think i'll put them in chronological order once i've got all the main pieces finished and posted. Thanks to everyone who's subscribed and more thanks to HeyItsTori because she doesn't like mpreg and she betas for me anyway. Hope you're all enjoying the story so far, thanks for reading!
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DragonMarinaKKR9 #1
Chapter 9: I know this is irrelevant and probably makes no sense but, to me Aiden and Ethan = Teen Wolf Twins. Sorry just had to say it. Love this collection thank you.
Chapter 13: update plzz <3 <3
Chapter 13: Ethan is such a cutie pie! Eli couldn't resist the cookies. XD
orangeniecute #4
Chapter 13: Oh my ~~~ the best chapter ever !!!! Please update soon ~~~
Chapter 13: Awww how cute is that
This story gives me so many feels (✿◠‿◠)
orangeniecute #8
Chapter 13: So cute !!!! >_<~~~
Chapter 12: Looking forward to the next baby. Precious as always. ^^
Chapter 11: I love how the kids are really attached to their umma its so darn cute n the fact that the family is just precious lol congrats kev on baby #3