
Living With Bigbang. Should be Interesting.

I let the water run down my body. I'm probably using up all the warm water in the tank, but who cares? I begin thinking about what I said. I shouldn't have said that to him, I reflect, before shaking my head, scolding myself. Stupid! You're thinking what they want you to think! You didn't do anything wrong! He shouldn't have called you, he shoulda waited until he got home to break it to me!

I sigh, and try to clear my head. But I keep thinking of the phone calls. Out of control. I hear my moms voice in my head. You won't be able to bully them. Is that how my father saw me? A bully? Was I? No! Stop thinking like this! I sit down, and lean against the wall of the shower. I try to avoid thinking like that, but that just makes me think of it more. Slowly, tears fall down my face, but I can't feel them, my face already wet.

I let myself cry. For once, in what feels like forever, I let myself break down and sob. I cry for what seems like forever. Long enough for the water to turn cold. The drastic and sudden change in temperatures jolts me from my crying jag. I finally get started on actually showering, shampooing, rinsing, conditioner, rinsing, and on and on. It momentarily keeps my mind off of earlier. But when I turn off the water, the thoughts come rushing back. What the hell is wrong with me! I'm not like this! I'm not this weak!

I do something I only do if I'm on deaths door. I reach into the medicine cabinet, and pull out the pill bottle, the kind of cold medicine that's going to knock me out for a full eight to ten hours. I swallow the pill dry, pull on my jammies, and head into my room, not even bothering to put a towel around my hair.

i lie down on my bed, tears streaming down my face again. I reach out for my teddy. I don't know why. I hide all my Teddy's in the closet, and only take them out if I'm sick. But I really want something to hold. So I get up, and dig through my closet for a few minutes till I find the bear I'm looking for. Blue, with a dark blue ribbon around his neck. My favorite one. I stumble back into bed, and wait for the meds to kick in. I fall asleep rather quickly.


GDragon's POV

We pull into Taeyang's sisters driveway at about six fourty five. Her parents aren't with us. They said them being there would only escalate her more. We all get out of the car and stretch.

I walk into the house first. All the lights are turned off.

"Hello? Anybody home?" I call, walking into the welcome room. Just a couch, and a small radio. The rest of the boys follow me in. "Do you think she left?" I ask Taeyang, who's walking upstairs. He holds a finger to his lips, shushing me. I can faintly hear soft breathing. We all go to follow him, but he shoos us away.

"Daesung, make food. The rest of you, wait. I'll tell you when to come up and help me pack for her." Taeyang whispers, but it echoes loudly in this house.

"Why isn't she going to pack?" Seungri asks.

"Cause, once she's asleep, she's asleep. She could sleep through falling off a cliff!" Taeyang explains. "It'll be easier this way. Once she wakes up, we'll either be on the plane home, or pretty close to the airport. She can't put up a fight if she's sleeping!" I smile evilly, nodding. I collapse on her couch. The cushions swallowed me whole. I can hear the sounds of Daesung cooking, soothing me into a much needed slumber. I got no sleep during the car ride, or on the plane. I've been awake for going on 60 hours straight....


Taeyang's POV

I creep quietly across the upstairs landing, peeking into different rooms, not sure which is her bedroom. At the end of the corridor, I reach a closed door. I figure this is her room, cuz all the other doors were open. I slowly creak open the door, wincing when the hinges squeak.

 The room is all white. All the furniture is white, the walls, everything. There's a pile of stuff piled outside her closet. She's lying on her bed, in a contrasting black set of PJ's. She's snuggling a blue teddy bear. She looks.... Content. I head back out into the hallway, calling quietly for the boys to come up, and the high ceilings echo and carry the message down to them. I hear quiet footsteps climbing the stairs, and the sounds of Daesung readying the oven.

"Ok," I whisper, "G-Dragon and Top, you can get her hair and make up stuff, please? Seungri, you help me with her clothes." I order. Top and GD head into her bathroom, opening cabinets and drawers. G-Dragon wrinkles his nose, and pulls out a box of pads, and then a box of tampons.

"Do we bring these?" He asks, holding them akwardly.

"Yes, but if she asks, either I or her mom packed them for her, capeesh?" I answer, moving with Seungri into her room. I take out the travel bags in her closet, and start throwing clothes in, making sure to pack a few swim suits and dresses. Seugnri giggles.

"What?!" I whisper shout at him.

"You forgot her underwear!" He giggles, opening the top drawer, and taking out a handful of lacey bras and underwear. I roll my eyes. That's her clothes taken care of....

"Yo, we got her..... items.... and hair and make up stuff! What else?" Top asks, throwing a gallon bag chock full of stuff into the clothes bag.

"Her electronics?" Seungri suggests, picking up her iPhone. I nod, and we do a quick sweep of the house for all her electronics. We have another gallon bag ready, so we shove all of the electronics in there, an' put that into the travel bag.

"Food's ready!" Daesung calls from downstairs. I smell pizza....... We all run as silently as we can down into the kitchen. We dig in, eating everything standing up.

"Are we missing anything obvious? That she'd need?" I ask.

"Stop worrying!" Seungri groans around his last slice of pizza. "We can buy her whatever she needs when we get back home!" Top looks up sharply at the mention of home.

"Speaking of, how are we going to get her through airport security if she's asleep?" He asks.

"We're going home private jet. I don't think they have as tight security for that." Daesung says. Top nods. I head upstairs, into Emma's room, and pick her up. I carry her down the stairs, balanceing like a balarena navigating a minefield. I take her out the door, and into the back back seat of her mom's van. I try to buckle her up so that she's safe, but not uncomfortable, but I soon come to the conclusion that that's impossible in a car. I back out of the car, and bump into Top, who's carrying her bag. I apologize, and sit shotgun. Top puts her stuff with ours, and gets in the front seat. Daesung and G-Dragon claim the middle row.

"Guess I have to sit in back with her!" Seungri says, a little to happy about it.

"Oh, no, you're not sitting with my sister for a three hour car drive!" I say, getting out and switching seats with him. We begin the ride back to the airport. I text Emma's mom, telling her we got her to come with us, no problem. G-Dragon and Daesung fall asleep pretty soon. I manage to stay semi-conscious of what's happening.

We reach the airport in what seems like much less that three hours. Our lack of motion jerks Daesung and G-dragon out of their sleep. The others had to wake GD up earlier, the poor guy fell asleep on Em's couch! We all goggily work our way through the airport, taking turns carrying Emma. When we finally board the plane, we all just collapse on whatever furnature we can. I have to set Emma down first though. She takes up the last couch, leaving nothing but the floor for me.... Ah well...

"Good night little sister!" I whisper quietly to Emma's still sleeping form, before trying to settle in on the shaking floor.

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Alright guys, I have the next chapter written! Three more comments and I'll post it!


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tiffanyprice130 #1
Chapter 56: This is probably the most personal story to me that I've ever read! As someone who has bipolar, this is one of the most accurate depictions that I've come across yet. This is almost exactly what it feels like to have it. The constant mood swings and uncontrollable anger that comes with it. And the ever growing frustration to not have a medication that works for it. Thank you for such a well written story! I will definitely reread this over and over again!
Unknown-J-B-L #2
Chapter 56: nice one there. really drive me crazy hehehehe
Chapter 56: ahhh! what a great ending!
Dear Tara,
Thank you for gifting us with this beautiful and extremely realistic story.
I feel like I could really relate to Emma throughout this story, and that is a sign of you being an amazing author.
I will continue to follow all you other stories, and I know that they will all be just as awesome as this one.
~with love,
Natsu_umi_safu #4
Chapter 56: Awwwwww :3 please can you make a sequel or epilogue :) I just found the ending a little too sudden and confusing and quick. please make it a proper closure! This was like my drug this story XD
Chapter 56: It ended... (O.O)
Thanks for everything! (This story was the first I ever read on aff and when I just become a bigbang fan)
I couldn't even count how many times I cried reading this story because I could relate to Emma. So thank you.
I guess this is goodbye? Farewell~
Thekatsmeow #6
Chapter 56: Beautiful ending!!!
randomchick #7
Chapter 55: Yay! your back!
Thanks for the update <3
I think it needs a couple more chapters, so Emma can make up with everyone.
Have Kevin fly to Korea and meet with her please!
Chapter 55: I feel this story is coming to a close....
P.S It's ending????? NOOOOO!!!
I think you should just end it with a short chaptered sequel tbh.