Chapter 3

Dreams do come true

Next day all I was thinking about was how much I want to see him again. As the end of our shift approached, my heart already started to pump like crazy. I was so excited to see him and determined not to make a fool out of myself again.

- Do you think he'll come? What if he doesn't come? - I annoyed the hell out of Lilith.

- Argh, Mina! I don't know. If he comes, you'll see him. Please, stop repeating the same questions over and over again. - Lilith answer me after loosing her nerves. That made me laugh because every time when Lilith was mad, I couldn't help myself not to laugh. I loved to annoy her from time to time, probably because that's how childish I am.

- Ahh, you! - she said looking angry, but then she smiled and went back to work.

- I can't help myself, Lil! - I told her as she was leaving and then laughed at myself for being so silly again.

The end of the shift came, but there wasn't any sign of him. I waited, hoped he'll come any minute. Even when we closed the cafe, I still had hope inside of me that I'll see him. But, there wasn't sign of him anywhere.

When we came home, Lilith told me she's going to sleep and I was too disappointed to do the same. Insted, I went on the balcony, light a cigarette and gave myself to my toughts.

Morning came relatively quickly. I spent most of the night on the balcony and slept maybe for few short hours. Toughts like "maybe it's because of something i done" crossed my mind as I replayed scene when I met him over and over inside my head. Lastly, maybe he just went somewhere. Who knows, but I wanted to see him again so badly. Days passed but he didn't show up at the cafe. I almost forgot the fact that I ever met him. I continued to live my life like he never existed, except for the fact that I still loved his music. After all, it was his music that motivated me not to give up on my dreams.

Few days later, when Lilith and I came to work, our boss called all of his employees for a meeting. He told us that there is a charity event approaching this weekend and like every year, he's planing to send few of his employees to help out at the event. We'll be selling coffee and bagels and all of the money we earn will be given to the charity. After I quietly discussed it with Lilith, we decided we should apply. We didn't have any plans for this weekend anyway, just sticking around the aparment, watching variety shows and dramas. After we signed in, Mr. Park explained to us where the event is going to be held, how to get there and what we should do.

In few days, we came to the event and started to do our usual work, pouring coffee in cups and serving cinnamon bagels. It was actually quite fun because there were concerts happening nearby and we enjoyed live performances. After the last band ended their last song, I heard the announcer saying:

"And now, for the end, we prepared for you a special surprise! The idol who helps us collect founds every year decided to performe for you live tonight! Everybody, please give a big applause for... G-Dragon!"

I lost my breath when I heard his name. I turned around to Lilith and with the cutest puppy face I could pull of I asked her:

- Can I go watch him? Please, Lil..

- Yeah, yeah, sure. I can manage this by myself. - she said.

- Thank you so much, I owe you big time. - I said with a silly smile and run to the stage.

From the moment I saw him, I couldn't stop staring at him. He looked stunning and you could see passion for music in his performance. Those 3 minutes passed in a blink of an eye. As he ended the song, he bowed to the audience and greeted them with a smile. When he was about to leave the stage, I decided to go back to help Lilith.

- How was it? - she asked me.

- Amazing. I can't describe it with words. It was a dream come true. - I answered with a silly grin.

- Nice - she smiled - I hope you'll cover for me if there will be any B.A.P. performances.

- You got it! - I smiled back at her.

The event was about to end and people started to leave. We were starting to cleaning up a bit, when I heard a familiar voice behind me:

- Is there any coffee left for me?

"Can it be?" the words crossed my mind as I turned around to find out the answer. And there he was, G-Dragon in his full glow, standing on the other side of the counter.

- Sure, I'll get it for you in a moment. - I answered with a polite smile, trying my best to act normal. I came back in few moments and saw Lilith talking to him. I pushed her lightly to the side, gave her a bad look and said to GD:

- It's on the house. - I smiled and handed him a cup of coffee.

- Thank you. - he smiled politely. - So, you two are in charge of the charity work this year? - he asked.

- Yeah, we like to help. And besides, it seems we were the only ones without plans for this weekend. - I answered.

- Well, do you have plans for tomorrow? - he asked me. I looked at him whit confused expression on my face:

- W-what? - I started to stutter again.

- Do you have plans for tomorrow? - he repeated and smiled again.

- No. Why? - I answered and started to feel really nervious.

- Good, be ready around 6pm, I'll pick you up at your place. - he said.

- O-okay... But, you don't know where I live. - I told him confusedly.

- I'll find you. - he said with his stunning smile and went away.

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lovis89 #1
Chapter 3: ohohohohoho