Warmth in Winter

Warmth in winter

The night was chilly as the wind picked up speed, signaling the arrival of winter. You pulled your scarf closer around your face and tucked your hands into your pockets, trying to ignore the occasional shivers and the tingling in your cheeks. You stood at the edge of the pavement outside the café near your house, shifting from foot to foot to warm yourself up, though rather unsuccessfully. People around you buried their heads and scurried by quickly, trying to get home before the weather worsened. You sighed as you watched them pass by, wondering when Sunggyu will be here. It wasn’t easy being with Sunggyu due to his hectic schedule and frequent overseas trips, but at least with technology nowadays things are much easier. That doesn’t mean that things always go smoothly. You drew your hand out of your pocket to check your watch for the umpteenth time and immediately stuck your arm back in before your fingers froze off.

Just when you were about to seek refuge in the warmth of the café, you felt someone tap you on your shoulder. You turned around to see two tiny eyes peeking out at you from behind layers of clothes which covered every other part of him.

“You’re late again.”

“I’m sorry baby, you know how it is with the unpredictable schedules.”

“So you leave your girlfriend to turn into ice in the cold?”

“I will make sure the next time the meeting point is in a warm cozy place! I didn’t expect it to get cold so fast. Really.”

Sunggyu placed his hands on your cheeks briefly to warm you up before he decided it was too cold for him and his grandpa body, so he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into the café.


You chose a table near the heater in the café, staying as far away from the doors as possible. You watched Sunggyu’s back view as he stood in the queue to order. He didn’t even have to ask you to know what you want. As much as you were annoyed at him for being late, you couldn’t stop a smile from creeping up to your lips. You don’t know how you could feel anymore content with your life.

“So which cute guy are you smiling at now?”

You looked up to see that Sunggyu had returned with a cup of hot cocoa for himself and a cup of peppermint tea for you.

“I was just thinking about life…”

He removed his mask and smiled at you. “Your life must be pretty good now then, huh?”

You tried not to stare at his face for too long as you said, “Well, I’m sitting in a cafe with a hot drink and my boyfriend while it’s freezing out. I think life is pretty good right now. Except maybe the bit about waiting out in the cold for almost an hour.” You scrunched up your nose as you mentioned the last line.

Sunggyu wrapped his hands around his mug of cocoa and blinked blankly a few times. “So…what should I do to make up for that?”

You chuckled at his innocence and pondered while sipping your tea. “Hm...a kiss?”

“You’re erted!”

“I’m not!”

“What if the paparazzi catches us? I’ll never hear the end of this!”

You pouted as you realized what he said was true. Winter, though cold, was a season that you looked forward to because everyone is covered up and it makes it easier for Sunggyu to be out in the public. Still, a kiss might still be too risky.

“Fine. You still owe me one.” You let it go for now, since there’s nothing he can do about it. But Sunggyu took note of your disappointment and felt sorry that he couldn’t do what other couples were doing because of his status as an idol.

You told him about all the important events that happened since the last time you saw him while Sunggyu complained about how Dongwoo seemed to be perpetually on laughing gas while the rest of the members were exhausted and just needed some peace and quiet. At the end of it all, you had forgotten your annoyance from earlier.

As you finished up your tea, you got up to get ready to go. Sunggyu suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you so that the both of you were partially blocked by the large plant in the café.

“Sunggyu-ah! What are you do-“ but before you could finish your question he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours gently but firmly. You stumbled backwards slightly from the shock but he wrapped his arms around your waist to prevent you from falling. His face was just inches away from you and you could feel his hot breath on your face. He leaned in to kiss you again, and this time you kissed him back.

When both of you finally break apart unwillingly, you said, “Sunggyu-ah, what if people see us…”

“It’s okay baby. You are more important.”

You smiled and wrapped your arms around his body. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too.”

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cherLynmyung #1
Chapter 1: OMG this is so sweet!!
Chapter 1: awww so cute and heart-warming <3
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl
this is so cute ^^
Chapter 1: Idols really do have it hard... But this is really fluffy and cute! ;)
Chapter 1: Nawwww the last sentence♥♥♥