we clawed, we chained (our hearts in vain)


title: we clawed, we chained (our hearts in vain)
pairing: jongin/yixing
rating: pg
length: ~2400 w
summary: The moment Jongin wakes up, he starts counting the beats of his heart.


He doesn’t remember a time without his heartbeats resounding loudly in his ears, a steady hum over the racket of everyday life. It used to bother him when he was a child, when he felt that it limited him—counted down to the end even when he had no desire to. Now, though, he feels nothing but comfort in the routine that he has grown accustomed to.
Of course, if anyone asks him, he never admits it. He tells them about his dreams of breaking out of his shell and ruling the world. He tells them about the excitement he feels, the passion and determination running in his veins. They aren’t really lies, more like half-truths. He does dream of those; he just doesn’t have the guts to do anything about it.


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hoangnhung #1
Chapter 1: I've not read kailay fanfic for a long time. It' s great!
Chapter 1: The feeeeelsss~~ I love it when someone writes Kaixing stories in Jongin's perspective. <3
Chapter 1: how come this story doesn't have any comments yet this is a travesty

although the structure of the story isn't exactly unique, the fact that it has to deal with heartbeats is and the fact that someone is counting them throughout the moments. man kailay is my t h i n g man i love this so much i'm so glad i read this

thank you for writing ♥♥♥