What I Should've Done

What I Should've Done

One Shot

What I Should've Done



"Oppa, take my hand," it sounded like an order. I look at her quizzically.

"What is it?" I asked in my bore tone.

She puffs her cheeks. "Just for a while." She quickly took my hand into hers.

Her hand is soft and gentle. She hold it tighter and was looking at me, no, staring intensely at me with those eyes of hers. God, I hate it when she does that.

I can feel my cheeks starting to burn. "Areum?" I finally spoke.

She then  hold my hand a little tighter and  she looked like she was deep in thoughts?

After few seconds, she let go of my hand. "Thank you oppa. Now I finally got the answer." She smiled before leaving me.

"What is that for?" I asked basically to no one.

I didn't even realise Sehun is right beside me. "You too?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked him.

"She did the same thing to me well to all members. She also made Kai and Tao to open their shirt."

I arched one of my eyebrow. "Why?"

Sehun can only shrug his shoulders. "I don't know. Even though I asked her, she won't answer me."

"Just now she said that she finally got an answer."

"I wonder what is she up to." Both of us know that we won't get any answer unless Areum tells us.



Two weeks later.


"CONGRATULATION!" everyone cheered when Areum step inside inside the room.

"Huh? What's going on?" she asked, looking clueless.

"Aish." Chanyeol started. "Don't even hide it from us. We know you and him are dating."

Some of the members whistled and congratulate her.

I can see her blushing and it makes me uncomfortable. "You guys heard of it?" she asked while avoiding eye contact with either of us.

"Aigo~our Areumie being shy~" Baekhyun teased.

Seriously it makes my heart ache when he said it.

"It's all over the media today. Didn't you know?" said Chanyeol.

"So, when did you guys actually hook up?" asked Xiumin curiously.

God, just make me disappear right now.

"Erm...about..a week ago?"

A week ago?




She finally told us the reason why she was being weird at that time. The time when she want to hold our hands. The time when she ask some of the members to hug her. The time when she forced Kai and Tao to open their shirt. The reason why she did all this is because she wants to know her feelings she has for him. She told us how she didn't feel embarrassed or nervous when she was with us unlike she was with him. 

It was only a test. To make sure if she does fell in love for that person.

So, he manage to stole her heart.

I don't know how much I can take this.

"Hey, say something." Xiumin nudge me.

I was hesitating. I just want to run away now. But... "Congrats. I hope you guys are happy together." I smiled.

Not a smile for her happiness. It was a smile of grief that I have to let go a woman who manage to caught my heart.

"Thank you oppa," she smiled. I can see the sparkle in her eyes when everyone gives their blessing.




"Thank you for driving me home," said Areum.

"No problem."

It was nearly 11.00 p.m. and Areum doesn't want to be home late or else her manager will scold her. I volunteered to drive her home using my own car.

It was a long silent ride until we reach her dorm. Before she leaves the car I stopped her.

"Listen." I began. "Areum."

"Yes?" she respond, releasing the doorknob.

"If," I started. "If he mistreated you, your boyfriend I mean. If he ever does that or making you cry, I swear I'll beat him up."

She giggled. "Oppa, don't be too protective. I swear if he does that, I'll give him a good lesson."

"I'm serious." I hope she can see how dead serious I am. "If anything happens, you can just call me. Understand?"

Areum nods. "Okay boss." She saluted. "You're the best big brother I ever have." Areum smiled before exiting the car. "Goodnight oppa."

I didn't fail to catch her words. Big brother. Is that the only thing she sees in me?



If I could go back in time, I want to go back to the time where I should've confess to her before I lose her for good.





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Chapter 1: Nice! But who is the main boy?
Chapter 1: ohhhhhhhhhh