Chapter One: Coming Back

A Bitter Meeting

No one's POV

"Please put on your seatbelt as we are approaching Seoul, Korea. Enjoy the rest of the flight, thank you" the staff announced. Slowly the pane reached ground and everyone was getting off while there was still a gril gazing out the window. "Excuse me but we have reached the airport and everyone has to leave" the staff told her, she got up from her seat and left without saying a single thing. As she was looking for her luggage, she heard a familiar voice "Minhee! I missed you so much!" "Yah! Yah! Miyoung, you're suffocating her! Oh and Minhee, we already found your luggage. Now let's go home so you can get ready to go out and have dinner with your oppas arraso?" Jinyoung told her "Neh oppa, where's Daehyu-" "How those monsters?!" Daehyun exclaimed, obviously out of breath. "Omo, Daehyun oppa what happened to you? Why are you so out of breath?" Minhee questioned "Ask your Jinyoung oppa and bestfriend, they left me with those girls that were chasin after me." Daehyun replied "Well let's just go home so we can get ready before we're late and the others blame us, meaning I'll have to treat the dinner." "Neh Jinyoung oppa/hyung" 

During the car ride, everyone was talking except for Minhee, she was quietly listening to your iPod as you were gazing out the window again. Miyoung noticed Minhee's quietness so she started a conversation "So Minhee, how was America?" "Fine" Minhee answered bluntly "Did you make new friends?" Daehyun questioned and everyone except Minhee slightly glared at Daehyun for bringing up the subject while he mouthed 'oups' "No I didn't, are we there yet Jinyoung oppa?" Minhee questioned, "Almost, just 2 blocks away." Jinyoung replied also looking in the rear mirror to see Minhee. For the rest of the ride, it was silent.


Minhee's/your POV

As we got home, Jinyoung oppa had told us to get read by an hour and so I walked into my room along with my luggage. My room stayed the same, I walked to my shelf, I picked up the picture that was faced down, as I looked at it, tears were slowly making their way down. I put the picture back down as I wipe my face and got in the shower. After my shower, I got out and walked to my closet and got out my outfit, after changing I went to my make-up table and put my eyeliner and did my hair. This is what I looked like:


I grabbed my clutch:

  and left my room.

As I walked down the stairs, I saw Miyoung and my oppas dressed amazingly. Especially Miyoung: 

 We were now heading to the restuarant to meet up with my other oppas. Once again everyone was talking but me, but I was smiling seeing how they are arguing about who gets to sit with me, of course Miyoung was going to sit beside me but having two brothers, one of them can only sit beside me. After how long they my brothers were arguing they finally finished "Wooo! I get to sit beside my Minhee! In your face hyung, I told you that you were no match for my words." Daehyun exclaimed in victory while Jinyoung was pouting "Oppa, don't worry, I'll let you feed me ice cream arraso?" "Arraso! Hear that Daehyunnie? Minhee just said I can feed her ice cream, in YOUR face." Jinyoung said "Hyung you're so childish, I thought you were oldest in the family." Daehyun fought back "Tch, whatever."

When we reached the restaurant, we saw everyone sitting around a big round table that was in the middle of the restaurant, I guess they booked the seats beforehand. "Annyeong oppas!" Miyougn and I shouted simultaneously, everyone stopped talking as they stared at me in shock because I actually shouted happily for the first time ever since two years ago. "Omo! Minhee, you're finally here, normally if you were late we'd make you pay but since you're finally back, we'll pay for you!" "YAH Zelo! How could you say we were going to pay for 13 people??" "Himchan hyung, we aren't paying, Daehyun is" Zelo answered happily but quickly hid behind me after seeing Daehyun glaring at him. "Enough enough, we'll pay for the dinner okay?" Yongguk and CAP oppa said making the rest of us cheer in happiness. We ordered what we wanted and as we waited, Sandeul, Ricky and Zelo looked at eachother and started making weird faces, making me burst in laughters and slowly everyone else did seeing how happy I looked.

The food finally came and we quickly wolfed down the food since we were all hungry. Half way to finishing the food, Miyoung and I ordered coke, while the rest ordered sprite, and we started talking about America and more. I honestly haven't talked much until I opened my heart just for them, no one else but them. After we ate, Yongguk and CAP oppas paid for dinner just like how they promised, we then walked to the park with me and Miyoung infront arms linked together earning glares from envious girls and stares from drooling boys but of course I didn't pay attention to the drooling boys but glare at the girls that bad mouthed Miyoung, I obviously didn't care what they said about me but no one talks about Miyoung like that.

"Ae Cha, look at those girls, they probably threatened all those guys to sleep with them" "I know right, like who would even dare to go and touch those girls volentarily? You would be better then them Ae Rin" I had enough hearing those girls, I stopped walking and turned to my side where those two girls were, I walked to them and had my coldest stare, I grabbed the girl named Ae Rin's collar and lifted her up and pushed her up against the wall. "No one dares to bad mouth my friend-" "So what? I can say whatever I want you-" BAM "OMO What have you done?!" The girl named Ae Cha raised her hand to slap me, but I grabbed her hand and tightened my grip until.. CRACK until I heard a crack and punched her right on her cheek and kicked Ae Rin "Never bad mouth my friends, got it?!" I fiercely said and the two girls quickly got up and bowed many times before they ran away.

After a huge sigh, I turned around and was startled by a bear hug from Miyoung, I lightly chuckled at her behaviour, "Minhee noona, how could you randomly break someone's wrist and let them go? I wanted to break her other wrist for bad mouthing my noonas thinking they are right. Hmph" "Zelo's right Minhee, you should've let us teach them some lessons before letting them go" Baro complained. "It's okay Zelo and oppa, I know how to fight as well, and they were bad mouthing Miyoung and I, not you guys, so it was my fight with them, arraso?" "Neh Minhee/noona" Zelo and Baro chorused making me smile abit "Now, let's go get ice cream for victory!" Ricky and Sandeul shouted startling us "Oh yaay! I get to feed Minhee and-" "Who says you're feeding Minhee?! Huh Chunji? I'm feeding Minhee because she said that I, Jung Jinyoung can feed Jung Minhee" "Okay jeez, hyung I thought you were oldest in your family, you're acting just like Ricky now." "YAH who says I'm childish like Ricky?!" "WAIT what's so bad about being like me?!" Ricky exclaimed and with that everyone laughed.

In the end, we all got ice cream and of course, Jinyoung oppa did feed me.


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