SHINee chatroom!


A chatroom with all SHINee members and maybe even some guests from SM entertainment.


I just decided to do this to help me with writer's block for the oneshot requests. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS FOR INNOCENT PEOPLE TO WRITE Q_____Q jk im almost done with it though. I just needa get some weight off of me ;- ;


Onew: Dubu-Dubu

Jonghyun: puppy-saurus

Key: the-almighty

Minho: flaming-charisma

Taemin: instant-ramyun



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Kpop_Matoki #1
Chapter 2: MIO-CHAN~~!
asianhiphopdancer #2
Chapter 2: AHAHAHAHAHA! Too funny man! This is good stuff you have here! XD
asianhiphopdancer #3
Chapter 1: Hey yo! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I seriously laughed when onew left the chat and signed off!! Ahahaha! xD but anyways, interesting start. Curious to know what else happens when you update x)
ilabya4 #4