The beginning



A phone rang in the living room. “Hyung! Your Phone is ringing!” Changmin shouted at the top of his voice. Yunho came dashing out of his room and grabbed his phone. He was about to pick up the call when something odd struck him. “I don’t recognise this number at all.” Yunho thought, staring at the unknown caller Id. “Changmin! Do you know this number, 521-316-704?” Yunho shouted the number to changmin. Changmin shook his head. “I think you shouldn’t pick it up, what if it is a prank call.” Yunho looked at the number again, before sighing and pressed the hang up button. They have been getting a lot of prank calls lately. This is already the third time.  “Probably fans or reporters that want to ask us what happened between the five…now that there are only two of us left…” Changmin muttered to himself, but Yunho caught every word he said.

He felt his throat tightened and tears were threatening to flow down. He blinked rapidly while quickening his pace. He slammed the door shut once he reached his room and locked the door. Tears were streaking down visibly on his cheeks and he finally broke down as his memories flashed back into the past, stabbing at his wounds again. “We, DBSK will always continue as five, thank you Cassiopeia for always supporting us. We will not let you down.” Yunho said, during one of their concerts. Everything was going well for them, until that faithful day, when the news of the lawsuit broke out.

“THOSE BETRAYERS, HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO US? WHAT ABOUT THE PROMISES THEY MADE? TO THE FANS AND TO DONG BANG SHIN KI? DIDN’T THEY SAY THEY WILL ALWAYS BE HERE FOR US, FOR THEM, FOR YOU AND FOR ME???” Changmin punched the wall hard after he knew of the lawsuit. “They broke it…remember how they said to me they will always protect me because I am their Maknae, their brother? They ing broke it...” Changmin said to Yunho, his face softened at the thought of what they said before but hardened again, filling it with pain, anger and a tinge of loneliness. That night, both of them didn’t sleep a wink.

Things started turning downhill from then on, the bond and friendship between the members were fast deteriorating. No matter how the other three tried to talk to them, neither of the two will listen. Changmin was especially firm and he would tense up whenever any of the three is around him. Yunho didn’t know how to react too, to them, so he followed suit. Soon, Yunho and Changmin were no longer even staying in the same dorm as the other three.

A few months later, their nightmare finally came true. Their company announced their break up and it was now official. JaeJoong, Yoochun and Junsu are no longer DBSK members. The announcement broke the emotional wall within both Yunho and changmin, because as the realization that the three are no longer their members, sank in, they felt their walls of pretentious calm breaking, by undeniable hurt. They have lost their family.  


“What happened? Why? WHY?? How did this happen?” Yunho clenched his fists and punched hard onto the floor. Pain seared through his body, but he was numb to the pain. His mind was too focused on the past memories when he was happy, when he still had a complete Dong Bang Shin Ki, and when he still had him.


“Yunho, please, please listen to me! Please! This is not what you think it is!” He pleaded after Yunho. “Don’t talk to me anymore. You have done enough hurt to me and changmin. Stop trying to explain, I don’t want to hear it.” Yunho said, stopping on his track without even turning around. Then, he carried on walking back to his room, locked the door and put on his earphones to muffle the sound of crying outside the door. He felt his heart torn into pieces when he knew how much it had hurt the other man, but he was confused too, he don’t know what he want anymore…

However, no matter how he tried to brainwash himself into thinking he don’t need him, his heart won’t listen. That day the announcement was made, he felt longing. He was yearning for him, he wanted to see him, he wanted to hear the reason now, but it was too late, he had already packed up and left the dorm. He was gone. They are walking on separate paths now, and Yunho felt his world crashing down.


“Remember, you are not allowed to contact them or even meet them in private. They were the ones that betrayed you two, leaving the company for money.” Their manager told them, after the break up. “The Company was left with no choice but to let them go. It was to protect you two from getting more hurt. So remember do not contact them or pick up any number you don’t recognise on your phone.” Both of them nodded, but Yunho did it half-heartedly.


The three formed JYJ, and quickly produced an album. However, the fans were quick to realize that most of the songs were directed to Yunho and Changmin. “Hyung, did you hear their songs?” Changmin asked Yunho one day in their dorm. “What? No I haven’t.” Yunho replied shortly, he already had an idea where this conversation was going. “The fans said their song w and fallen leaves are dedicated to us.” Changmin emphasized on that word with sarcasm, while Yunho silently muttered “bingo” under his breath. “But too late, harm already done. What’s the use of apologizing now.” Changmin said coldly. Yunho signed but held his tongue, knowing that even if he said “maybe they really have their own reasons.” Changmin will not listen.


“Why did you leave me though? Is the reason so strong that you can even break our relationship for it? Have you ever felt anything for me?” Yunho asked himself repeatedly, as his flashbacks ended, bringing him back to reality. He dragged himself onto his bed with a pounding headache. He closed his eyes and slipped out of reality. “I love you…” was the last thing he thought of, before finally letting go of his conscience.


Their duo comeback was record breaking, and their song topped the charts for weeks. This again proved the popularity of DBSK. Both Yunho and Changmin were very relieved, as they had little confidence on their return, but all doubts were erased when they saw the red ocean, their red ocean, waving in the audience. However, deep down, Yunho felt lonely.


“Changmin ah, I know you won’t like this, but I really want to talk to them. I really want to know the reason they left!” Yunho couldn’t keep it anymore, he finally confessed it to Changmin. Changmin stared at him before saying, “Hyung, they betrayed us, he betrayed you.” defiantly to Yunho. “But they are not those type of people that will do this for no reason! You know them for 5 years and you know that they won’t!” Yunho said. Changmin was silent again. “Well, we can’t do anything. Even if we want to hear them out, we can’t talk or meet them. It is against our contract, Hyung.” He told Yunho, breaking the silence. Yunho saw a flash of sadness on Changmin’s face and he knew then that Changmin missed them as much as he did.

“Please, give us a way to see them again…” Yunho wished before he went to bed that night.


A few days later, at 10pm:


“Hyung! Here are your fan presents. They gave it to me on my way home.” Changmin said, handing Yunho an armful of letters and gifts. “Seriously they all need to get a boyfriend. I just ended my schedule, Im tired and then they have to give me a whole bunch of things to carry home… Tsk tsk…” Changmin rolled his eyes. Yunho smiled, he knew changmin loved the fans as much as he did. Plus, those gifts always brighten up their day. He thanked changmin before going back to his room to open them one by one.


He finally came to the last fan gift. He unwrapped the package and it contained 2 ginseng essence pills. “Dear Yunho, I hope your wish will come true. Stay healthy and take this when necessary.” Yunho smiled at his fan’s kindness and popped one golden tablet into his mouth. Soon, he felt sleepy and yawned. “I should go to sleep." He said as he laid on the bed and within seconds, he fell into a deep slumber.


Someone was ringing the doorbell. Yunho grunted, but he did nothing. “Changmin can go get it.” He thought. Then before he drift back to sleep, someone shouted, “HYUNG! WAKE UP WE ARE LATE FOR MEETING!”


Yunho’s eyes shot open. His head was spinning and his heart racing. If he was not wrong, he just heard Junsu’s voice. 



Thank you for reading! I know this chapter is quite angst, sad and long but it will get better from here! 

This is my first ever fanfic so I really hope you will like it! Please comment and let me know what you all think! It will help me out a lot for my next chapter! 

Thank you for subscribing and a special shout out to my first two subscribers theglitchmob and ShoJoongia  !! Thank you :) 


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KimBooJae #1
Chapter 1: Interesting~
Hope You Will Update Soon Author-shii :3
SpidEMcD #2
Chapter 1: Omo, hope you will update soon. I am very exited to read your story!!!