5 - Airport

I'm Stuck As ACE?!

5 - Airport

The next morning we woke up in the same position as we were in the day before... Well minus the dropping, screaming and yeah, u get the idea. 

I'm just going to skip the boring parts but in summary we got ready -one day I'm going to find out what takes so long for Kris to get ready- , got into the van and went to the airport for our flight to Korea. I was in my usual position -tucked under Kris's arm- as the six members plus me strutted into the airport like a boss, only to be bombarded with tons of screaming fans shoving cameras into their faces and screeching like banshees into their ears.

Oh, and I heard one particularly loud scream that sounded suspiciously like "KYAA, OPPA LET ME HAVE YOUR BABIES!"

I cringed. My ears were about to fall off from all the screaming. Through the thick -and I mean really the I can't see you beside me thick- crowd, I spotted the other members also trying their best to push through the crowd and avoid any crazy fans.Well, best to avoid them than get injured by their crazy antics.

As we moved deeper into the airport, the crowd of people continued following us. If this was any other day, I would be part of the crowd screaming my head off too... and when I return home, I would hear another type of screaming from my mother. Since we're on the topic about my mother, I wonder how she's doing now. What happened to my body since I'm stuck here as  a stuffed toy alpaca? And how did she react finding out about whatever happened to my body? All these unanswered questions just kept coming up. 

Suddenly, I got snapped out of my musing as the screaming reached a crescendo.

Trying to peek through the crowd to see what was happening, I saw that Luhan had fell down from all the pushing and shoving happening. Thank god he didn't get trampled on by those rabid fangirls. That would hurt alot. Ouch, it hurts just think about it.

After fighting through countless fans, we finally reached the check-in counter. I vaguely registered myself being lowered and put into something like a ... bag? Oh please don't tell me I'm going to ride with the luggage.

Although paranoid that someone would hear me talk after yesterday's little incident, I desperately don't want to ride with the luggue because well, I'm going to ride with the luggage. Is that reason enough? Can't Kris just carry me on his lap or something?

"KRISSSS!" I whisper-shouted.

Kris snapped to attention and gave me a look that said "just do as you're told." Sulking, I thought that it couldn't get any worse then this, only to get pushed down deeper into the luggage in order for Kris to zip it up. All sounds from outside was muffled and I was getting a little claustrophobic. How am I gonna survive this until the plane reaches Korea?!

I bet I could make a gymnast jealous now... not. My feet was pushed up uncomfortably against my nose. Argh, Ace should really lose some weight... If he could, that is.

Hearing the muffled sounds of Exo-m talking get softer, I assumed that they were leaving the luggage here and going to wait to board the plane. Damn you, Kris. How can you leave me stuck in the middle of your facial products and designer clothes while you go enjoy riding first class.

While grumbling to myself, I could hear the loud humming of the machines around me and I felt the luggage jerk roughly.  After what felt like millions of bumps, the luggage stopped moving and I assumed that I was finally in the plane. I'm kinda glad I can't bruise in this form, or I'll be a huge blueberry by now. Plus it would hurt alot more.

There's nothing to do stuck inside here... I guess I'll just stone.


After what felt like a few hours of stoning.


Are we there yet?! 


Oh my god this feels like forever.


Just kill me already.



Jolting awake, I immediately felt energized. FINALLY I CAN GET OUT OF HERE. I heaved a sigh of relief. Kris better get me out soon or I'm really going to blow.

I felt the luggage being transported and the rest, I'm not going to bore you with the details. After spinning on the belt a couple of times, I finally hear those familiar voices again. Oh Kris, I'm going to get my revenge once I get out of here. 

What happened next was not what I expected. Instead of taking me out of the luggage immediately, guess what he did? Yes, he just left me inside for god knows how long and the next thing I knew, we were in Exo-k's dorm. Did he forget about me? I'm sooo gonna get my revenge.

Once he opened the luggage when he got into his shared room, I lunged at him and bit those eyebrows he so dearly loved. Kidding.. If only I could do that. 

However, my raging was cut short when I saw the television that was conveniently placed in front of me. It was to the news and in huge headlines, it said, "Single mother in Seoul heartbroken to find her only daughter in a coma just yesterday. No known causes." 

On the screen, I could see my body hooked up to various machines and my tear-striken mother beside me, my limp hand.

Beside me, Kris looked to be in shock and I bet I looked the same way.

I let out a loud sob.

"Min Hee... Is that you on the news?"




Hello guys! I might not be able to update as frequently anymore due to school, so sorry if I take a long time to update :C. Thank you guys so much for subscribing/commenting/voting and reading this fic! 

If you have time, please check out my other fic too.


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boldted #1
Chapter 8: please don't let this die
Kuro_no_Daisy #2
Chapter 8: *ansious* I wanna know what Ace/Minhee is going to say as Kris and the dirty little secrets that the members will reveal heheh
Ilysulo #3
Chapter 6: Please update? :)
Chapter 8: Yay! Thank you for update author-nim^^
They are all so cute fighting over a game xD
mauge92 #5
Chapter 8: Thank you so much for updating, and sorry cause i dont have good suggestions, may i ask something with Tao? I liked it when he was suspecting of Ace xDD
Chapter 8: You're back~~~~!!!
Update more of the truth and dare game pls :3
parkjongru #7
This is just so cute xD
Update hwaiting~ kk^^
midnight-writer97 #9
Chapter 7: Please update soon! I really, really wanna know what'll happen next :)