3 - Trip

I'm Stuck As ACE?!

3 - Trip

"Guys, come on, the van is waiting for us."

Thankfully, Luhan's voice broke the awkward atmosphere. Kris scrambled away to get dressed quickly while Tao, still red-face, managed to slink out the door.

In record time, Kris was dressed and wow did he look good. Slipping on a pair of sunglasses and putting one on me too, he tucked me comfortably under his arms and speed-walked to the van.

Woooo! It felt as if I was flying. I could live with this if not for the fact that I'm totally useless in this form.

"Don't make a sound." He whispered next to my fluffy ears and I would have nodded my head if I could.

When we got to the van, all the other members of Exo-m were already inside. Kris slipped into a window seat beside Tao who quickly tried to avoid eye contact.

Still can't get over what happened in the morning, I see. I didn't know that he was so sensitive. 

Breaking me out of my thoughts, Kris placed me onto his lap and awkwardly tried to prevent having to touch me.

A few minutes into the ride, a voice broke the silence.

"Duizhang, why are you holding Ace so awkwardly?" Chen looked suspicious as he kept eyeing Kris's hands that were around me but not exactly touching me.

That question seemed to catch Kris off guard and I could feel him jump a little.

"W-well I.. erm... dropped Ace into the toilet bowl just now...?"

WHAT? Now look what you did, silly Kris, everyone is shifting away from us.

"Ew, that's why I keep telling you to not bring Ace into the bathroom with you everytime."

Oh thank goodness he didn't bring me into the bathroom.

Chen gave a disgusted face and scrunched up his nose. 

"Now I know where that stink is coming from."

Do I really smell that bad..?

"But gege, Ace was on the bed when yo-"

"You want the others to know what you were doing with Ace just now?"

That made Tao shut up almost immediately.

Looking around, the faces of the members were priceless. Unconciously, I let out a giggle. Uh oh, I swear it was an accident.

The whole van fell silent and I could just feel Kris glaring at me from behind.

"Duizhang, did you just giggle?" Lay asked with a look on his face that said "WTF". The other members also had a similar expression on their faces.

"Of course not! I was just clearing my throat. *Ehem*" Kris defended while waving his arms around. A sheepish grin adorning his face.

The rest of Exo-m looked unconvinced, but decided to leave it as that. However, when the van reached the studio and Kris picked me up to get out of the van, I swear I saw Tao staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face.



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boldted #1
Chapter 8: please don't let this die
Kuro_no_Daisy #2
Chapter 8: *ansious* I wanna know what Ace/Minhee is going to say as Kris and the dirty little secrets that the members will reveal heheh
Ilysulo #3
Chapter 6: Please update? :)
Chapter 8: Yay! Thank you for update author-nim^^
They are all so cute fighting over a game xD
mauge92 #5
Chapter 8: Thank you so much for updating, and sorry cause i dont have good suggestions, may i ask something with Tao? I liked it when he was suspecting of Ace xDD
Chapter 8: You're back~~~~!!!
Update more of the truth and dare game pls :3
parkjongru #7
This is just so cute xD
Update hwaiting~ kk^^
midnight-writer97 #9
Chapter 7: Please update soon! I really, really wanna know what'll happen next :)