1 - Morning After

I'm Stuck As ACE?!

1 - Morning After

The first thing that came to mind when i woke up was that wow, I could lie here forever.Snuggled up in a fluffy blanket and pressed against a warm solid chest. it feels like I'm in a dream.

Wait... Let's backtrack a little.

HOLY . who the beep is hugging me oh my gosh.

Ok, that really woke me up.

Being more aware of my surroundings, I tried to look around, only to get a face full of sweat shirt. 


" Yawn~ Good morning, Ace"

Pausing in my internal panic attack, I froze.

The voice sounds really really familiar, like I heard it somewhere before. Ugh mind think think think where did I hear that voice before?

And did he - well it sounded like a he - just say "Ace"? Isn't that Kris's toy alpaca or something?

I felt myself being lifted up.. which really doesn't make sense. How could this guy lift up a 50 plus kg teenager like me without any effort? Unless he's freakishly strong or something.

Up, up, up.

Oh just let me wake up from this bad dream already. Why would I even dream about getting lifted up? Is this a sign that I'm growing too fat and have to lose weight or something. Oh i just knew i shouldn't have eaten that pizza for dinner yesterday.

However, I realised that  this so called "dream" wasn't going to end anything soon, so i began to struggle.

Why am i not able to move?!

At that moment, I really began to panic.


I began to wildly kick around.. Or tried to anyways. 

But kinda worked anyway, as that scream seemed to shock whoever was holding me as he let go of me as if he just got electrocuted.

As i fell closer and closer to the ground, I squeezed my eyes shut, anticipating the impact of me hitting the floor. Will I go splat like a pancake on the floor?

Noooo! I'm too young to die!

Oh.. any time now..

Only for me to bounce off the ground.

Cue a moment of shocked silence.

Well, for about a couple of seconds that is.

"What the.... Ace, did you just talk?"

Oh look it's that familiar voice again.

Annnd... I got picked up again, only to come face to face with.. Kris Wu?


Ok. things just gets increasingly weirder.

Part of me was squealing like a dying whale while the other part of me was panicking because you do not just suddenly wake up in a celebrity's bed, especially one that you are such a big fan of.

Wait.. and why is he calling me Ace?




*sobs* I'm so sorry.



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boldted #1
Chapter 8: please don't let this die
Kuro_no_Daisy #2
Chapter 8: *ansious* I wanna know what Ace/Minhee is going to say as Kris and the dirty little secrets that the members will reveal heheh
Ilysulo #3
Chapter 6: Please update? :)
Chapter 8: Yay! Thank you for update author-nim^^
They are all so cute fighting over a game xD
mauge92 #5
Chapter 8: Thank you so much for updating, and sorry cause i dont have good suggestions, may i ask something with Tao? I liked it when he was suspecting of Ace xDD
Chapter 8: You're back~~~~!!!
Update more of the truth and dare game pls :3
parkjongru #7
This is just so cute xD
Update hwaiting~ kk^^
midnight-writer97 #9
Chapter 7: Please update soon! I really, really wanna know what'll happen next :)