My Twelve Minions

Chapter 1: "Minions, ... Minions Everywhere."







"Boy, is you serious?" Lili, a friend of mine, said as she looked over at the boy sitting just a seat away from us during science class. The desks were not like the others as these desks were conjoined together, seating exactly four seats per table which meant thirty six students in class by the way. Anyway, back to Lili with her grammar, I looked over at the boy as he looked up at Lili. A timid boy is what I instantly thought. 


The boy, whom I haven't gotten to know the name of - despite it being the fourth week of school since it started as a new school year - blinked but smiled, goofily, and shrugged as he sat up in his seat with his knee propped onto it, using his other as support which made it look like he was about to get out of his chair. 


Why Lili had asked that, again with her grammar, was because the boy had crumbled up his worksheet paper Mrs.Park has given us to work on during science class ; we had to do some liquid measuring lab assignment with volume and different objects. 


Now that I think about it, I don't think Lili said that because of what the boy did. More like of what he wanted to do with it. 


"I'm gonna murder the paper." The boy said as he held the crumbled up paper in his hands and went over round the table to the sink that each desk/table had. I didn't say anything, but what was I supposed to even say though? Lili clicked her tongue against the roof of as she watched him do so. She was standing at the sink grasping the measuring cylinder we were supposed to use. We had to drain the water from it. 


"Boy, stop it." Lili said, as she looked at him while her free hand went to reach the sink handle to turn it on. "You better stop playing with me. Go throw it in the recycle bin." 


I, again, didn't say anything and just sat there, choosing to not bother with it as I heard Lili's voice tell him to go throw it in the recycling bin than just trying to "murder" his messed up paper. 


After that, I saw Lili out of the corner of my eye sit down next to me - more specifically sitting on the leg she had on the chair seat while the other stood on the ground. She ran her fingers through her long, almost to the center of her , natural blonde and brown hair. Yeah, she was a foreigner but spoke fluent Korean in less than three months. Pretty weird but amazing, right?


"Shoot, this is hard." Lili sighed as she tapped the end of her blue led pencil on her paper, pointing directly at the boxes where we had to fill in the volumes and answers. I nodded and agreed, sitting upwards as I reached forward to grasp the measuring cylinder Lili had placed in front of us. 


"I think we just measure halfway, and then add that fishing sinker in and measure it again with it." I told her, giving her the metal and slightly heavy fishing sinker. She then stood up from her seat afterwards. 


"Give me the thingy," Lili said and I gave it to her as told. I watched as she slightly crouched, she was a good one foot taller than almost everybody else but about the same height as some other boys in this class. She placed the fishing sinker at the tip of the opening and looked down at me with a laugh. "I'm scared, I ain't trying to get myself wet when this splashes." 


"Haha, just slide it in gently." I grinned, standing up as well and laughed along as Lili laughed at what I said. She looked at me with that familiar glint of glee in her eyes as she nodded to me while nudging me by her elbow. 


"Aye, I see what you did there girl." 



"You ready to party like a lobster?!" Amber zoomed up to the front of my house and to me as she laughed and grinned, her beach blonde hair slightly swaying in the rush of wind. I burst into a fit of giggles as I closed the door after telling my mom I was going out with Amber, locking it tightly as I stood in front of the "llama". 


"It's party like a rockstar, stupid." I rolled my eyes playfully at her, and she only shrugged while her loose but stylish jacket shrugged upwards as well. 


"You just gotta ruin the fun, huh?" 


"Whatever." I said, and she only smiled. Slinging her arm so abruptly around my shoulder, she made me fall onto her as she twirled and twisted, that lazy but happy smile on her face as she threw her free hand carrying her car keys into the air. 


"Woohoo! Let's go watch Despicable Me!" She cheered, and I had to catch her from twisting her ankle and falling flat onto the ground. 


"Yah, are you high or what?" I joked, and she turned to me with a jerk which caught me by surprise. 


"I'm high on life, yo'. High on life." 


Fast forward because I don't want to explain the details of the way to get to the movie theater, Amber and I stepped out of her car and went to go up to the ticket booth where a guy was. A guy with shoulder length long blonde and black tipped and root hair, thick and - I must admit - cool looking eyeliner lining the bottom eyelid and a smoky look on the top eyelid. 


Ooh, boy, who are you? I thought in my head, I could feel a smile creeping on my face. He was cute and handsome, but I never met a boy who'd wear heavy eyeliner - I only met one boy and I forgot his name already. He was a senior at a different high school and came to tour around my school, but whatever. 


Amber nudged me as she grinned, muffling her snort and laughter as now it was our turn for the tickets. "Yo', okay. Hah, we'd like two tickets to Despicable Me." 


The boy, who held a blank and serious face, looked up at us through the glass window case before cracking a heart dropping smile, and oh let me tell you, his smile was gorgeous! 


"Despicable Me fans? I like the movie, it's funny." He said, and I nodded quickly. My eyes roamed from his face as he began getting Amber and my tickets, and I noticed the name tag pinned to his work vest. Jiyong, huh? 


"Yeah, I like it too, but this girl here loves the minions in them. She's practically obsessed with them." Amber grinned, pointing her thumb at me as she slid Jiyong the ten dollars - five dollars per person - under the slot in the booth. I pouted and pushed her with my shoulder, saying that the minions were adorable. 


When it comes to minions, I go serious. I mean, aren't they just cute and funny? I wish they really existed, so I could have them as my own! I thought as I looked away, my arm hanging onto Amber's like a couple would do as she now escorted us to the cenema where we had to get our snacks and then go down to find the room where the movie was playing. 


After buying our snacks, Amber held candy packages and chocolate bars as I held our small bucket of buttered popcorn ; our "signature" food to eat together whenever we watch movies at home or at the movie theater. But with the "signature" popcorn, I found it weird how she thinks that popcorn is "our" food when practically everybody ate them at the movies. Ah, but whatever. 


As we found the room where Despicable Me was playing, I grew excited and jumpy. I've seen the movie before, but this is the first time I'd actually see it here. And not through my laptop screen. I pushed open the doubel sided door and stood in awe at the sight. Hanging through the entrance was fishing string - the ones that are almost invisible - and at the bottom swung tiny cardboard cutouts of the minions. 


Glued or posted to the walls were the same minions, but bigger and this time some were wearing costumes. Like the baby one with the diaper and toy, the mom with the dress and wig, and the dad with the shirt and pants and hat. But what's better was that there was actual goggles, like the minions wear, settled on the table near the door when Amber and I came in. 


Oh my freaking god, do we get to take these?! My mouth grew wide, and I didn't notice Amber standing there with her amused expression until a little later.


Despite all of this, I could only say so little. 


"Minions ... minions everywhere."





Hiiii ~ first chapter is out! o u o mhm, pretty short and boring but this is just the intro so of course things are slow or whatever. mhm, i don't have much to say honestly other than i hope you guys still like this chapter! > w < ehh, that's all l0l0l xD see you until the next chapter!

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TabiTabiPo #1
first subbie here..lol