
Stole My Heart

"What? Is there something on my face?" Rose asks facing Chanyeol. 

He's staring at her, his face in shock as he takes in the new information. 

"Kai... Do you... Do you... Like him?" he mumbles. 

Rose puts her head in her hands, ashamed, "Oh my God, is it that obvious? Stupid, Stupid!" She repeatedly slaps her head. 

Chanyeol ignores her question. "But why? When? You only came here two days ago!" 

His voice is rising but he does not care. This isn't fair! He liked her first but now she has a crush on a guy she barely knows? 

"I honestly don't know..." Rose started but she couldn't lie to Chanyeol. One look at his face and she saw that he was seriously interested. Rose felt like she can trust her partner, the first friend she had made in this school. 

"I saw him in the cafeteria with you and your friends. The other day... Remember when he got up from his seat and started dancing?" 

Chanyeol slowly nodded his head, afraid of where this was going. 

"I couldn't help but just stare at him. The way he moved... it was so flawless and smooth," Rose smiled as the memory came back to her. She looked back to Chanyeol. "Later that day, I saw him in the hallway and went up to him. I told him that I loved his dancing... That he reminds me of orchids that are a symbol for rare and delicate beauty. He laughed at the thought, you can literally see his eyes twinkling, and that perfect smile..." 

*Cough, cough* 

Chanyeol would rather be cleaning the toilets than hear Rose fangirl over one of his close friends. 

"Oh sorry, back to the story," Rose apologized with a blush. "Anyway, I guess he decided to play along with the flower analogy and said, 'Well I would say you remind me of a white rose'. I was really taken aback by this and asked him why, anticipating for his answer. That's when he grinned at me and told me, 'because it stands for innocence and purity, exactly what you are.'" 

Chanyeol did not understand. "So because he called you a white rose, you just fall for him?" 

"I don't know! It it home for me, I guess you can say... My dad passed away when I was 2 and my mom told me that he called me Rose because he thought of me to be just that, innocent and pure. The fact that Kai sees that in me...-" 

She heard vibrating coming from her bookbag. As she went to check whose calling, Chanyeol could feel his heartbreaking and he didn't know what to do. He just wasn't use to this. 

After hanging up the phone, Rose stood up and gathered her stuff. 

"Channie, I'm really sorry but my mom wants me home now. We can talk more tomorrow?" 

Chanyeol faked a smile, "Sure, see you tomorrow."

Rose geniunely smiled back and headed out for the door.

"If I were to give you a flower," Chanyeol mumbles to himself, "I would give you a yellow tulip... maybe then you could see my hopeless love for you..." 


Awww~ Channie is going through some emotions he's not used to :( Short chapter! Mi sowwie, school just started >.<

For the gif, I was thinking of how Chenyeol would react to Rose's confession.. He would bite his lip and nod his head..

Anyway! I tried to tie in flower symbols in here so I hope you liked it!! :)

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100percentforeverlov #1
Chapter 7: I feel so bad for chanyeol i mean he really liked her
exo_we_are_1 #2
Chapter 7: Whoa what just happened._. Update soon!
catwoman4eva #3
Chapter 4: I love this story!!!!!! When will Chapter 5 come out?? There is so much suspense!!!!!!!!!!
100percentforeverlov #4
Chapter 4: Not to be mean but you kind of make a lot of short chapters
MelodyRose #5
Chapter 4: Wonderful story!!!!! I can't wait to read the rest! Update soooon!!!!
SunHunnie #6
Chapter 4: I love ur story! Update soon :)