Hot Chocolate

The Sun and The Moon


Sulli can literally feel the tension building between her and Soojung as their fingers brush together, not for the second time, but for the sixth time in the past five minutes. She turns her back on the other girl when the stares and the glances and the rush gets to be too much for her to handle, facing the counter to stir her steaming mug of hot chocolate, deep in thought as Soojung watches Sulli from her perch atop the slab of black marble counter top across from the taller girl. Something about this new neighbor of hers is filling the air between them with electricity, and haywire hearts, and Sulli likes it. She likes the feeling of Soojung’s cinnamon flecked eyes traveling over her, the subtle but deliberate way Soojung would touch her every chance she got, everything about this stranger sent little shocks coursing through Sulli. Just as she was about to turn around to meet Soojung’s level gaze, she felt something soft and firm press into her back. A strangled gasp once she realized exactly what was pushing up against her. “Here,” Soojung whispers into the shell of Sulli’s ear, “let me help you with that.”

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Chapter 20: I really enjoyed reading this story. It’s seemed a bit new to me, not fully, but there are some aspects that seem new and unique. It’s been a couple of years since you wrote this but I really really hope you’ll continue it one day, like I’m so curious on how Krystal is doing and how she fully decided to choose Music over Love even though love was there for her when her father basically kicked her out. One thing that had me lost was the mention of Minho twice. He plays the role of Mr Choi and Krystal’s brother? Unless you’re using two different Minho’s? I do love the relationship Sulli has with her daughter, it’s pretty cool and chill. Also that moon and sun story was so deep and interesting. Gosh I loved everything about this story, it had me wanting more
Chapter 20: Update soon my jungli feels T.T
Chapter 20: I miss this soo much, haha

Ah yess, taewoo is right i guess, there must something more than that, :)
Thanks for the update
Chapter 19: JungLi I can see that you really have a strong bond .. But why and Why did you guys broke up ? :3
Chapter 19: Oohhh... Love the proposal!!!
But the big question is, who's taewoo's father? I'm pretty sure it wasnt sulli.. Lol
>.< thanks for the update
Chapter 19: O.O.... ohoh Nice chapter :)
Chapter 18: Soojung is... Superbly hot. Haha loving teen jungli..

I m attracted to the moment where sulli reminisce jungli love to their daughter ^^ very movie like
Chapter 18: Soojung is no joke . She is really Hornx XD
Poor Sul your bottom is Sore .