Bright Roses.


Bright Roses.

Love. What is love exactly? How did it come here? How did we felt that? How could it make  us act like this? It made us feel different. Act different. Speak different. Feel different. Even though love can be difficult it made us fell  good when we were down. It made us feel like we were not alone. It made us feel like that someone loved you with their whole heart. That's why falling in love is the best feeling of all. What makes us curious as well is that maybe our friends could be secretly in love too. And maybe even on you. Wouldn't that be weird but great too? Everbody falls in love. YG Entertainment is a record label and talent agency founded by Yang Hyun-suk based in Seoul, South Korea. People around the world does audition for it to get famous or to complete their biggest dreams! It happend to so many people and look how far they came. Anyone got closer with each other and accept each other as they are. Just like how 2NE1's CL and BIG BANG's G-Dragon. They're such best friends with each other but also close. They have been friends for so many years now. They perform together. They hang out together. They are there for each other when the day is getting hard. But.. Has there even been a sign of love? Like, True love? There have been rumours that so many people want them to be a couple or are calling it: ''Shipping each other.'' Could they maybe be a couple already or hasn't there been a little love? Or will it suprise them? You'll never know... 
CL, Park Bom, Dara, Minzy. 
G-Dragon, Taeyang, Seungri, Daesung, TOP.
Yang Hyun-Suk (CEO), Lee Hi and some other people.
Hello everyone and thank you for reading this short intro about the story i write. I love the ship Skydragon. It has been one of my favourite ships, I also ship Bombae, Park Bom and Taeyang. What? Am i the only one or so? Anyhow. About CL and G-Dragon. I think that their not in a relationship but that they have a crush on each other. I mean, Did you guys saw the previous perfomance on G-Dragon's concert where he had his head close to CL her head and that CL hugged him and then that they walk like a couple back? I mean, Wow. It gets steps higher. Will the next perfomance be actual kiss? I ask myself that all the time! Howhever. Again thanks for reading and subscribe if you liked it! I will write the first chapter as soon as possible! Annyeong ~.


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ra21ah #1
Chapter 5: Why? Who is after chaerin? Who is that man? Dara is acting weird.more like she is doing something behind her back.why is she like that? Why does someone has to be after chaerin? many questions so pls update soon ;-)
Ciel_GZB #2
Chapter 3: I sense something bad is gonna happen to their relationship soon.. Well, seeing how Dara react (or not react) makes me think that she's gonna do smthing. Before she does that & hurt chaerin, she better back off...
infiknight94 #3
Chapter 2: woaaahh better this time :) you put some spaces there kkk~~ how sweet they are.. make me wanna find a boyfriend too kkk update soon please :D
sophiee #4
Chapter 2: wah... love this chapter... skydragon in love...
they love each other...

waiting for next chapter....
update soon pleaseee
infiknight94 #5
Chapter 1: good good.. love it kkk~~ btw, i think you make a mistake right? ji shouldn't call noona to chae because chae is younger than ji.. update soon pleaseee hehee
Ravaaaa #6
Chapter 1: omoo
cl is noona and gd is oppa?
make me confusing -_-
btw keep updatee
nice story
Chapter 1: oh this one is nice, you have to work on putting spaces between paragraphs though, so it will be easier to read~

also, like others have mentioned, i dont think ji and youngbae would call cl noona since she is younger than them. the term noona is used by a boy to address an older girl (like bom and dara for jiyong) ^^

good luck~!
chaedony #8
Chapter 1: Wait... YB & GD called CL noona, but then CL called GD Oppa? So is she older or younger than them in this story? lol