Rusted Wheels

Rusted Wheels

The rusted wheels send up a shrieking sound.

I pedaled the bicycle down the road. It carried our bodies onward to the train station as the rusted wheels send up a shrieking sound. You leaned on my back as I pushed the pedals and what was transmitted, was definite warmth. I panted as we went up the hills along the railroad tracks.  I heard you scream from the back, cheering me on,

“Come on! A little bit more!” you seemed happy, but I felt the otherwise. My heart throbbed at the sudden pain.

“Where are the people? It’s too quite; feels like the world only consisted with you and me.” I heard you complained silently. I chuckled, and all my fatigue went away.

Reaching up the top of the hills, we fell speechless. The picture of sunrise that we saw was much too beautiful. Suddenly you laughed, saying that my expression was epic and telling that you would miss this picture of beauty in this town. I could not turn my face, I could not look; tears escaped my eyes, I was crying.

Going down as we tracing the path, I could feel you spread your arms wide feeling the wind brushing gently against your skin. A shrieking sound could be heard as I hit the break, and the pain came back.

You dropped your bag on the road.

You bought one ticket, an expensive one, and I bought one too the cheap one without you noticing it. Our tickets were different. I did not notice. You suddenly stopped, the bag you had bought one month ago was caught, you looked at me; avoiding your eyes I nodded. My hand reached the bag and freed the stubbornly stuck bag’s cord that at the turnstile.

I put my ticket away on my jeans pocket as the resounding bells announced your departure. You went to the door of your train that would bring you home.

One-step more distant than however many thousand.

Standing in behind the unclosed door, you were saying words confidently,

“I promise you! we’ll definitely meet again someday!” Unable to answer, with my eyes cast downward, I just waved my hands.

Once again the resounding bells announced your departure. You stepped back, and the door was closed. I looked at your back facing me behind the glass door. Your body shaking and I knew you were crying. I hurriedly ran back to the parking lot.

Faster than the wind, I pedaled my bicycle, trying to catch up with you. I was doing my best to line up with the train, but it slowly pulled away. Seeing the distant train running far from my sight, I silently made a promise.

Definitely, we’ll meet again someday. I promise you.

Going back to the hills along the railroad tracks, I saw people were starting to get crowded. Though the city were bustling,

“I feel like im the only one in this world” I chuckled bitterly.

The rusted wheels sending up a shrieking sound. Left behind, I’m carried along, a faint warmth


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