In Her Eyes




Park Minhee is one of the fairest girls in town. Silky, white skin, long and wavy brown hair with  matching almond eyes. A rare beauty. Along with this, she also comes from a fairly wealthy family, is at the top of the class and has a great bunch of friends to keep her company. Nonetheless, Minhee had been feeling rather down lately.

The dark circles that surrounded her dead eyes, the chapped lips, thin cheeks, pale face and the gloom that constantly stalked Minhee were not left unnoticed by Park Chanyeol. And taking it as his responsibility as her best friend, he vowed to find out what was bothering his childhood chum.














Prologue ♔





Chanyeol's P.O.V


'It's already been three days since she smiled. She's lost a lof of weight and is a little paler than usual as well. I wonder what's bothering her...' He thought as he looked at her from outside the window. Apparently Mr. Kim had decided to let her class out early so now Minhee was sitting alone on one of the bences outside. She sat on the one nearest to the wall, the one by the corner. She had her head and back resting tiredly on the wall and her legs were on the rest of the bench. She wasn't doing anything in particular, just staring blankly into space. Her coffee must be cold by now. "Alright class, make sure you read pages 6 to 9 in your text book and don't forget to answer the questions on page 10 after." Mrs. Han said as she walked out of the classroom. I made sure my wallet and phone were in my pockets before dashing out of the room, towards Minhee. 

"Hey bee!" I yelled when I was in hearing distance from her. Minhee shifted her head so she could look at me but she didn't turn around fully. 'She must be really tired.' "Hey bee" she muttered, I almost couldn't hear it. She forced a smile at me before closing her eyes for a second or two then opened them again. "Are you feeling alright? You seemed rather.. down lately" I asked honestly. She looked down and kept quiet for a couple of seconds before looking up again, forcing another smile while nodding. I could feel a frown make its way on my face. "Minhee, don't lie to me." The frown I had copied and pasted itself on her face. "I'm not." she defended. "Yes you are. Now tell me what's bothering you." I commanded. Worry started overwhelming me when she didn't answer. She just stayed quiet, ignoring me. I sighed "Whatever." I said walking away, for now. She can have her way this time but I'll find out whatever it is that's bothering her in time.














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Chapter 1: Does Myungsoo have a crush on Minhee or not? Or are they just frs?
Kaismyseoulmate #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^