YS Sweet Coffee


Main Character: Yoseob & You

Summery: You and Yoseob are best friends. You guys met at 10 years old. But separated at the age of 13. You wanted to find Yoseob back, read the story to find out more.


It was a very sunny day. It was also the day when you are moving house. Your tears fell as you wave good-bye to Yoseob, your best childhood friend . The car turned into a corner, you can't see Yoseob any more. You guys were only 10 years old. 13 years later at the age of 23, you found a job at a cafe. Junhyung was your colleague. You work there because you wanted to find Yoseob back. You remember that he loves to drink coffee, so you hoped that he would come here one day. You do not know Yoseob's 23 years old face so you loses hope sometimes.

"______ , you are so moody today!" Junhyung will always say. You will always look at him and shake your head. "It's nothing...." You will always reply. Although Junhyung is nice to you, you still hadn't gave up on Yoseob. One rainy day, 10am in the morning. Many customers came into the cafe for shelter. A very handsome man walked in, he ordered a cake from you. You kept looking at him like he was very familiar. Is he Yoseob? The boy i know 13 years ago? You thought. The more you look at him, the more familiar he is. The man sat on the table not very far from you. You thought that god is helping you. You wanted to try your luck to identify him. He likes sweet coffee (more milk actually) but you did not know how to give to him.

Fortunately, he came to order a cup of coffee after his cake. He said to put more milk in it, exactly what Yoseob would want it to be. You had more confidence. You wrote something on a piece of paper and stuck it on the cup. The man took the cup and went back to his seat. He found the note halfway through. He read it and look at you, you smiled back. The man left the cafe. You continued working. It was soon night, 8:00pm. Your job ends here, you went to take your handbag and left from the back door. You did not went home, instead, you stood there. 5 minutes later, Junhyung came out. "______ , why are you not going home?" he asked you kindly. "I am waiting for someone." You explained.

After Junhyung had left, another man approached you from another side. You smiled and waved at him.The note you write is this: Meet me at the back of the cafe at 8:00pm. I have something to tell you. He is the men whom you served earlier. The moonlight shone brightly on the two of you. "Hello, what do you want me for?" the men asked. "What is your name?" You asked. The men said, "My name is Yang Yo Seob." You were on cloud nine and immediately hugged him. Yoseob was shocked, he did not know you were _______. "Why did you hugged me?" Yoseob asked.

You immediately take out a photo upon hearing that. "Look at this photo, isn't this you?" You said. The photo is about you and Yoseob when you were 10. Yoseob looked at it closely and take out a photo too. It's exactly the same! "Are you ______ ?" Yoseob asked. You nodded and even explained how hard you waited for him to appear. Yoseob hugged you again. "I miss you _______, it's been 13 years!" he said into your ears. The two of you felt very happy. You and Yoseob exchanged phone numbers. You specially made a new menu for Yoseob only. It is called YS Sweet Coffee....


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