Show Me

Show Me - Myungsoo

Walking past the sweet flower and jewelry shop was your favorite. The sweet perfume of the flowers amongst the glitter and the shine of the jewelry. The way the lights hit the flowers and made them seem so unique yet the same.

Opening the door to the shop, you always went into the shop after a hard day and today it was much needed, it helped that you also had a part time job there as well. Browsing through the new selection of flowers and smelling their unique scents made you feel so warm and happy inside. As you walked to the back of the store where the cashier counter was you saw a familiar figure. Cocking your neck from one side to another. Sliding behind the desk you decided to take this sale since you didn’t see anyone else.

"So who are these beautiful flowers and necklace for?" You asked as you rung up the items.

"Oh it is for a secret girl of mine" He said with a smile.

"Would you like me to personalize the card?" You asked as you looked at his blushing face.

"That would be great." He said as he pulled out his wallet to pay for the flowers and jewelry. 

"I would like to say: Dear Noona, I know we haven’t spent some time together but I hope that these will make up for all of the time that I have been away. With Love, Myungsoo." He waited for you as you wrote the card with your perfect penmanship. You placed the card in the flowers as you finished writing his note, not thinking of who was actually standing in front of you. As you handed over the flowers and the little jewelry box to him, you saw what you were looking for.


His eyes met yours and thanked you for the help as he left the shop smelling the flowers of their sweet scent. Once he walked out the door he walked right back in as he looked at you from across the shop. You waved at him as you knew what happened. You weren’t his noona, there was another woman in his life besides you. The flowers dropped from being upright to down by his side as he stood there in shock. Moving around the shop, watering the flowers you thought about what just happened on how it was perfect timing just after one of the most stressful days of work ever. 

”________, I didn’t mean to, it just kind of happened. She was on the road with me all the time and things just kind of tumbled from there. I am so sorry.” Myungsoo said as he followed you around with your duties.

"Show me" You said quietly as you sprayed some flowers.

"What?" Myungsoo said

"Show me that you were wrong to leave me, show me that you care for me, show me that you love me." You said as you walked to the sink bumping his shoulder as he stood there stunned.

"I will." Myungsoo said under his breath as he walked out of the shop. As you heard the door close you braced yourself against the sink as tears fell into the stainless steel sink as they sounded their collision. One of your co workers emerged from the back as she saw you clutching the sides of the sink, trying to steady yourself.

"Go home, I can still take care of it by myself. Have the night off dear." The sweet older lady, your boss, tried to console you as you nodded and agreed. Before you left you wrapped her in a hug and thanked her. She was like your grandma, always around when you needed her. Cleaning up after yourself, you left the shop soon after as tears never ceased to run down your face.

That night you spent it all alone, just you and the radio. Trying to drown your thoughts in others. You finally fell asleep on the couch as the radio played throughout the night to keep you company.

The next morning you got ready for work as you locked your apartment behind you. Walking down the stairs you saw a man that was curled up on the stairs. You bent down and moved his hair from his eyes as you saw that it was Myungsoo. Your heart ached, ached for having him let you go but more for the state that he was in now. Hoisting him up and placing his arm over your shoulder, dragging him to your apartment you laid him on your bed. You called the sweet old lady telling her that you needed another day, she happily gave it to you as you changed into some relaxing clothes.

The whole day he slept, slept peacefully in your room. Towards the end of the day he emerged from your room.

”______?” He asked as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Why am I back here?”

"What were you doing outside on the stairs." You didn’t let your eyes waver from the book as he sat next to you.

"I was thinking about you, about us. Why I did what I did. I guess the reason why I left you was that I didn’t feel that you liked me anymore, that I didn’t know if I loved you. But when I saw your face and your broken heart I knew that I loved you more than anything in the world. If I wasn’t willing to risk my life for you then I couldn’t have you because you deserve better." He took some deep breaths as his eyes began to swell with tears, "I stayed up all night to try and find the right words to apologize to you and to ask for another chance, but I thought that might hurt you more. So I am here offering you, myself. A heart for a heart, a life for a life. I just want you, to love and to hold the rest of my life."

Tears fell from his eyes as your arms wrapped around him holding him close. He choked up in your shoulder as he held you tight.

"I love you Myungsoo" You cried into his shoulder

"I love you _______." He responded as you kissed his cheek never wanting to let you go.

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-natsukim #1
Chapter 1: A good one.
Lol, myungsoo got all wordsss
Chapter 1: i keep using one word for all ur fanfics: sweet =]
Chapter 1: Waaaahhhh !!!! This is amazing ♥♥♥
carolinadc9 #4
Chapter 1: kyaaaaa.....!!! WOWW!!! Good fanfict :'D