How past bring future


Mocking is the only thing she could do while her dad is just laughing at it. How could she not? This is the promised to be a happy day when there are just her, her secretly crush, dad and mom. Now this day breaker boy sitting on the other line of her is in her dad's car, chattering with her secret crush, Seohyun in the middle. And without even blinking at her at all.

"Dad, I hate you."

She mocked that receiving more laugh from her dad.

"Yuri, it's not funny."

Her mom glaring straight at her dad icily.

"Err what can I do? I can't just reject Yonghwa's parents request to take care of him, just relax, it will be fun to have more friend joining us to the amusement park."

"But he is flirting with Seohyun..."

Yoona reply with her arms crosses. She keeps on being like that until they reach for the amusement park. While parents are buying tickets, Yoona just glaring at the boy talking to her crush.

"Kids, here put this ticket around your wrist, just ride anything you like we'll watch you guys from behind."

The kids circles their wrists with the tickets as Yuri told them to. Excitement got all over's YongHwa's body and soul, so as Seohyun. The boy pointed all the ride he wanted to ride, acted like exactly boys in his age. Which is mean taking someone's predicate as 'choding'.




"Woo! That was fun! Aren't you agree Seohyun?"

Yonghwa jumps in happiness after he enjoyed the life-threaten-tower.

"Yes it is oppa, but that made feel dizzy a bit."

"Well, I feel it too but we'll be fine later if we rest a bit! Right Yoona?"

He turns to see what Yoona's answer will be, but the girl isn't there.

"Wh..where is Yoona?"

God must be giving her the most cursed boy for a day ever. First, in her supposed-to-be indirect 'date' with her crush is really crushed by a cursed boy. Second, this cursed boy bringing the-hell-tower-ride to her, and he was bringing her to death slowly by keep on vomiting. Gladly, she still can feel her foot are stepping on the earth as she walk back to her friends. Seohyun realize Yoona's presence as she looks around the park.


A hug is thrown to Yoona and the cupid pointed her at the same time to feels loving. Yet, Yoona can't hide her pale face although, she's in heaven right now.

"Omo! Eonnie! You're whiter than me! You're sick!"

Another hit strikes her, both warm hands of Seohyun's are on her cheeks. This isn't the first time but somehow, this time she's illusioning about Seohyun as her face is right in front of her and only inches away as Seohyun's forehead meet hers. Two girls are having a looks like romantic moment, while Yonghwa just stand there and stare. There's no idea in his mind why he's feeling this sting in his heart. He just shrug it off and walk to the girls to know what exactly they're doing.



Yoona is happy for her mom's concern to make her lay down on a bench with pillow thighs from her. But her heart is tearing apart. She has to lay down to get rid of this dizziness while Yonghwa is having fun with her girlfriend! (Not yet but she assume that she's hers.) Though, with the feeling of concern, beside it Yuri feel jealousy for her son. It has been a long time since the pillow thighs of her wife's was given to her. Poor little Yoona, her dad's 'byun' personality beat her concern for Yoona. Her 'byun' mind mode is automatically on as she decide to make Yoona feel jealous over Yonghwa more.

"Yoongie, are you ok?"

"No, appa my head hurts TT_TT"

Yoona snuggles more to her mom's thighs to get more comfortable spot for her aching little head. Jessica always knows what best for her daughter, she starts to Yoona's forehead and singing Yoona's favourite song with her wonderful voice. In other hand, Yuri is panicking because she doesn't want Yoona to be asleep on her wife's honey puffy marshmallow thighs.

"Err... Yoongie, I see Yonghwa is trying to kiss Seohyun there!"

Her body reflect to snap up as she heard her dad telling her about Yonghwa's flirt.

"Where appa!?"

She jump up from the bench and loudly ask her dad, Yuri give her the direction then Yoona run fast just like lightning.

"Yoong! Wa... SEOBANG! >//<"

Jessica was about to go after Yoona, she's really worried about her. But stuck when she feels something places on her thighs.

"Yes? Baby?"




"Oppa, it was scary, don't you think so?"

The teenager come out through the exit door of the haunted house. Though she still looks calm as always, but inside Seohyun is still a bit frightened. Somehow, the boy knows that the traumatic moment is still in seohyun's head. Yonghwa is in dilemma of making seohyun leans her head on his shoulder to calm her down. It's not that he never did this to a girl before, but Seohyun's face make him rather to do so or no.

"Uh... Hyun?"

He decided to ask for Seohyun's permission first in the end.

"Yes, oppa? Is there something wrong?"

"Um can I-"

Just when he was about to ask her, keroro's movie Ost comes out from Seohyun's phone, intruding Yonghwa to talk.

"I'm sorry, oppa, please excuse me."

Seohyun flips her phone while slowly walking away from the boy. Their distance is only about 5 meters away, so Yonghwa still can see her back.


"Ah! Hyunnie! Where are you now?! Are you ok?! Yo..yonghwa oppa didn't do anything to you... Right?"

Yoona kept on asking her questions and stopped when it comes to Yonghwa. The boy seems to be her big enemy today. Reversed from Yoona, Seohyun is kind of an understanding girl. She let Yoona blurted out all she wanted to say, and start speaking when Yoona is done.

"Eonnie, calm yourself down please, I am now in front of the haunted house, and I'm fine eonnie, Yonghwa oppa only treated me an ice cream isn't he kind eonnie?"

"ICE CREAM?! H..hyunnie, just wait there! I'll go there in a minute! Don't move! Understand?"

Seohyun's heart was skipping a beat when yoona shouted at the 'ice cream' word. What is the matter with an ice cream? Yonghwa isn't a kidnapper anyway.

"Yes eonnie, I understand."

Yoona presses the reddish button on her phone to end the call. With all her might, she run like a lightning comes to meet the ground. Her mind got corrupted by the 'ice cream' word because of the comic she read yesterday.

"JUNG YONGHWA, YOU CAN'T HYUNNIE'S CHEEK LIKE THE COMIC I READ! ...because I will be the one who did that to Hyunnie."

People around her got their eyes on Yoona who was just screaming loudly about a cheek. They chuckled to that and the tomato on Yoona's face gone redder and redder when people chuckled at her one by one.



Because Yoona told her to not move, Seohyun never move even a single muscle of hers. As for Yonghwa, he did move his arms over his head, but never leaving his spot, keeping the distance between him and Seohyun. 'Do girls always taking time so long to call?'
He thought. 5 minutes passed and neither Yonghwa or seohyun move away from their spots until Yoona come to Seohyun.

"Hyunnie! I was so worried!"

Yoona glomps Seohyun so hard until she almost choking her. Seohyun pats Yoona's back several time while giving her a gentle hug as a reply. They did unaccountable hugs already but, lately Seohyun's heart was giving her this comfy feeling whenever Yoona hug her. When the girls are having a happy time hugging, the boy's heart is aching so badly somehow. Dampness and empty, he never feel it before but he know he hate it.

'Seems like I fell for hyun... But why do I feel like that she love Yoona?'

"Uh, Yoona, are you ok? Has your head stop aching already?"

He interrupted the hugging girls and that make the girls separated their body.

"That's right! Eonnie, you should of lay down and rest."

"No, no I'm fine now, it was gone when I was running to here, besides... Appa seemed to be enjoying my pillow right now -___- ."

The other teen look at Yoona with a questioned look, while the deer-girl just staring at them with confusion too.


"Ooh, it's nothing... How about we enjoy some rides more? It's still 3 in the evening."

Yonghwa suggested to the girls and they just simply nodded to him.




The kids were having fun of the rides at the place, they ride almost all the ride at the amusement park. It is now 6 pm and Yoona's parents are waiting at the gate. Though they are all in a rush, but there's one more thing Yoona wanted to do here. She stop on the track and the other teens stop their legs after the realised Yoona did too.

"Oppa, can you go ahead? I need to go to the toilet, come on Hyunnie."

Yoona proceeded to take Seohyun's hand and run, leaving the boy in curiosity. Today, he's in the dilemma twice.

"Should I follow them or just come back to Yoona's parents?"

After the girls are out of his sight and his brain stop thinking, he choose to follow them cautiously. He first ran to the girl's restroom but there are no signs of them inside. A deep sigh come out of his lips, he should of thinking faster before they're gone. Though that he though his chances are gone, there's one more coming when a certain ride is starting to brighten the situation around the almost dark place.


Mary take me to the merry-go-round
With this beautiful sound sing my song for you

Yonghwa turns to see the ride that making sound of the song, it's a merry-go-round. The girl he was searching for is there, on a white horse enjoying the ride. He laughs at her, so Yoona dragged her here because seohyun wanted to ride this?


If this is love, you should love my flaws too
I'll promise I won't be greedy

He almost forgot about Yoona's feeling, his heart start to ache when he saw Yoona standing in front of Seohyun's horse with a heart-shaped balloon behind her back.

"Saranghaeyo, hyunnie."

From a far away spot, Yonghwa know that she was confessing to her because Yoona showed her the balloon. Unsurprisingly, Seohyun smile at the other girl while taking the balloon. Once more, he sighs, but this told him that next time he should move fast to take someone's heart. He smile of that thought, although he's hurting but he won't disturb someone who's in love already.

The place we went together, it's merry-go-round
My memory is still fresh

"Sorry, hyunnie I dragged you here... Bu..but I won't have any chance like this anymore so I..."

Seohyun look over Yoona's eyes and she once again smiles to it, she give a hug for her now lover. Yoona blushes so hard, though she hug seohyun back later.

"Eonnie, you don't have to say sorry, I know why you took me here today and why you confessed to me here."

" know?!"

"Eonnie, you were too obvious you know? Days before we go, you always reminding me about today's outing, that makes me remember of the day when I told you that I wanted to ride merry-go-round on this white horse next to a strong prince I love."

Seohyun let go of their closeness then smile at Yoona warmly. Yoona's blush is still there but it's making her cuter in Seohyun's eyes. The song is about to finish and Yoona is taking this chance to slowly kiss her 'dream' princess of childhood. This is just perfectly fit with her childhood dream. When she was young, she also told seohyun that she wanted to meet someone she love who's riding a white horse. And this merry-go-round granted the dreams of the little kids who were never expected to meet their love here.

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Hahaha, YoonHyun are cute~! Poor Yonghwa... But I love it, kekeke.<br />
Yoona is to much read comic, its just ice cream<br />
So Yuri, why you are jealous to your child? Sica always love you. >_<<br />
Thanks author, but I want YoonHyun moreeee!!!<br />