nothing is better than ice cream on a crap day

ice cream >


On a scale of one to ten from good to horrible, you'd rate today as a bloody 14. Everything went wrong from the moment you stepped out of your house. Literally. The first step you took landed on dog poop (and you were wearing your favourite shoes!), you came into class late and got embarrased in front of the whole class, got stuck in a group work with three of the students you despised the most and to top it off, your clothes got soaked when a nasty car drove past you on your way home.


It was a day and you were exhausted. To make yourself feel better, you thought you deserved an ice cream. Screw my diet, screw everything you thought to yourself.


Still muttering curses under your breath, you grabbed the handle of the door shaped in an ice cream spoon and let your self in your favourite ice cream shop. You instantly felt a little better after seeing the sight of all things good in the world lined up in front of you. And to make things even better, a cute guy you'd been eyeing on in one of your classes was there behind them. God, please don't let anyone ruin my day anymore you thought to yourself. After ten minutes of carefully examining each ice cream tray, you finally made a decision on which flavour to pick; the only flavour you haven't tasted yet.


“Can I have a date?” you asked. “What was that?” the cute guy asked, seemingly stunned. You paused for a moment and repeated yourself absent-mindedly. “Okay” the cute guy said, smiling a little this time. God, he is so cute. While he was scooping your ice cream, you repeated your five seconds conversation with him in your head.


It suddenly hits you why he was smiling so sheepishly. Oh my god, it sounded as if I was asking him out. Oh my god.


You were flustered. “Here you go” the cute guy said in an ever so cheerful tone. You were so embarrased you couldn't even look up at his face. You took the cup from him while looking at your shoes and for a second the tips of your fingers touched his. You could feel a physial jolt in you and your face started to heat up. You hurriedly went to the counter and paid the cashier with a 2$ note.


You were contemplating wether to eat in the shop or go straight home but after thinking about how your annoying brother would be there at home asking you for a gazillion 'taste', you looked for a seat in the shop. You picked the seat furthest in the corner to hide from that cute guy, still feeling embarrased about that short conversation. After eating half of your ice cream, you got out your book and started reading it to stop yourself from thinking about that incident earlier. Plus, you liked the quiet atmosphere in the shop.


By the time you realized it, it was already 5:30 pm. You had been in the shop for over forty minutes now and your ice cream has completely melted. You finished off your ice cream and headed out. “So” a voice said behind you. You turned around and oh boy guess who the voice belonged to, the cute guy whom you may or may have not asked out. “Wanna go on that date? My shift is over.” he said, a playful smile dancing on his lips. Oh god. 

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MotshELF #1
Chapter 1: Reaaaaaaally cute :) !
I wish it could happen to me haha ^^