
Because of You
[Author’s POV]
Last night, Jooyeon & JungAh argued for quite some time. But both girls managed to calm down & control their tempers, gladly, they could. The next day, they had forgotten about their little mouth fight & run their lives as usual
“Joo, where are you going?” JungAh stopped Jooyeon as she’s exiting the bus on the wrong stop
“Visiting Uee?” Kahi butted in
“Yeah you got that right” Jooyeon winked & kindly slipped her arm off of JungAh’s
JungAh let Jooyeon go but worries are still inside her mind. JungAh had guessed that Jooyeon still got feelings for Nana even though she’s already with Uee. As a good & motherly person, JungAh doesn’t want Uee, who’s now also a family to her, to be hurt, if Jooyeon ever planned so.
“Baby?” Kahi tapped on JungAh’s cheek
“S-sorry..” JungAh woke up from her thought
“Let me guess, did something happen between you & baby Joo?” Kahi narrowed her eyes
“Okay I’ll tell you. But promise me you’ll help me” JungAh turned to Kahi’s direction as she prepared to tell Jooyeon’s issue
[Jooyeon’s POV]
I stepped into Uee’s college grounds & noticed many college students looking at me with questioning stares but I decided to pass them all. I texted Uee & waited for her reply while sitting on a bench below a shady tree. But waiting for long enough, I decided to make a call
“Yeoboseyo Jooyeonnie” she finally picked up, answering in a hurried tone
“Sweetheart, I’m here” I can feel a bright smile growing on my face as soon as I heard her voice
“What? Are we gonna have a date? You didn’t tell me yesterday!”
“I-I’m sorry.. What’s up?”
“Baby I’m really sorry but I’m very busy for the drama club right now. I’ll call you later okay? Just head back for now, I’ll visit you after I finished. Love you, bye!” she answered hurriedly & hung up without giving me any chance to answer
Why is everyone so busy but me…” I ruffled my hair & stood up to head back, a bit disappointed. But of course I can understand her. Everyone has their own business, except me..
Hearing a familiar voice & rushing steps coming from behind, I turned around
“Heading back already?”
And there I saw a brunette standing taller than me, but not the person I expected
“What’s wrong?” Nana smiled as if we’re good friends
“You know I’m here to see Uee, not you” I turned my back on her & kept walking
“Why don’t we have a lunch? Since I’m free & you’re here! You didn’t came here for nothing right?” Nana insolently grabbed my arm
“Don’t touch me!” I quickly pulled my arm away from her which seems to surprise her a bit
“I guess you still haven’t forgotten about it..” Nana lowered her head down, sighing
Not wanting to attract attention, I decided to walk & leave her be. She’s not my business anymore
“Don’t you want to at least hear the reason..?”
[Author’s POV]
Nana prolonged her time with Jooyeon by dragging Jooyeon to a restaurant. Jooyeon actually hates it, she doesn’t want to see the girl, to spend time with her, to be with her, Jooyeon doesn’t want it. But just to hear Nana’s reason, she’s willing to get dragged by the fussy brunette. Why does Nana’s reason matter so much to Jooyeon? Because it’s what have been haunting her all this time, what have been hurting her heart for too long.
Patience Joo, hold your temper. Just a bit more & then you can hear her reason so you can have a peaceful relationship with Uee’ Jooyeon forced it into her thought so that she won’t explode
To distract Jooyeon’s mind off Nana’s random blabbering, she kept waiting for Uee’s call as she remembered that Uee said that she’ll call her when she’s finished. The day’s getting dark but Uee haven’t called yet. This frustrates Jooyeon even more.
“Are you finished? How long do I have to spend time with you?” Jooyeon glared sharply at the cheerful brunette who seems to be unaffected by Jooyeon’s killing glare
“Okay, I’m finished! Let’s go to our last stop!” Nana called the waiter & paid the expensive amount of bill on her own. Jooyeon knew that Nana has always been a spoiled, rich family’s daughter that’s hard to keep up with
Last. Finally..’ Jooyeon thought again, glad
Nana asked Jooyeon to drive her to a place & guided Jooyeon’s direction. When they arrived, what they saw is a grassy field with a big tree, shady enough to cover them from heavy rain. But Jooyeon admitted, the sky’s view is a lot better at the place
“This is my favorite relaxing place. It feels peaceful here” Nana told Jooyeon as both of them walked out of the car
Jooyeon didn’t answer a thing. The whole day, she never said a thing to Nana except if it really matters.
The two girls sat below the tree, but Jooyeon distanced herself from Nana, far enough so Nana couldn’t touch her.
“Joo, you know it’s not polite that way” Nana scoffed at Jooyeon
“What are you my mom?” Jooyeon replied harshly without looking at the latter
“Come here or I’ll never tell you the reason” Nana patted the empty place beside her
Jooyeon can only sigh & obeyed the girl, only for the sake of the reason.
“There. Now speak” Jooyeon looked on Nana’s opposite direction, leaning her head on the tree
“Fine. You were always so hard at forgetting things huh” Nana smiled weakly, having flashbacks of the moments when she was still with the girl beside her
“The reason I broke up with you…” Nana inhaled deeply
“Is because it’s hard for me to say goodbye to you” Nana exhaled
Nana got Jooyeon’s attention so she turned around
“Sorry?” Jooyeon scoffed
“It’s hard to say goodbye to someone you love for so long. That time I had to go to another country for years, that’s why I disappeared after then. It’s because I don’t want to have the feeling to be so far away from you, to think about you all the time when I was there. That's why I told you, you are the main reason I decided to broke up, but I'm sorry if you misunderstood all this time. And now I’m here, back to where I should be…” Nana explained, looking at the dark sky
“Regretting the things that I’ve done to you” Nana ended
What surprised Jooyeon more is that Nana rested her head on Jooyeon’s shoulder after that
“I always realized that I still love you ever since I came back, wishing everyday to see you, but never expected you to be the girlfriend of my bestfriend. At least now I can see you again, I missed you..” Nana continued by wrapping her arms around Jooyeon’s body from the side
“…..” Jooyeon is at loss for words. She couldn’t believe the reason why Nana broke up with her is only that. She thought Nana left her because she loved someone else
“I knew at first that the most hurting goodbyes are the ones without reason but I don’t know what else to do back then. I’m sorry, Lee Jooyeon” Jooyeon’s heart beats fast as she heard Nana called her complete name. Just like it was in the past
“I.. I see….” Jooyeon stuttered, confused at the moment, she lost her mind. All this time she was wrong about Nana, but still….
“Please, just for today.. Spend one more time with me. I won’t tell it to Uee” Nana begged with her husky voice, taking a hold of Jooyeon’s hand in the process
Jooyeon had fell into a dangerous temptation. Jooyeon succumbed by Nana’s request. This is not as Jooyeon expected it would be, Jooyeon did the wrong thing.
“My love… is timeless, Joo” Nana tightened her grip on Jooyeon’s hand while Jooyeon’s closing her eyes to process the things that Nana said & try to think rationally
It was all interrupted when Nana suddenly grabbed Jooyeon’s face & quickly directed it to herself so she could kiss her.
They kissed. Jooyeon didn’t fight it, she allowed Nana to kiss her.
Just this one last time..’ Jooyeon thought, unaware of the feeling growing inside her if she kept thinking that way
But when Nana’s kiss got too fierce & could lead to unwanted stuffs, this time Jooyeon pulled away quickly
“That’s enough. We’ve spent enough time” Jooyeon acted cold, again, towards Nana
“I-I’m sorry.. You’re right, I’ll drive you back”

Then, Nana drove Jooyeon back to her dorm. Jooyeon walked out of Nana’s car without saying anything or turning to see Nana.
Little did Jooyeon know that JungAh heard the car’s engine from the second floor & peeked on the window clear enough to see the driver through the car’s glasses
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PGz & readers, check out my latest fic! Writing more of AS ^^ Hope u guys love it~


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kristina03 #1
Chapter 14: Perfect.. i miss jooee so much.. i hope they can fix the gap between them.
Chapter 14: Amazing story! Loved it :D great job! :)
sloppyscribblr #3
I thought it's JooNa... anyway, JooEe is my 2nd OTP so I still liked it^^
Chapter 1: can u do uee and nana fanfic..
its really hard to find
i ship them..
plz do their fanfic..:)
Xion123 #5
Chapter 14: This fanfic is the best! I hope you'll write more After School fics ^^
yeonyoung27 #6
Chapter 14: So it's not a JooNa fic?? -_-
MikyBunny #7
Chapter 14: Aaaaaw, that was so cute! A tear literally felt from my eye reading this <3
So, sorry for being a ghost reader before... I'm too lazy and, sorry /cry
But this fanfic was perfect and I just want you to know that I loved every chapter <3333333333
Please write another stories, I promise I'll read it happilly s2
bento19 #8
Chapter 14: Well done writer. Great job.