When I Fall

Because of You
[Uee’s POV]
Peoples might think I’m crazy, yeah.. I’m insane. But this is just who I really am & no one can change me. I’m still bestfriends with Nana, & I’m still Jooyeonnie’s girlfriend, it doesn’t change. I don’t wanna blame any of them.
It’s just.. I never thought that they were past lovers. They reunite because of me.
See? Because of ME.
Am I not fated to be Joo’s girlfriend? Am I just a tool used to reunite them? Sometimes I think that way, sometimes fate is just too cruel, it’s unfair.
I never have any special past relationships.. This is just my very first, everything seems like they don’t matter anymore. Am I that blind to realize them?
That day when I was about to introduce Nana to her but suddenly her behavior changed. Why can’t I see that sooner? Really, am I that insensitive?
I know that somehow my devotion, resolve, & my love can beat those things.
At least, I hope so.
“Someone’s been zoning outttt~”
“J-Jooyeonnie..? Since when did you—” I turned to my back to see Jooyeon already hugging me from the back
“Thinking about someone? Aww, I’m jelly!” she whined cutely & sat beside me
“What if I think about you?” I pinched her flirtatiously
“Ah I’d faint because of being thought by a beautiful woman like you lady!” she dramatized & we both laughed happily then. We don’t care if the passing students think that we’re crazy
After done laughing there was a moment of awkward silence between us, just looking at each other’s face & eyes. I know that she’s thinking something about me, the look in her eyes..
I don’t know if she really loves me, but I can tell from her eyes now that they’re sincere.
She observed every little things about me
“Really, you’re beautiful..” she closes in & caressed my cheek with her hand softly
Hearing the tone of her voice, I think I’m blushing
“Jooyeonnie..” I called her, unable to look at her eyes
“Hm?” she mumbled gently
“Don’t leave me” I quickly hugged her tightly. My thoughts saying, ‘Please don’t leave me for her
She fell silent for a second..
“Why would I..?” her tone weakened & she hugged me back as much
“I’m.. scared” my voice trembled. Uee, not now, please don’t cry in front of her.. You got to look strong. Don’t think about them, don’t.
She then pulled away without saying anything
“Let’s have a date now so you won’t lose me okay?” she cupped my face & looked at me straight in the eyes
That’s right. I nearly lost you yesterday when I was busy. I should’ve ditched the drama club’ my thought said
“What if I don’t want to?” I joked a bit
“Oww my heart! You rejected my date lady!!” she dramatized again, making painful looks on her face. This is just one of the things I love the most of her
“What’s not for you?” I kissed her cheek
“You copied my words ma’m” she kissed my cheek then
“Oh c’mon just take me out now!” I whined childishly
And then she took my hand tightly & took me out somewhere.
We took a walk around my college’s park, taking her out on a tour, having lunch & finally… Shopping!
“I guess I’ll have to be the man..?” she facepalmed herself, looking at me drooling towards the dresses
“Just the bags?” I giggled, teasing the shorter girl
“Do you want me to buy you high heels so that you can be taller than me?” I sarcasted at her
“Wow did someone just taught you how to hurt a girl’s heart?”
“Well you’re so dramatic yourself today!” I act annoyed a bit
“You don’t like it?” she got a serious look on her face
“Why would I be your girlfriend then?” I tapped her nose
“You got me there ms. Actress” she kissed my hand gently & I was getting nervous as there are peoples looking at us
We walked to the cashier & paid all of the things I bought. There are like 4 different bags & Jooyeon, acting so much like a gentleman, carried them for me.
We were on our way out of the shop, joking & laughing—
“Bestie! You’re here too!?” a pair of hands suddenly hugged me tightly
When I turned to the voice, there I see……..
“Ah, Nana-yah~” I greeted her, actually faking a smile but I don’t think she’d notice it
“Geez are you buying out all of the things I hunt for? I won’t forgive you!” she whined, acting cute & spoiled as usual
“Seems like I beat you today” yeah when she wasn’t as busy & when I haven’t had Jooyeon in my life, we love to go shopping & then hunting for our favorite stuffs & we usually raced to get it, she always beats me, but not today I guess.
“I guess I’m just too busy..” she sighed with a smile
And then I noticed that she glanced at Jooyeon, who’s in my back, a bit
“Sweetie can we go now?” Jooyeon butted in
“Besides you already got everything you want here right? It’s getting dark, I don’t wanna get scolded by JungJung-eomma” Jooyeon made an excuse. I know that she feels uncomfortable that Nana’s here
“I’ll see you tomorrow Nana-yah” I hugged her & waved goodbye at her, she wasn’t saying anything.
I hope they weren’t having some telepathy behind me… Right?

After getting out of the mall, she escorted me back to my house & stopped in front of the gate
“Here are your bags milady” she bowed like some kind of a butler or something
“Yes thank you my loyal butler” I joked as much
“The butler will be going home right now or her mom will bring the hell out of her” she joked back, it’d be endless
“Okay that’s enough” I laughed
Should I ask her about Nana…? Would she lie to me? I might just give it a try
She kissed me deeply before I could even finish my sentence
“I gotta go baby” she whispered on my lips & ruffled my hair softly
Then she waved at me & walked away.
I got no choice but to let her go back..
Well, as long as she’s with me I’ll always have the chance to ask later
[Jooyeon’s POV]
“Hey what the—!”
“You should at least knock Joo!”
“You should at least lock the door!” I closed my eyes & turned back because it’s JungHi..
“I’m gonna go take a shower!” I walked to the bathroom without opening my eyes & quickly locked the door
Some sight to see..” I muttered, looking at myself in the large mirror inside the bathroom
Nana.. Why did you always have to ruin the good moments….
Why do you always have to appear when I don’t want you to..
Why do I have to see you again? It’s not that I hate you it’s just—
It hurts me to see you when there’s Uee.
Do I love Uee? Do I love her just because I feel sorry for her?
I don’t know
Do I have feelings for Nana?... It came back
I care for them both, I don’t wanna hurt any of them
They were both the same. They could make me smile, make me happy, make my heart go wild
I love them both.
But no—I have to choose one
I can’t cheat behind Uee, no way.
But I can’t ignore my feelings for Nana either. The more I try to ignore it, the more it grows
What should I do?
I exhaled heavily, undressed myself & takes shower to calm my mind & think carefully.
What if I choose none? I can’t have both.
World’s never been that kind
Is it better being neutral than to choose one side?
If it is, then I will…
“Hey can you go out already? I wanna take a shower too” Kahi yelled from behind the door
“Coming~” I yelled back
I turned off the shower & wrapped myself in a towel, getting ready for what I’m gonna do

“Hey you just got here where are you going now?” JungAh asked as I’m about to prepare
“Snack hunting” I lied
“Good luck on your snacks” JungAh sounded a bit sarcasting
“Sure” I got away quickly
I ran to the bus stop & entered the bus quickly.
After the bus stopped on the right stop, I quickly paid & walked out
Standing in front of the gate, I made a call
“Yeoboseyo~” the caller greeted
“Can you see me outside now?” I asked the caller
“Missing me already? Sure, see you there!” the caller hung up & I waited impatiently
After waiting for a while, the girl came out
“Come on in” the tall brunette urged
“No Uee, let’s just talk here” I faked a smile through the bitterness in my heart
“Jooyeonnie what’s wro—“
I hugged her tightly before she could talk more, it was tighter than any of my hugs
“Uee, I love you, I do. I can’t lie, I love you” my voice trembled a bit
“J-Joo..?” she seems to be puzzled
“You have to know that I love you” I pulled away & cupped her face
“O-of course..” she answered with a questioning look
“And you have to know that my life’s not that fun..” I gave her a hint
And I quickly kissed her deeply before she could even act a bit, leaving no opening
“Jooyeonnie why—”
“We’re breaking up”
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PGz & readers, check out my latest fic! Writing more of AS ^^ Hope u guys love it~


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kristina03 #1
Chapter 14: Perfect.. i miss jooee so much.. i hope they can fix the gap between them.
Chapter 14: Amazing story! Loved it :D great job! :)
sloppyscribblr #3
I thought it's JooNa... anyway, JooEe is my 2nd OTP so I still liked it^^
Chapter 1: can u do uee and nana fanfic..
its really hard to find
i ship them..
plz do their fanfic..:)
Xion123 #5
Chapter 14: This fanfic is the best! I hope you'll write more After School fics ^^
yeonyoung27 #6
Chapter 14: So it's not a JooNa fic?? -_-
MikyBunny #7
Chapter 14: Aaaaaw, that was so cute! A tear literally felt from my eye reading this <3
So, sorry for being a ghost reader before... I'm too lazy and, sorry /cry
But this fanfic was perfect and I just want you to know that I loved every chapter <3333333333
Please write another stories, I promise I'll read it happilly s2
bento19 #8
Chapter 14: Well done writer. Great job.