ღ Prologue ღ

Don't Go

~ Prologue ~

Baekhyun was getting my camera ready so he could film me doing the new tricks Jongin and Sehun showed me; who were sitting in the sidelines, watching me. They had their boards too, they had to show me again so I would get the hang of it before I started filming. We went over it a couple times, and now, it's time for the main event! Time to film my awesomeness and become an overnight sensation with the whole sixteen-year-old-does-professional-skateboarding-trick-that-only-real-pros-can-master line. Yeah, that is defintately my plan.

I was one strange teenager with big dreams of becoming a professional skateboarder at age nineteen. Ha, I was so naive, so confident, and so determined. That was all until I met her eyes when she helped me up from the thorn bush. I didn't know who she was at first, but then it hit me when she gave a small smile. Tiffany Hwang. The girl who I met in Chemistry, but never really talked to. Now, we talked for the first time ever when I made a fool of myself by falling into a bunch of thorn bushes. What a great way to get things started.

The biggest change I ever went through; from barely knowing a girl, to suddenly falling for her. Tiffany had a charm that I dearly adored. She was so pure and so honest, anyone could fall in love with her beautiful person. She was the definition of perfect, and I didn't see that until our little incident six years ago.

"Chanyeol hyung! Remember me when you become famous!" Sehun shouted to me. I smiled and held a thubs up, signing that I was ready to go. Here goes nothing! To be honest, I felt like my knees would fail me and make me fall into a credit card position, or worse... a popsicle. You never want to find yourself in any of those positions after a skating incident. I have never fallen into any of those positions before, and I'm not planning to any time soon.

Just then, that was when I found myself being stabbed in every inch of my body by sharp, rose thorns. I seriously thought they were poisonous, because I thought I was dead right when I saw an angelic figure push aside the bushes and look over me. The sun was outlining her figure, making it seem like she was an angel. Such a relief when I found out I wasn't dead, but then a disappoinment when the angel I saw didn't really exist. Then again, Tiffany sort of did look like a angel when I laid my eyes on her after she pulled me out from my death bed.

"Oh my! Are you alright!?" Her sweet voice asked, with her worried eyes staring at me. She examined the cuts, scraps and bruises from all the stabbing I got from the thorns. The pain ceased, maybe because I wasn't thinking about it; I was more focused on this sweet little angel nursing my wounds. "I am so sorry! I didn't see you until you jumped into the rose bush garden. It's my fault." She pouted, still nursing the cut on my right wrist.
"No big deal. It was best for me to jump in the bushes rather than let you get pushed in. Besides, I went off at a bad time; it's not your fault. Don't sweat it." I smiled. She looked up me for a second, showing me a confused face; but soon changed it into a sweet smile.
"Thanks, you're so kind." I couldn't help but lose myself in her gorgeous eye smiles.

The pain was back. I hissed when the rubbing alcohol touched my open cut.
"I'm sorry." Okay, that's it. "No more apologizing... seriously, it's getting annoying." I looked at her. She nodded, "Sorry." I looked at her with an are-you-serious? look. "Oh right!" She nodded. Instead of directly saying sorry, she bowed slightly. Smart one...

"I think I've seen you before... what's your name?" I asked. She looked shocked and hurt when I asked. This isn't good.
"I-I'm Tiffany Hwang... I sit next to you during Chemistry." She even sounded hurt. 'Chanyeol, you stupid little !' I cursed myself in my head, mentally beating myself up.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! I-I..." I didn't know how to respond to that. "Stop!" She said, "It's okay. No one ever notices me anyways." Thanks for making me feel even worse.

"Chanyeol!! Are you dead!?!? Don't die! I need you to remember me when you do the stunt again and this time make it so you can become famous!! Speak to me Hyung!!!" That is the sound of a baby "worried" about his hyung, this kid. I looked up to see that big baby running at me, or more like spazz running. His arms were flaling while his feet were all over the place.  Kai and Baekhyun followed behind him; Baekhyun still filming every single second.

"Chanyeol! You're alive!" Sehun threw himself at me. I hissed at all the pain coming back to me. I pushed him off , letting him land on his bum. He winced and rubbed his bum as he pouted at me. I almost forgot Tiffany was there, she was silently giggling at Sehun. I smiled at her cute little laughter.

"Who's this?" Sehun asked looking to Tiffany; who's smile has fallen from his question.
"I'm Tiffany Hwang. I've known you since you were in third grade." She frowned. Sehun's eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh! You're the noona that shared her cupcake with me!!" He bursted. Tiffany began laughing at his cuteness as she nodded.

That laugh used to be meant for me and my cuteness. I loved hearing that laugh everyday when I woke up next to her beautiful face... but now... it's different...

FINALLY!!! I had to restart this prologue a billion times because I didn't like it! Finally I settled with this, hope you like it! I'll try posting Chapter 1 soon!
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Chapter 1: sehun better not be with fany, hE BETTER!! CHANFANY FOR LIFE--
Chapter 1: waiting for chanhun fight. its gonna be so fun.
Chapter 1: "But now it's different"?? Omg! Sehun and Fany are together in the present in the story~ Right? O u O SeFany! I love YeolFany or ChanFany too! Actually I LOVE EXOFANY!
Chapter 1: The Sehun vs Chanyeol fight
loving this
foreverbyun #5
Chapter 1: YAY! Update please! I really like this prologue! Please continue, I really like that this is in Yeol's point of view ^~^ Fighting Author-nim!
foreverbyun #6
update soon!!
Fariza #7
Finally~ Chanfany fanfiction <3<3
I bet this is going to be a cute fiction