Planning Spontaneity

Planning Spontaneity


A/N: I'm sorry if the summary does not correlate much with the story. And Raskreia, forgive me in advance if this is not to your liking;;


Kim Joonmyun was a by-the-book kind of person.

Or at least to his book of rules.

He has this penchant to plan things. He couldn’t help it. He needs everything to be in exact order. Everything must go according to how he wants it to be organized. And he writes all these in that little dark purple book of his. And no, he doesn’t actually like the color purple. He was planning to get a plain violet one (because really, there’s a big difference between purple and violet), but all that was left were hot pink, blinding orange, soft blue, and the dark purple he currently own. You see how limited his choices were?

He could have waited for the rest of the available colors or went to a different store, but he already planned to go to that particular store. If he were to divert from his original plan, he would have to make up a whole new plan just to adjust to that different store. So, no. That was too much work. He may like to plan things, but it doesn’t mean that he enjoys doing extra work.

Joonmyun’s everyday life consists of waking up at exactly 6.00 in the morning. Fifteen minutes will be allocated for his time in the bathroom – to brush his teeth and for showering. The time he takes to go down and eat his breakfast would also take fifteen minutes. Because he viewed breakfast as the most important meal of the day, he would relent and give extra five minutes if he wasn’t able to finish in time. Hey, you cannot rush in eating breakfast, okay?

So, on 6.35 am, he would double check all his belongings that were needed for school that day. It doesn’t matter that he already did it last night. Checking again and again won’t harm him in any way. Once done, he’ll walk to school – not too fast, not too slow. By the time he arrives, the time indicated in his wrist watch would show 6.55 am. The five minutes left before 7.00 am is used to make his way into the school and go to his locker to get a book.

Again, Joonmyun may like to plan things, but that doesn’t mean he’s dull. He knows how to have fun (well in his own definition). The thirty minutes he has before the school bell ring, he uses that to indulge himself in one of his hobby.


Hence, the reason of getting the book from his locker. Joonmyun always keep at least two books that he hasn’t read yet in his locker. He keeps it there for this thirty minutes free time he has planned and for any unexpected free times that he might gain. Once the thirty minutes is up, his planned schedule is easy to follow as the time table for school was already provided. All he has to do is follow and study whatever subject he had that day.

Usually, Joonmyun would finish school at exactly 2.00 pm. By 2.30 pm, he’ll be home and take his lunch there. He’ll take his much needed bath and finish by 3.00 pm. For one hour, he’ll pamper himself by taking a nap. At 4.00 pm, he’ll start doing his homework. Even in doing his homework, he have to plan. Joonmyun will take a look at his time table and see which subject comes up first. If it was English, then he’ll start on his English homework. If it was History, then he’ll start with History. He didn’t start his homework with the easiest to do first, unlike all his other classmates. Let’s say he didn’t have any home work to do, he’ll revise what he had learned that day, also according to the subjects’ order that particular day.

At 7.30 pm, he’ll stop. He got ready for dinner, descend the stairs, and eat with his family. All these, Joonmyun gave it a total of thirty minutes. Thirty minutes after that, he’ll spend it helping his mother to clear the tables and wash the dishes. He’ll go back upstairs to his room and proceeded to continue with his revising and his reading. To end his normally planned day, he’ll be in bed at 11.30 pm.

This is of course, valid for his usual normal days only.

If he was to have extra classes or needed to stay back at school for something, then there’s a whole new schedule for him to follow. If we were to list them all down, half this story will consist of all types of planning he has done. Let’s just stick to his basic schedule, alright? We haven’t even covered his weekends. To make it short though, his Saturdays and Sundays are usually filled with his piano lessons (he likes the feel of his fingers dancing on the black and white keys), vocal lessons (he loves to sing, let’s just leave it that), playing golf at a nearby resort (another one of his hobbies), and accompanying his mother for grocery shopping (the supplies for food doesn’t just come walking through the back door).

All in all, these are the days in the life of one Kim Joonmyun.





Joonmyun planned a lot of things in his life (as I have told earlier).

One thing he didn’t plan on was falling in love with Zhang Yixing. And no, it doesn’t mean that he didn’t plan on falling in love. He has been in love before this.

Before we get on with his story of Yixing, let’s go a bit back to when he had planned on falling in love. There were two lucky (really?) guys who had ever the pleasure of becoming the person that Joonmyun fell in love with.

Wu Yifan and Kim Jongdae.

First one we’re going to talk about is Yifan. Joonmyun had planned to fall in love with him when he heard rumors saying that Yifan had a heart made of rock. That nobody had been successful in capturing his heart. Joonmyun took that as a challenge. So, he did what he did best.

He planned on getting Yifan to fall for him.

And don’t worry, he’s positive that he himself will fall for Yifan too. It might also have something to do with how he once saw Yifan helping an old lady carry her groceries. At that time, Joonmyun viewed that particular act as very manly. Yifan had really looked like a Prince Charming material. So on to his plan, he used his most powerful weapon that he possessed to make Yifan like him.

His smile.

He had been told that his smile was dazzling and irresistible. Whenever he smiled the angelic smile (as it was called), people soften to him and had this urge to do whatever Joonmyun wanted them to do. Mind you, Joonmyun does not abuse the gift he has. He just needed it this time to win Yifan’s heart. There’s nothing selfish about it, okay?

Joonmyun made his own investigation of Yifan’s time table (don’t ask him how he did it) and planned to be somewhere near wherever Yifan was. If Yifan just finished one of his lab classes, Joonmyun found a way to be near said lab class doing something not suspicious. When Yifan was near his vicinity, he made sure to flash him with his smile, whether intentionally or unintentionally. If Yifan had a free period, Joonmyun was conveniently always wherever Yifan tended to be.

This plan went on for two weeks until Yifan himself approach Joonmyun.

Just as planned.

Yifan had a free period that time and he decided to spend it in the library. Joonmyun followed as he so happens wanted to borrow a book from the library. He went to a shelf near where Yifan was seating and pretended to had difficulty in reaching a book from the most upper shelf (bless his height). Joonmyun had concentrated on trying to get the book when a longer hand helped him to get that particular book. He spun around to find himself face to face with the object of his affection.

“Thank you,” Joonmyun had said, not forgetting to give Yifan his angelic smile.

“You’re welcome,” came the toneless reply. Joonmyun took the book from Yifan’s hands, but Yifan didn’t let go. Joonmyun looked up in confusion.

“Why are you stalking me?” Yifan asked bluntly, his eyes piercing Joonmyun.

“I am?” Joonmyun acted surprised.

“Don’t play dumb with me. I see you everywhere whenever I finish my classes. What do you want from me?”

“I think the question is what do you want from me? You said you saw me everywhere, but I don’t see you. Are you sure you have the right person?” Joonmyun smiled mysteriously.


“If you’ll excuse me, I need that book. If you were to be so kind to give it to me, I would be very grateful.”

“Wait. One condition.”

“Oh? I wasn’t aware that I needed your permission to borrow that book. But since you helped me in getting it, go ahead. What’s your condition?”

“Go out with me.” Joonmyun was a little taken aback. Well, that escalated quickly. He thought he needed a few more minutes. Doesn’t matter, everything that was supposed to happen was going exactly as planned.

“Okay, here’s my number.” Joonmyun took out a pen and wrote his number on Yifan’s palm. “Make sure you don’t lose it.”

That was how their first encounter went.





Joonmyun dating Yifan had shocked most of the school population.

They didn’t expect there was someone capable of melting Yifan’s heart. Joonmyun didn’t pay heed to any of them. He had felt happy being with Yifan and that’s all he cared about. His everyday planned life was now filled with Yifan’s presence and Joonmyun didn’t find it a bother to change his usual day schedule. Yifan was worth it.

But like all good things, it will eventually come to an end.

That was what exactly happened with Joonmyun regarding his relationship with Yifan. For all the three months they had been together, Yifan was happy being with Joonmyun. There was just a slight problem.

Yifan liked it if his significant other were to depend on him.

In Joonmyun’s case, it seems he wasn’t used to depend on other people. Yifan was alright with Joonmyun and his obsession of planning things, but by Joonmyun doing that, Yifan felt useless being at his side. He feels as if Joonmyun was the one doing everything and he was just there.

Existing, but not serving any purpose.

Joonmyun had felt something wrong when their relationship came to the fourth month. He sensed that Yifan was no longer into him that much like when they had first dated. Yifan had become more like someone who just agrees with everything he said. He no longer tried to argue his planning like before. Their relationship had become somewhat…stale?

Joonmyun didn’t know what went wrong, but in advance, he hatched a plan involving him breaking up with Yifan. He made sure that he was the one who will break up with him and not the other way around.

The appearance of a younger guy named Huang Zitao (apparently Yifan had a new neighbor) confirmed his suspicion. Yifan had rather spend time with Zitao more than he wanted to spend time with Joonmyun. Joonmyun was left with no other choice but to act on his breakup plan.

Joonmyun had chosen the time to breakup with Yifan during their walk home together. Joonmyun had reasoned that it will save time (it will not interfere with his usual schedule, so he didn’t need to allocate a specific time for the breakup) and it was out of other people’s sight.

“Yifan, let’s breakup,” Joonmyun went straight to the point.

Yifan blinked. “B-Breakup? A-Are you sure?”

“Yes. This time, I got to say ‘don’t play dumb with me’. You and I aren’t stupid. We both notice that our relationship is getting strained.” Joonmyun took a deep breath. “And you look happier when you hang around Zitao.”


“No, don’t. I know, Yifan. You’re uncomfortable the way I plan things, right?”

“Not exactly. I actually don’t mind. You planning things are a part of your personality and I accept that. It’s just that, when I envisioned getting a boyfriend, I imagined that person to depend on me. With you, I don’t feel that. You always have everything…planned, that I feel as if I’m not the one who match well with you. Can you understand?”

“Yes, perfectly. I’m sorry I made you feel that way. And you’re right. I’m always going to plan things and I’m not the type who depends on people. So, we agree on this breakup?”

“Yeah, but I don’t mind staying friends with you. You did make me happy and you helped in making me open myself more. Friends?”

“Friends,” Joonmyun beamed.

Joonmyun didn’t think Yifan had wanted to be friends, but he didn’t mind. It didn’t give any big impact on his plan. The breakup went smoothly and most importantly, it was mutual.

That’s how he and Yifan ended their relationship.





Next, we’ll go on with the second guy.

His relationship with Jongdae was kind of…interesting, in Joonmyun’s point of view. Minus the heartbreak and all, he managed to get Jongdae the real guy he’s actually in love with. That was a feat Joonmyun was quite proud of (although some might think his contribution is not that great).

Joonmyun didn’t know when it began or how Jongdae came into his life. He just kind of slithered in and charmed his way into his heart. Their communication started with small talks here and there, and gradually rose to that of almost friends. Joonmyun started to take note when he realized that he blushed at every compliment Jongdae gave him or how his palm suddenly became sweaty out of nervousness whenever he meets Jongdae’s gaze.

He observed the way Jongdae treated him and came to a conclusion that Jongdae might have feelings for him. He couldn’t lie that he himself was slowly falling for Jongdae too. This time, Joonmyun didn’t planned anything. What he did was to wait for Jongdae’s confession and prepared how he was going to react to said confession. When Jongdae finally confessed and asked him to be his boyfriend, he acted exactly according to his plan.

He asked Jongdae to give him two days to think about it.

In all honesty, Joonmyun didn’t need time to think. He already planned to accept the confession. It’s just that he didn’t want Jongdae to think of him as being too eager to jump into a relationship. Joonmyun knew it was already one month since his relationship with Yifan, but to him, people should wait at least three months before jumping into another love interest.

Nonetheless, he gave Jongdae a positive answer and they started dating the minute Joonmyun said yes.





It was into three weeks of his relationship with Jongdae that Joonmyun found out the truth.

Joonmyun heard it from Jongdae’s mouth itself on how he is actually in love with a certain Kim Minseok. The way it happens is totally the clichéd way for people to always hear the truth.

He heard it when he was in the toilet.

Yup, Joonmyun was occupying one of the stalls in the school toilet when he heard voices outside. One of the voices belonged to Jongdae.

“Jongdae, why are you really dating that Joonmyun guy?” Joonmyun recognized the deep voice as one of Jongdae’s best friend. The tall one, who kind of looked a little creepy.

“What do you mean?”

“Stop it, Jongdae. You clearly know what I mean. Is this about Minseok?”

“Well, you clearly know. You didn’t need to ask, didn’t you?”

“I’m asking you why.”

There was a minute of silence before Jongdae replied. “To make him jealous.”

“And you sure this will work? You sure you dating Joonmyun will make Minseok realized he has feelings for you?”

“It will work. Minseok’s already started questioning me about the relationship. Looks to me like he’s jealous. Any day now, he’ll confess to me and I’ll happily accept.”

“What about Joonmyun?”

“What about him?” Jongdae nonchalantly asked.

“He’s in love with you and you’re just playing with his feelings. Don’t you think that’s cruel?”

“He’ll understand once I explain everything to him. It won’t be long until Minseok will take action. I’m sure Joonmyun’s not that in love with me. He’ll get over it.”

Joonmyun thought otherwise. He really is in love with Jongdae and he thought their sentiments were the same. It seems it was only one-sided. Joonmyun can feel his heart cracking. He didn’t even experience this when he broke up with Yifan. But, what’s truth is truth. What else can he do?

He devised another plan.

His heart may be breaking, but he planned to not show that heartbreak to Jongdae.





It was at one month and two weeks of their relationship that Jongdae finally told him.

“Joonmyun, I want to breakup,” Jongdae didn’t give any chance to Joonmyun to respond. “But, before that, I have to be honest with you.”

Joonmyun gave a small smile. “It’s okay, I know. You only dated me because you wanted to make Minseok jealous.”

“Y-You knew?” Jongdae gasped.

“That’s the reason I accepted you in the first place. I saw how you looked at Minseok. You were definitely in love with him. He just wasn’t aware of it,” Joonmyun took into great planning to make up that lie.

“I was that obvious?”

“At least to me.” This time Joonmyun attempted to smile as sincere as he can, so as not to let Jongdae detect how painful it is for him to be standing in front of him and saying such things.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I owe you so much! See, I knew everything would work out. Chanyeol was worrying too much. Thank you, Joonmyun. As you know, I’m ending our relationship because Minseok finally noticed me. I’ve never been happier. Thank you for everything. No hard feelings though, right?”

“You’re welcome. Stop saying thank you, I heard it the first three times you said it. Seriously, I’m fine. There are definitely no hard feelings,” Joonmyun laughed freely. Despite how hurt he is, there’s a little part of him that was happy for Jongdae. At least, one of them was really happy and found the one who they really wanted.

Maybe he wasn’t the only one planning. Destiny had already written that he wasn’t meant to be with Yifan or Jongdae. Hey, maybe destiny already has someone she planned to be his soul mate. Joonmyun didn’t mind waiting. It was also a chance for him to plan thoroughly on how to make his future relationship a success.

When the time comes, he’ll be fully prepared and hopefully, the next one will be the one for him.





Now, we can finally start on how Kim Joonmyun met Zhang Yixing.

Truthfully, Joonmyun fell for Yixing at first sight, but Joonmyun didn’t want to admit it, stating that such notion was preposterous. No matter how much he denies it, that was actually what really happened. He may have accidentally turned his gaze towards Yixing the first time he saw him, but Joonmyun definitely planned on getting to know Yixing deeper.

It was a few months after the start of the new school year. Yixing was the new transfer student from China. He came from a place called Changsha (Joonmyun didn’t research that, Yixing was the one who told him) and was somehow taken into studying in Korea. The first time Joonmyun saw him was when he saw Yixing standing in front of the school administration office. Seeing Yixing that time, Joonmyun had felt compelled to get to know him (he still didn’t want to admit that he had fallen for Yixing then and there).

Joonmyun knew the principal himself would greet any new student personally. He also knew that if there were anyone to pass in front of the door at the time that the principal walk out with the new student, then whoever the lucky person is (or victim) would have the privilege to show the new student around the school.

So, Joonmyun planned to do that particular act.

He waited patiently, while pressing himself on the wall to observe the turning of the knob. When the door finally opened, he made his way as casually as he can to make it look like as if he was merely passing there. Good thing too, that not many people were around. Even if there were people there, Joonmyun would have planned to make sure he was the closest to the office area.

As expected, he was called out by the principal and asked to show the new student around. Joonmyun felt a little spark of happiness, but brushed it off as he was happy to make a new acquaintance. What? You don’t see foreign people every day. Especially a good looking one with a dimple that can make your heart melts.

For one week, Joonmyun acted as a guide for Yixing on all the know-hows of the school. By the end of the week, Joonmyun finally admitted that he had fallen at first sight and that whenever he caught sight of Yixing, it made his heart flipped like crazy. He may have acknowledged his feelings, but it didn’t mean he wasn’t scared.

He wasn’t planning to fall for someone again.

The experience he had with Yifan and Jongdae made him hesitant to give his heart to another. Joonmyun knew everything was a thing of the past (he was still friends with those two), that it all happen last year (or preferably about five months ago), and it was already way past the three months space of jumping into a new relationship, but what if this time his heart broke and he’s not able to mend it?

But Joonmyun knows that he’ll regret it even more if he didn’t try.





And try he did.

Or, the term that Joonmyun prefer is plan. He already established that he really is head over heels for Yixing and that was the first step in his plan. The next one would be the dreaded confession time. Joonmyun’s not worried. He planned the confession step by step and he’s convinced if he followed through it accordingly, everything will be sailing smoothly.

But let’s face it; humans only have the mere ability to plan. It doesn’t mean what was planned will go exactly as it is. Joonmyun’s confession did come through with the wanted result. It’s just that the way his confession went was not exactly how he planned it.

Joonmyun had set up the date, the time, the place, the how, and the what. The date had been on the 22nd of May, his birthday to be specific; because he wanted this birthday of his to be memorable (he was confident Yixing was going to accept him). The time and the place were easy enough. He knew when Yixing had a free period and he knew the guy would be in front of Joonmyun’s locker, waiting. It had become their tradition to meet up on Wednesday when they both have a free period to just hang out and spend time together at the school library (don’t ask them why).

On how he was going to confess, Joonmyun had planned that he will walk as calm as he always had, greeted Yixing with his angelic smile, and started the conversation with a, “Yixing, I need to tell you something.” He will then proceed to the what, which is the content of said confession. He had planned on lowering his voice tone, look Yixing straight in the eyes, and saying something simple like, “I like you, Yixing.” If Yixing needed any further explanation, then he will just elaborate that he had liked Yixing as more than a friend and would like it if there were to change their relationship from a normal friendship to a romantic kind. Yixing would accept and they’ll start being a couple.

Somehow, destiny decided to spice Joonmyun’s confession to a notch.

Joonmyun had spotted Yixing waiting for him in front of his locker. He started walking calmly with a subtle air of confidence. What he didn’t expect was for Yixing to be aware of his coming presence and gave him his dimpled smile. Joonmyun’s knees wobbled and his heart began pounding at an abnormal rate. He became so nervous that he didn’t really pay attention to his surroundings.

When he was almost near Yixing, he collided with another student resulting in him stumbling and losing his footing. He was prepared to feel the hard floor slamming into his body when two strong arms caught his waist and pulled him closer. Those arms belonged to Yixing.

Joonmyun flushed and his thoughts scattered all around. He couldn’t think properly because, to tell the truth, he felt comfortable being in Yixing’s arm and wished he could stay there forever. He then gathered his courage and moved his gaze upwards to meet Yixing’s. Again, it was a mistake because this time, Joonmyun almost forgot to breathe. Looking at Yixing’s eyes closer, Joonmyun found that he was mesmerized and wouldn’t mind being trapped in that gaze for as long as Yixing would have it. 

“Would you go out with me?” Joonmyun blurted the first thing that came to his mind when he finally found his voice.

“Aren’t we always going out together?” Yixing scrunched his nose and Joonmyun thought it was the most adorable thing in the world.

“W-What I meant was going out as in a d-date. I-I like y-you, Yixing.” Joonmyun quickly turned his head to the side and closed his eyes. He was ready for a rejection, because come on, he didn’t went through with his plan. His stupid knees just had to decide to be weak that day. Yup, he puts full blame on his knees.

Hot breath suddenly caressed his ear and a whispered, “I like you too” was heard. Joonmyun snapped his head up to look at Yixing in disbelief.

“Y-You like m-me? Really?”

“Yes, Joonmyun, really. And I would love to date you,” Yixing let out an amused chuckle. Truth be told, Yixing fell for Joonmyun at first sight too. He didn’t know how or why, he just did. Seeing him that day, was like seeing a real angel walking in front of him. To top it off, Joonmyun had a smile that could dazzle anyone, and that included Yixing himself.


“Just to confirm it, that means we’re an item now, right? I can call you my boyfriend now?”

Joonmyun nodded his head and murmured, “B-Boyfriend, yeah. That sounds really nice.”

For a while, all they did was to stare into each other eyes in comfortable silence. It wasn’t until a voice interrupted them that they realized where they were.

“Joonmyun.” Both heads turned to look at the direction of the voice.

Joonmyun, realizing who it was, immediately replied. “J-Jongdae! What are you doing here?”

“I think I should be the one asking the questions. What are the two of you doing? I’m happy you found someone you like and all, but you guys are kind of making a scene.” Yixing and Joonmyun turned to look around and saw everyone there looking at them. “And I think you can let go of each other now. I think your boyfriend’s arms might be a little tired.”

When they turned to look at each other, only then were there aware that they are still in the position when Yixing caught him. Joonmyun instantly straightened himself up and took two steps back from Yixing. Both turned pink at the realization that they had been that way in front of everyone.

“Ahem,” Jongdae cleared his throat. “Anyway, as to why I’m here, it is to give you back your reference book. Thanks for lending it to me, Joonmyun. Some of the exercises really helped a lot. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a date on my own. I hope you two have nice date too.”

Jongdae winked at them before making his way to Minseok who was waiting for him a few feet away. Joonmyun looked at them and he was relieved that he no longer felt hurt. When Jongdae had said that he had a date, Joonmyun found himself being happy for him. It’s good to know that the lie he had made up was worth it.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good. So, me and you, after school?” Joonmyun had planned on what he thought is the perfect first date. If can, he wanted to immediately act on it so as to keep Yixing interested in him.

Joonmyun’s idea of a perfect first date was simple. He had planned to bring Yixing for a walk in the nearby beautiful park and maybe get some ice-cream to eat together. Before you judged him, remember, this is all part of his plan to make Yixing stay interested in him. He figured he should start with something simple, but memorable.

They always passed through the park whenever they were walking home from school. Joonmyun thought that this can serve as a purpose for them to never forget how their first date when. They will always be able to remember how they started going out. Joonmyun was told that sometimes the little things are what make relationship more meaningful.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Yixing again showed his dimpled smile and Joonmyun finally experience what people said about having butterflies in the stomach.

Joonmyun thinks it is okay that he has butterflies in his stomach. He had a plan to find a way to get them to fly in formation sooner or later.

Preferably much later. There are more important things he needed to plan first.





Their first date went pretty well with no glitch in sight.

Joonmyun thinks, no he knows, it is because they followed through with his planning. After breaking up with Jongdae, he had plenty of time to write down all the perfect planning for the perfect date and perfect relationship.

Just to make sure that Yixing knew of his need to plan things, he even showed him the dark purple book he owned as proof. Joonmyun had this feeling that Yixing was the one for him and didn’t want Yixing to regret their relationship in the future. He wanted to show Yixing how he really is. That was why he had no hesitation (but still a little fear) to show Yixing everything he wrote in that dark purple book.

Joonmyun’s hand was trembling when he gave the book to Yixing. But he was even more nervous with how Yixing’s reaction will turn out to be. He anxiously shifted his foot left and right, while waiting for Yixing to finish reading (or skimming, because Yixing didn’t want to ruin any surprises that Joonmyun might had planned) the content of the book.

When he was finally finished, he handed the book back to Joonmyun in a casual manner. Joonmyun had tried to intercept Yixing’s facial expression, but found nothing that he can conclude on how Yixing was feeling.

Yixing looked at Joonmyun in adoration, and said, “One of my favorite color is purple.”


Joonmyun stared blankly at Yixing. What kind of a statement was that?

Yixing smiled and brought Joonmyun near to kiss his forehead. “I love you, Joonmyun.”

Joonmyun immediately flushed red and shifted his gaze to the floor. This was the first time Yixing verbally expressed the word ‘I love you’. Other than their first confession to each other, which consists of only the words ‘I like you’, this was the only time Yixing had said the ‘love’ word. Joonmyun was happy.

“I-I love you too,” he responded after a while, still looking down on the floor. Yixing brought his chin up and proceeded to give him a chaste kiss on the lips.

Joonmyun’s heart fluttered and the butterflies residing in his stomach was at it again. He vowed, that one day, he will successfully tame the way the butterflies was making him feel.

Oh, and he found that he didn’t regret buying that dark purple book anymore.





For the following dates that they have along their relationship, Joonmyun planned them precisely to every detail.

He really wanted Yixing to be his as long as he can. He wanted everything to go according to plan meticulously. He convinced himself that was the only way to keep Yixing attracted to him. He didn’t realized his need to plan things increased even more than what he used to be.

But Yixing was aware of it.

Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t mind Joonmyun’s habit. He was fine with it, because that was one of the things he liked about Joonmyun. But, back when they were still friends, Joonmyun didn’t really make a big deal if there were some unexpected changes or some little things that they forgot to do. Even when they had their first date, Joonmyun smoothly improvised if they were lacking anything. Now, he got easily worried and panicked if even a small thing was out of place.

Like that one time when they had a date in the amusement park.

Joonmyun had planned what rides they would take and at what time they should be at each ride. At first, the date went exactly how Joonmyun wanted it. Problem arises when they were almost at the end of their date. Their last agenda was to get on the Ferris wheel. The line was unexpectedly long, and by the time they did get on it, it was past half an hour than what Joonmyun originally planned. Honestly, Yixing didn’t mind waiting at all. He got to spend his time with Joonmyun and that’s all he cared about. But Joonmyun wasn’t satisfied. He kept murmuring that there were late and everything was ruined. Not even the panoramic sight when they got on top managed to calm him. Yixing could only hold his hand and kept assuring Joonmyun that it was fine.

And another one was when they had decided to have a date at this one fancy restaurant.

Again, everything went well at first. They arrived on time and they did get the table of their choice. The waiter came and took their order. The meal they wanted to eat was available and Joonmyun was relieved that everything was still going as planned. When it came time for dessert, the one they wanted was finished. The chocolate cake was popular that night and the restaurant ran out of it. Yixing didn’t mind ordering a different one, but Joonmyun seemed reluctant though in the end, he agreed eating something else. When it was time to pay (they had agreed to split the tab), Joonmyun was short of money for his half. Yixing gladly paid for the amount Joonmyun wasn’t able to cover, but Joonmyun’s face reflected guiltiness. He couldn’t stop apologizing to Yixing all the way home.

Yixing decided enough was enough. Joonmyun looked so stressed out and he missed seeing a genuine smile forming on that angelic face. He confronted Joonmyun on their way back from school (Yixing thought it was the best time because this way, he won’t interfere with whatever Joonmyun had planned and it was free from any wandering eyes).

“Joonmyun, we need to talk,” Yixing started.

Said person stopped in his tracks. His heart pounded wildly and he was starting to sweat. Joonmyun knew those words. In every relationship, whenever those four dreaded words were uttered, it was a sign or a code for the term ‘breaking up’. The day he feared the most has finally come.  

Yixing was going to breakup with him.

“Joonmyun, I can’t do this anymore. Can we stop doing this?”

Joonmyun knew it. He must have overlooked something in his plan that made Yixing wanted to breakup with him.

“Did I forget to do something?” Joonmyun timidly inquired.

“No, it’s actually something you’re doing.”

“So, I did something wrong?” Joonmyun’s face lighted with hope. “I can change if you want. Tell me what you prefer. I’ll change it and plan them into something of your liking, so–”

“Joonmyun. This is what I’m talking about. This whole planning thing.”

“Y-You don’t l-like it?” Joonmyun furrowed his eyebrows. He thought Yixing was alright with it. What did he do wrong?

“It’s cute, Joonmyun. Seeing you try so hard to make us work was a really nice gesture. I had also let you planned all this time because you seemed so happy about it. But only for the first few times. I didn’t mind if you were like this once in a while, but not every single time.”


So Yixing is not that fond of this personality of his.

“Then I’m sorry, Yixing. But can I at least have a favor to ask?”

Joonmyun wasn’t prepared for the breakup. He had really thought that Yixing was the one. He had really thought he was lucky enough to find someone who didn’t mind spending time with him and his need of planning things. He got so carried away that he didn’t make any breakup plan like he had done with Yifan and Jongdae.

“I’m not finished yet, Joonmyun.”


“Okay, what is it?” Yixing sighed. He still wanted to explain more, just in case Joonmyun didn’t get it, but he couldn’t resist his boyfriend’s pleading tone.

“Can you breakup with me like maybe tomorrow? I need to plan on how to deal with this heartbreak properly. I–”

“Joonmyun! Again with the planning. And what gave you the idea that I wanted to breakup with you?” he looked at Joonmyun incredulously.

“Y-You said we should stop–”

“Yes, stop with the excessive planning. I told you, I know you’re happy planning things, but recently you seemed so stressed. You’re no longer that happy. As if what you’re doing is some kind of a chore. How about this? I want you to try to be spontaneous. At least with me. When we’re together, just the two of us. I understand you want to organize everything. But love and relationship doesn’t need to,” Yixing elaborated, in the hopes that Joonmyun understood.

“Y-You’re not breaking up with me?”

“No, Joonmyun. I love you too much to do that. I just wanted you to try to let go sometimes. You don’t have to be too rigid. Try winging it. Just be you.”

“But I am me. This is how I am, Yixing. I can’t and I won’t change what I am,” Joonmyun firmly stated.

“You’re not listening to me. I’m not asking you to change. I’m asking you to follow your heart. Here, let me show you.”

Yixing gently grabbed Joonmyun’s arm and pulled him to his embrace. He connected their lips for a passionate kiss and moved his other hand to the base of Joonmyun’s neck to deepen the kiss.

“See? This is what I mean. We should kiss spontaneously. We don’t need to plan how many kisses we do every day. We don’t need to plan how long our kisses should take. We can create our own time and be lost in it together. We should just do what we feel like doing. No harm, right?”

“I-I guess. B-But, I–”

“What are you afraid of? Back when we were friends, you weren’t this serious in planning. You used to be a bit flexible. You didn’t get easily panic if something wasn’t going as you had planned. What happened, Joonmyun?” Yixing asked seriously.

“We happened.” Yixing lifted one of his eyebrows. “Back then we were friends. Now, we’re a couple. It’s different. I really want us to last. I don’t want what happened with Yifan and Jongdae to repeat.”

“Joonmyun, I’m not them. Do you not believe how much I’m in love with you? I am very happy to have a chance to be beside you. Don’t ever doubt that, okay?”

Joonmyun looked into Yixing’s eyes and saw how sincere he looked. That was all he ever wanted to hear and longed for. He really fell hard for the taller male and he’s not sure what he will become if Yixing was to truly breakup with him. He shyly nodded to Yixing’s question.

“Good. That means I can do this too.” This time, Yixing grabbed Joonmyun’s waist and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. He then trailed down to pepper kisses all over Joonmyun’s face, while whispering ‘I love you’ over and over again.

Yixing then took hold of Joonmyun’s left hand in his right, kissed it tenderly, and hold it as tight as he can. “And you don’t need to plan how long we have to hold hands. I know your palm easily sweats, but I don’t care. Mine is always dry and that shows how perfect we fit.”

As an effect of the attention Yixing gave him, Joonmyun’s face was red, his vision still a little hazy, his heart beating erratically, and he…likes it.

No, he loves it.

The feelings rush through his whole body and he never felt so…elated. Yixing is really something that even those simple gestures made him this giddy.

Joonmyun thinks, maybe Yixing was right. He could give it a try to not plan anything when it involves them both. He decided he wanted to continue with this spontaneity that Yixing was talking about. Yixing had said there’s no harm in it. And Joonmyun trusted him wholeheartedly.

“Hey, Yixing?”


Joonmyun quickly pressed his lips to Yixing’s and said, “I love you too and I don’t mind marrying you in the future.”

Yixing froze, but he couldn’t hide the pink hue blooming on his cheeks. He wanted to retaliate with something that would sound intelligent (or at least something cool), but he only managed to splutter a, “N-Not t-that spontaneous! We’re still in school!”

Joonmyun ignored a dumbfounded Yixing by walking ahead and planned (habits die hard, okay, but he’s on his way trying) to do more spontaneous thing as to get more reaction out of his usually composed boyfriend. 


And do you guys remember the butterflies he had planned to train?

Well, maybe he doesn’t need to anymore.

Oh, what is he saying?

He had actually given up that endeavor a long time ago.





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skgenting #1
Chapter 1: this is so cute!!!
Chapter 1: this SuLay fic is really cutee!!:''
Chapter 1: This is one of my favorite Sulay ! And here I am reading it again. Aaaaah. This is too sweet. I want a boyfriend like Xing Xing too ! Lucky Joonmyeon ! ^^
2451 streak #4
Chapter 1: one of my most fave SuLay fics!!!
this is just so beautiful, i don't mind reading it again and again
and it even includes my other Suho OTPs KrisHo and SuChen! gaaaaah...
i just love this... ♥
Nasulayim #5
Chapter 1: This is so good...kudos to you :)
I recommended your story bc it's awesome sobs
Chapter 1: Omg this was nice kslcncskndlcb I love SULAAAAAAAYYYY <33333
Chapter 1: That was just too cute.. fluffehness all over xDDD
Yixing was quite the boyfriend too.. good thing he said it wel,joonmyun is too sensitive xP
Loved this.. make more please xD
Chapter 1: That was so amazing !!! **thumbs up**
Suho is such a cutie, especially in the end part! >////<

More LayHo/SuLay fics from you author-nim would surely be bliss to my fangirling heart! :DD

Great Job! This. Is. Simply. AWESOME~