Worth It.

Kpop Scribbles and One Shots

He’s got that soothing voice that sends chills down your spine.

He’s got that singing style that pierces through your heart—slowly drawing you to him.

He’s a man you never thought you’d be able to know.

He’s got lots of fans.

Yes, he’s a star. Not just an ordinary star but a one of a kind star.

He’s a man full of surprises—always surprising us with his capabilities and abilities.

Those doe like eyes that seem to creep through your soul whenever he looks into that camera as if he was literally conveying a message only you and him could understand.

His heart shaped lips that look so endearing.

The eye smiles he has that makes you smile as well.

His squishiness that makes you want to keep him inside your pocket.

His dorkiness and his mother-like attitude that makes him even more interesting than he really is.

This list could go on forever about the things and reasons on why you adore him--but there's one thing you could conclude— HE IS WORTH IT ALL.


But then, he’s a star and you’re his fan.

You live on either the same side of the world or on the opposite side of the world.

Will I ever get to see him? Or maybe see him again?

Will I ever have the chance to lock eyes with him even for just a second or two?

A second is enough, because in a fangirl’s perspective one look from him is worth a thousand of anything.

But the world may be cruel; it may or may not give us the chance.

I do hope that even for this moment, just for this wish, the world won’t close its doors on me.

‘Cause it’ll mean a hell lot to me, I promise, just this once and I’ll be contented.

For, every fan girl deserves to see her bias.

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