Her Step, His Step

The Title of This Story Is Unknown


Chapter Sixteen: Her Step, His Step


          Days passed and jinri noticed how weird Kai was acting. He is already weird for her to begin with but he is stranger than usual. He is being…overprotective? She guessed. She don’t have any idea what is he doing, to be honest. Ever since that day when she got locked up in an empty room, Kai won’t let her get out of his sight.

          He is following her everywhere she goes. He’ll be at the school earlier than everyone else; he’ll also bother her during lunch and waits for her after school. If you think that that was he usually do, yes it is. But before, he’ll leave her alone after tutoring them. Now, he’ll also come with her at the restaurant that she works at night and to the 24 hours convenient store by midnight.

          What is more adding to those I mentioned was the fact that Kai keeps glaring everyone around Jinri, suspicious ones or not. She swears that she even heard him growled at them.

          Jinri doesn’t understand why he is acting like that. She was asleep when Jiyeon and Kai met again. Kai was just being cautious. He knew that Jiyeon was not kidding with her threats. What is more frightening than a possessive witch ex-girlfriend? So Kai wants to make sure that she can’t touch jinri, not even a single strand of her hair.


          “Jinri,” Suho called. “Can I borrow the book you lend to Kyungsoo after him?”

          He must be talking about her copy of Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travel. Her middle school English teacher gave it to her as a present for being an excellent student. Kyungsoo borrowed it the other day because he is working on book report. Jinri lends it to him since she already knew the book by heart.

          “I saw it earlier when Kyungsoo putted his things on my locker.” He continued. “Don’t worry; I’ll take good care of it.”

          She just nodded. It is not a big deal to her. It actually doesn’t matter.

          “Hyung, why you two are sharing one locker?” kai asked. It doesn’t make sense to him.

          “I got a basement locker and it so I asked Suho hyung if I could share in his locker.” Kyungsoo informed. “Come to think of it…jinri, don’t you have a basement locker too?”

          He is right. She also got a basement locker and just like what he said, it really . Class A students were never supposed to get basement locker. For some reasons, though, everyone with a last name from C-E had locker at the bottom of the fire stairs.

          Kai and Suho, are K’s, their locker was up by the front building. The O-R, including Sehun and Chanyeol, were right outside their homeroom. Jinri, of course, was the odd girl out- the one who would need a passport and visa to get her stuff.

          “It must be tough for you.”

          “No, I’m fine.” She was used to it. She just had this major bad luck.

          Sehun is muttering something but his voice is so low that nobody could really hear it. “If you want…you could…we could…you know…s-sha...”

          He wants to offer his locker to her. They could share it what Suho and Kyungsoo did but he is shy and too much of a coward when it comes to jinri.

          No wonder why Chanyeol offered his locker first before him. “We could share too, if you want.”

          Baekhyun snickered. “Like she would want a smelly locker, Chanyeol.”

          “It wasn’t smelly.” He protested. It is actually is. Chanyeol only use his locker like a trash can. He even suspects that the milk that he stole from Suho is still there and that was last year. “Are you going to offer your locker too that’s why you are sabotaging me?”

          “Nope, heck, I don’t even know where’s mine.” Baekhyun never bring any of his stuff at school. No books, no notebook, no pens, nothing. You probably wondering how it works for him, don’t worry, you are not the only one.

          Jinri wants to face-palm herself. “No thanks, I rather have my current locker than to share with anyone of you.”

          Sehun considered it to apply with each one of them so he just closes his mouth. He’ll not push Jinri if she said she don’t want to.

          “I have to go now.” it is almost time for her work.

          The rest bids her goodbye but Kai stood up when she did. Jinri knew what it means; he’ll come again with her. She didn’t say a word and just left.

          Kai is just whistling while walking beside her. Jinri still didn’t say a word but when they reach the restaurant. She pulled him in the collar to stop him from entering. Kai usually going inside with her and be a loyal costumer. He just sat there and eats without taking his eyes off her. That creep her out and she can’t focus on her work with those heavy eyes looking at her.

          “Go home.” She said.

          “Oh, wae~” he whined like a five year old kid. “I’ll be good, I promise.”

          He is already being good, she just don’t want him there. “No, you can’t come in.”


          “No buts, I have to work and I don’t want you around sitting there while I’m doing it.”

          He didn’t talk for a minute and just stare at her blankly. Suddenly, he smirked. Jinri hates seeing that smirked. “Okay, fine.”

          That was the first time that Kai didn’t push what he wants. But since he said ‘fine’, she just enters inside without him. Why I still feel uneasy?


          It took jinri a week to conclude that her entire job at the restaurant consisted of (1) lying and (2) selling. That was it. Lie and the sell. It was kind of fascinating to watch the whole process. She felt like she had the smoking gun out the whole conspiracy of life.

          First of all, she is working at an Irish restaurant. The restaurant’s ads stressed that people were supposed to come and sit and stay for a long time, enjoying the warm Irish hospitality. This was the first big lie that Jinri uncovered. One of the main issues emphasized in her short training was that she was selling experience, not product, which was some weird way of saying that she was supposed to entertain people. She was supposed to be cheerful and friendly, as if that she actually lived at the restaurant and the people at her table were unexpected but welcome guest in her living room. At the same time, she was told she had to get people out the door the moment they stopped ordering. If someone turned down a dessert or another round of drinks –bam! - She was to drop that check.

          Then there was selling. The entire existence of the restaurant seemed to depend on appetizers, desserts and frozen drinks –and these were the things she had to push. When people first sat down, she was supposed to interest them in some pub fries or onion blossoms or Paddy’s Frozen Peppermint Patties. And when they were done, after Jinri cleared away the plates of bones from the baby back ribs and the remains of the half-pound hamburgers, it was time to put her hands on her hips and say “okay, I know somebody wants desserts!”. She should have just passed out the phone number of a good cardiologist.

          Jinri soon came to the conclusion that the only reason she was hired in the first place, since she didn’t exactly seem to have the personality that the restaurant was looking for, is because she can play the piano. Jinri have no money for piano lessons, however, just like her middle school English teacher, he former music teacher must have like her so much to offer her to teach her how to play the piano. The teacher was amazed by Jinri’s determination to learn and be good at everything.

          Jinri was called into action when she heard a whooping noise and then the heavy beat of a mechanical bass drum that was mounted on the wall by the front vestibule. She was playing the piano to set up the mood of the costumers. A lot of people must have like how she plays since the manager hadn’t fired her yet with her dull attitude while serving.

          She just finished cleaning one of her tables. Jinri swerved around a busboy carrying a heavy load of dirty dishes and ducked into the pantry. The first thing she saw at the kitchen was something she never expected. “What the hell you’re doing here?”

          “Aren’t you happy to see me?” Kai is still wearing that smirk he had on before they parted earlier. So this is why she still feels uneasy.

          “How did you get in here? Didn’t I tell you to stop following me?” she is starting to get annoyed with him again. He never learns to listen.

          He went closer to her. He enjoys seeing her shocked expression. “That was an hour ago and besides, you can’t tell me to go home now.”

          “And give me a good reason why?”

          “Because I work here.” That was a pretty good reason.

          “What?!” she don’t believe him. “Are you joking right now?”

          “Nope,” Kai toyed at the silverwares beside him. “You can ask the manager if you want.”

          The manager appears seconds after Kai mentioned him. He seems to be in a good mood especially seeing Kai. “Oh, jinri, getting to know our newbie? That’s good.”

          It’s not good. She thought. How can he accept someone like him? He was only used on being served. What did he know about working?

          I’ll tell you how Kai got in. he sneaked in inside the restaurant without being seen by Jinri, finds the manager and tell him the advantages that the restaurant will get if he’ll hire him. Kai didn’t have any application form or any working experience, however, the manager can’t set aside the fact that Kai’s good looks could bring in a lot of costumers. And unlike the stubborn jinri, even though Kai is moody and have temper, he could change his personality to fit into what the restaurant’s been looking for. Plus, Kai isn’t really up for money so he said they don’t have to pay him, he just wants some working experience, whish of course a lie. He just actually wants to be able to watch Jinri without her complaining about it.

          The manager gave Kai a small tour and instructions on what he is supposed to be doing. He never did any of this in his entire life but he thinks he could handle it. What could be so hard about entertaining people? He could do it especially in girls. He just has to show-off his charm and flirt with them a little. Most of the girls are easy for him to handle, except Jinri of course

          Kai was at the changing room and was about to come out. He needs to wear a green shirt plus suspender since it is the restaurant’s uniform. He got startle when he saw jinri standing outside the changing room, waiting for him. “Are you imitating someone from The Grudge? I almost got a heart attack.”

          She glared at him.

          “That is not a very good way to welcome your new co-worker, you know?”

          “I’m going to kill you.” Jinri said. “Death, you understand? And they will never found your body.”

          Kai just laughs. “Aw, come one, don’t be like that. It won’t be bad as you think.”

          Jinri doubts it. It is already bad as she thought it would be, hell, it is even worse. Kai annoys her at school, in tutoring lessons and now at work.

          “Look at me; I could make this dull uniform look good.” He wasn’t kidding. Jinri thought Kai would look funny in their uniform, disappointed she was, the uniform fits him so well. It makes him look…cute?

          He leaned forward and stared at the name tag pinned to Jinri’s suspenders.

          “Erin Murphy.” He read. “I like that we all have these fake Irish names even though we are obviously Korean.”

          Jinri read his tag. “You’re Shane O’Douls?”

          “I know, I think the manager got overboard in naming me.” Still, he looks happy.

          She sighs in defeat.

          Someone from the back cleared his throat. “U-um…J-jinri, someone ordered in your table…”

          Oh, sh*t! Jinri totally forgot her table. This is why she doesn’t want Kai around, he is distracting her. “I’ll get on it.”

          The guy didn’t leave. “Actually, I already got it. I’m free anyway and I don’t want you in trouble.”

          “You really have to do that. I’ll get yours next, okay?”

          The guy flushed little and left the two of them again. He actually didn’t notice Kai was even there. This was nothing new to Kai. Guys developed instantaneous, epic crushes on Jinri –the kind that caused them to want to iron their clothes and listen to the lyrics of slow songs. Yes, they were usually intimidated by Jinri because she is an introvert and ignoring everybody but they took it as a challenge.

          “Looks like you have a new one.” Kai said.

          “’a new’ what?”

          Kai did his best imitation of that guy’s face while talking to her earlier.

          “Shut up.” She said.

          “What? He seems nice. He kind of looks like he’s one of those people who keep going in Boy Scouts until he’s legal.”

          She rolled her eyes.

          “Oh, you’re not interested?” he raises an eyebrow. He wonders what kind of guy Jinri likes.

          “In what?”

          “What kind of signs do you need?” he asked, laughing. He grabbed Jinri and wrapped his arms around her, coming in close to her face. “ I love you, Choi Jinri, can’t you see I love you?”

          One of the cooks peered through the narrow kitchen window.

          “Nice!” he said. “You guys dating?”

          “You wished.” Jinri said in a sarcastic tone. She pushes Kai away and keeps her distance away from him.

          Kai smiles, as long as he could still see her, it’s fine.

          When he is walking around to go to his table, he passed by the guy who talked to jinri minutes ago. He leaned to his ear and whisper. “Stay back. She’s mine and I have claws.”

          The guy looks at him in confusion but Kai just growled at him.










          “Did actual people buy this kind of food?" Kai is examining a whole bunch of  cheese balls.

          After their work at the restaurant, jinri just let Kai come with her at the convenient store, afraid that if she pushes him away, he’ll apply there too. Kai in the restaurant was not bad, not not bad, if you know what I mean. Girls love him. They bought everything that Kai suggested that is good to eat like Piña Coladas. Cleaning was the part that Kai hates and loses his temper. He complains about it to her every time which is why she doesn’t want to work with him anymore.

          Jinri yawned. There are no costumers but she needs to stay awake just in case. She hasn’t got any proper nap this week too. “Aren’t you going home? It is passing midnight now and we have school tomorrow.”

          “Nope, I’m good at staying up late.” still looking around. “I used to go clubbing every night.”

          “Then why don’t you do that then?” she is finding a way on how to eliminate Kai.

          Kai’s expression look pained. “I’m not going back on doing that kind of stuff again. Besides, it is more fun here.”

          What is so fun at staying in a convenient store all night? But she has to admit that having him around makes her stay awake. She usually fights with her heavy eyelids during work.

          “Does this thing works?” he pointed at the Dragon Master, a video game that the owner putted for just a little entertainment.

          “I don’t know, maybe.” The owner’s hope for a little entertainment was a failure. No one actually pays attention to an old game with all these new technologies nowadays. Kai is the only odd one who actually gives a sudden interest in it.

          “Can I turn it on?”

          “Do whatever you want.” if Kai did something wrong with it and wreck it, she thinks that no one will notice. The owner already gave up on it. It is just a big trash inside the store.

          Kai turn it on and for some miracle, it is still working. He slips a coin into the money slot. “Whoa! This is daebak! Jinri look at this!”

          He seems to be enjoying the video game. Since she’s bored and already finished reading all the books that she brought there, she came and peered over his shoulder as Kai, a huge muscular warrior, gathered troops of loyal men and a curvaceous woman to fight by his side.


          At the level four, there was a sea battle. At level six, the vandals set fire to Kai’s village and he saved all the women and children. Jinri watched his hands, fast and sure on the various knobs and buttons. He seems too good for a first timer.

          The door suddenly opens and for another miracle this night, an actual costumer appeared.

          “annyeonghaseyo.” Jinri greeted the old man, maybe in his late fifties.

          Kai paused the game and turned around. He watches jinri walks back to the counter. The old man bought two bottles of soju and left after jinri gave his change and receipt.

          Jinri didn’t come back at Kai’s side and just stay at the counter. “You don’t have to watch me every move, you know? You can keep playing if you want.”

          “I will.” He said. But every time that a miracle costumer appears, he will stop playing and just watch her.



          The heroic version of Kai through twenty-four levels ends after being incinerated by dragon’s breath.

          “That was fun!” kai beamed even though it is only four o’clock in the morning. Jinri just finished her shift and feeling so tired. She doesn’t know where Kai is getting all of his energy.

          When they reach the main street, they knew that it is the time they had to really part. Jinri never let Kai or anyone walk her to her house. Maybe that’s why every time they had to part, Kai always grab her hand, wishing for her not to go. But he knew this was a false hope.

          “You are not getting tired of this, are you? You know that I can’t escape him.” she is comfortable now talking about his step-father with Kai. She has nothing to hide now, actually there is but he doesn’t have to know about it too. Kai already knew enough.

          “I could get you an apartment of your own if you just let me.” This was a false hope too. He knew what she would say.

          “Tempting but no thanks.”

          Kai sighs. “Then, just take this.”

          He gave her a key. “What is this for?”

          “That’s the key of my locker, I don’t have a lot of stuff anyway.”

          “I don’t want this either.” She tried to give it back but Kai refuse to take it.

          “Just keep it.” he said. “I have to go now, see you at school, at tutoring lesson and at work.”

          “I just found myself a stalker, great.” She rolled her eyes.

          Before she left, Kai touches her face first and smiles. “Take care.”




Author's note:

i'm so sorry if you waited for so long to read this chapter,...

i lost my ideas and i just realized that my writing notebook only had 3 pages left..T.T

i can't properly type if i haven't wrote if first on my notebook...

i just can't go out and buy so i needed to wait for mother to but it for me...T.T


i'm looking for someone who could do a video fro this fanfic...

i really can't do it by myself, please anyone, help me...T.T


Special shout-out to iamalea:

please don't die while waiting..hehe...i miss you too, i'll update again soon so stay still okay? i'll read your story after...english is not my first language also so don't worry about it...^.^


anyways, i just received Stephanie's package for me...isn't that great?

i love her letter for me and i cried reading it...she also gave me a bracelet and earings.

Stephanie, if you are reading this, thank you so much! i'll wear it when we skype again..^.^

she also asked me to thank you all those people to wishes her good luck for her audition...^.^

photo f4501f99-3c20-43e3-9796-aee53014e3a6_zps5a49f85c.jpg


a lot of you said that they cried while reading a chapter...

to those people, just hold your tears up, the drama part is worst than that...haha Spoiler aleart!..

but let's enjoy some fluffy moments first...the story is just starting...^.^


kimzea and Smily0: i hear you guys, i've seen how many times you wrote "update soon"..sorry it took so long...^.^ here is my update...hope you both like it...^.^

SurayaPakair99: let's not make it 5 times..haha...here is the new chapter, you won't read it again and again, would ya? haha...your comment made me laugh...^.^

csulli94: i've updated, sorry for the wait...

Psyduck_lover:i'll work harder to give you more good stories to read :)

Ludwina: thank you so much for the compliment. :)

baektionary: i was a role player too...^.^ i love KaiLli couple that's why they are my main character...^.^ please read my story whenever i update it...and thanks for subscribing <3

sujuinfinitelove: i'll send you an EXO postcard...please PM me your address...^.^ don't worry, i'll keep it a secret....let's put the choking part aside, okay? haha..you are so funny...^.^ do you like Olaf? i love him! ...and i'm not worrying anymore, as long as you read my story and give me your comment, i'm happy...^.^

foreverjonginjinri: i know you would love the previous chapter...i know you love fluff moments between Kai and Jinri...^.^

taeminie12: don't worry, i'll update more and more in the future...^.^

chrldonr: you are SUPER DUPER AWESOME too!!...haha...what do you think of this update? is it good?

misstirs: i'll stay healthy for my sake and all of my subscribers that's waiting for my updates...thank you for believing in me...^.^

ExoAll12: here is the lollipop for you...haha...sorry if i can't update everyday...but please don't lose your hope in me, i'll do my best...^.^

seiranti: i love your evil plan...^.^ maybe it could happen...*wink wink*...haha....i'm young-at-heart so don't worry if you feel like 5 years old...i'm 3..haha

zazazazzz: i'll update as soon as i can...i'll repay your wait...^.^

baboya010207: i know right!...^.^..haha they really cute together...i'll update more cute moments...^.^

sunsista: i love ouran especially the Hitatchin twins!..hehe...otaku mode...haha...what do you think will hapeen next??

nanasso: cool! we'll be happy virus!...i like that idea...hehe...i saw that you are growling at jiyeon, i think you'll eat her next after you read the next chapter...haha

kimdinedin: do you want some more cheesy moments??....yes we are still young so i'll just keep expressing my feelings...^.^


i'll reply again to all your comments below next time...^.^

till next update guys...^.^ love you so much!!!


please don't forget to subscribe, comment and upvote (if you want of course) ^.^




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erayuri #1
Chapter 20: Hello author, it has been now 4 years since you started this fanfiction and I have loved it a lot, but it has been 4 years since you haven't uploaded anything . Maybe you gave up on this but please at least write 10 lines for what happenes to the characters.
nur_hakimah97 #2
Chapter 20: Hi. I wanna ask something. When will you update your story ? It's been a long while since you update this story. I already lost count of how many times i keep repeating reading this story since almost 2 years ago. I miss this story. I wanna know what happen to kai.. to jinri.. to sehun and the also other character. Pls update this story again
Chapter 19: Hi.. How are u! Miss ur story so much n miss u too^^
Chapter 19: Hello authornim i really miss you and your story please update Thank you ...... Love love love❤️
choihwamin #5
Chapter 20: hi friends! miss u so much.. and i miss your ff too. i'm sorry for not read your ff before. because, i have something to be done. and because im very busy too.. sorry.. im begging for your forgiveness.. im sorry chingu~
i hope you can continue your ff. i know,i'm late..but please forgive meee T_T
healthcare #6
Chapter 20: oh..i cant wait you continue this story..huhuhu..pls make them happy ending..^^
idk but i can feel the pain tho..n i am on mw way again in train..lol fighting authornim♡♡
erayuri #7
Chapter 20: update please I need to know how the story will end
reinawade #8
Chapter 20: update plssss
reinawade #9
Chapter 19: i love your story so much. you make me cry all along .. thanks author for this wonderful chapter