

He misses the outside world. The boisterous loud noise, the suffocating pollution, harmful people; he misses it. Funny how what the things people complain about is what you intensely miss. But above anything else, he missed him. He missed how he worried about him, nagged about his health, pictured their future together, and planned a way out of the dirt he was in.

He seemed the pure white people talked about, not the one around him.


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Dubiaku #1
Chapter 1: "They always say white is pure but it’s just a comeuppance" -- What? Why a comeuppance and what is he being punished for? This sticks out from the middle of the prose and has no meaning relating to its surroundings.

"He seemed the pure white people talked about, not the one around him." -- This jumble of words has no discernable meaning. It's like dropped flash-cards with words on them.