Chapter 1

Their Elite

The group of males looked at the two females, just by glancing one could see they were full of questions for them. "Yes, D.O we can read minds. Its a common level skill of an Elite member, though distance differ from person to person." Hana said, teasing the male by using said ablity. Yunhee shook her head, "Just tell them what they need to know so we can assign who goes to which group." She complained, she was growing bored standing there and wanted to go out with Victoria to play. Three members raised their hands to ask a question.

"Luhan." Hana called out.He cleared his through and glanced at Sehun, it seems they prediscussed this question. "We heard that Elite members aren't supposed to be seen, so how are you going to help us?" He asked. A few members called his question stupid while others agreed to it. "Elites are meant to be shadows really. To do this we dress up as your 'stylists' or a 'journalist'. Even when you don't know it an Elite is usually nearby. I even became a stage staff to stay close to a group once." Yunhee answered, jokingly adding that the job mostly involved blending in. "So what powers do you two have? Can you show us?" Baekhyun asked next. "Well I can stablize a rowdy crowd. My ablity is me controlling emotions, which is needed for your fans." Hana said, adding that she can't really show her skill at the moment.

The males shifted their attention to Yunhee, who was looking around nervously. "I can draw things that might happen and create illusions." She answered, the boys grew rowdy, wanting to see her skill. She took her sketchbook out and sat on the floor. "Hana, you have to guard me." She reminded the older female, who was currently fuming at how she quickly lost the attention. Yunhee took a deep breath, and let her mind become open. Her eyes became hooded and the pencil in her hand started to move. Quickly drawing out a scene. "You shouldn't open a gift that will come in two days. It contains a dead rat and has maggots in it. Don't really see who would waste their...oh, nevermind I see the person. Looks like an anti if I was to guess." She spoke slowly as she drew. With her last words the drawing came to an end. "You draw almost as good a me." Kris said, a few members hid their smile at his comment.

Yunhee's art looked almost professinal but was just a rough sketch. No details, justs lines making out the main points. It showed the details of how the 'gift' was wrapped and what was inside. "I only draw like this when I have to use my ablity. Usually I can barely draw a cup that isn't lopsidded." She mumbled. "Now the illusions." Chanyeol pipped up, excitement running through him. "I don't have the energy to do something fancy." She warned, smiling shyly at how she had to admit she didn't prepare to have to showoff her ablitites. The room started to snow, shocking the boys at first until they realized it was her. "Nothing fancy huh?" Kai asked, smirking at her.

She ended the illusion and gave the attention back to Hana. "So I want to explain that we are both going to be assigned to you when you are one. But will split with each group. Raise your hands if you are in Exo-K." She said. Catching her mind Yunhee knew she was just judging the males on their looks. The ones that fit her taste more would be the group she claimed. "You are with Yunhee. M, you are all with noona." She said smiling from whatever throughts she picked up from them. "Can we eat lunch now?" Yunhee whispered to her. "Lets split a lunch date so we can get to know you all more and you can see how we work." Hana told the males, as if she planned this in the beginning.

- - - - -

"Is SM really ok with this?" Sehun asked her. Yunhee nodded, unlike Hana who was taking her group to a restraunt she decided to just order take-out and eat on the roof. "They know the procedure for first days so your practice skipping is ok. This time." Yunhee repeated for him. They had ordered quite a number of food as each person who holding at least two bags each. "Anyway it would be bad if we go out right now. Too many fans blocking the street where Hana's group is heading. Too much work." She said in a sing song voice. She did warn Hana but the female just repeated that she could handle it.

They laided out the spread of food and passed around drinks and plates. "So you are Exo-K, I heard you guys have 'powers' too." She said slowly, pointing her chopsticks at them all. "They aren't real like yours." Chanyeol laughed. It seemed silly now for them to have to explain their 'powers' to someone who had the real deal. "Tell me them." She asked, smiling at how they grew nevous. "I can teleport." Kai said, insiting that he really could when the others tried to tell him to stop embarassing them. "We have a teleporter in Elite. I think she is stationed with Cube right now." Yunhee told no one really, focusing mainly on the dukbokki in front of her. "I have the ablity to control the wind." Sehun spoke up. "I have fire." Chanyeol added. They wanted to know if there was an Elite member with their ablities.

"I don't think so. Nature ablities are pretty rare and kinda useless in this feild of work." She answered, apologizing when the two males face deflated. "But they do sound way cooler than some of the ablities I have seen." She said, trying her best to cheer them back up. "Like what?" Suho asked. Yunhee chewed a mouthful of grilled pork while she thought about it. "There is someone who can hear sounds from far away, a person who can find lost items...hmm Oh there is also this person who can see 'red strings of fate'." She listed the powers she felt were more interesting than impressive. "We beat the groups who got them, we got an imagintive Elite member who can create anything." Suho said, petting the smaller girl on the head. Yunhee beamed at him, asking him to pass the chicken.

"Oh yeah, I should offically greet you." She remembered her orders and cleared . "My name is Yunhee, and I am Exo-K's personnal Elite. I vowed to make sure to lower your amount of saesang fans and keep you all from harms way. I may look weak and unrealiable. Wait, I shouldn't say that part--- I am a dependable force and will always have your backs covered as long as I am assigned to you." She said, proud she remembered some of her prewritten vow. The boys clapped for her, jokingly calling her 'professinal' and 'reliable'. "How often are you with M?" She asked them.

"More often now, our comeback is coming up so Exo is one for the time being." D.O explained. She nodded, frowning at the idea of running into Hana more often. "Well isn't that grand." She mumbled, 'I have to live with her and actully see her. Sukchul owes me so much.' She thought to herself. Something was off. The boys were all enjoying their meal and talking, so it can't be them. "Who is here?" She whispered, grabbing her sketchbook. She quickly sketched the intruder and went into alert mode. 'I can't let them on to what is going on.' She told herself, giving the boys a quick excuse that she was going to get some water. "I have some here." Baekhyun said, lifting the large bottle.

She ignored him and went into pursut. "Lets follow." Kai decided, Suho looked at the other guys, they looked ready to follow as well. "Fine, just lets stay out of her way." He said, making all the males get up as well, chasing the small female.

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[28/09] Aiming to make this a 20 chap story


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