The Party (Part 1)

I'm in love with a girl

So since I had a lot of free time the last couple of days, I decided to write on this FF. I hope u still can remember were we are :D ~ This chapter will be for the Kayoung shippers. Something cute to celebrating the NEW YEAR. I hope I can be updating "The party (Part 2)" soon. And like I said last. A long update <3 Happy new year everyone <3


There was a very strange atmosphere filling the dorm that morning. Having the members coming home from work late last night, the mood at breakfast was motionless with most of the members half asleep. But that wasn’t what caught Jooyeon’s attention when she and Uee arrived at breakfast, but the fact that the seat next to Lizzy was empty. That was Nana’s regular spot. Instead, she sat next to Jungah as far away from Lizzy as possible, which forced Uee and Jooyeon to take seats away from each other. None of the girls said anything at all; they just kept their eyes fixed on their plates. So after breakfast decided Jooyeon to pull Lizzy inside her room to talk to her.

“What’s going on between you and Nana? Did something happen last night”?

“We have to leave now, or else will we be late for our schedule”

“Since when did you care about that? You’re always late anyway. You’re not going anywhere”.

“There is nothing wrong” said Lizzy while looking down, avoiding all possible eye contact. She seemed busier scratching the top of her left hand than paying any attention to Jooyeon.

You’re such a bad liar, Lizzy.

“You guys weren’t sitting together. You didn’t even say a word to each other or to any of us. And don’t say it’s because of tiredness. I saw you sleeping when Uee and I got home last night and the clock were only showing 9:00 pm”.

“I said there is nothing wrong”. Lizzy tried to give Jooyeon an annoyed expression but after knowing Lizzy for so long, it was impossible to avoid seeing the sadness in her eyes. It was one of the few times Lizzy put her always smiling, funny person aside and showed the insecure girl, she hide so much inside. Jooyeon was properly the only one of the members, who had ever seeing her cry. On that point she resembled Uee a lot. She had a hard time showing her emotions.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to” said Jooyeon, making Lizzy finally search for eye contact. “I just wanna help you. Hidden thoughts might end up making you crazy, you know”. Jooyeon smiled consoling. “Sometimes it makes things easier to have someone to talk to”.   

Slowly tears started filling Lizzy’s eyes. “I know”. She snuffled ones, still with her eyes looking into Jooyeon’s.

“Hey, don’t cry” said Jooyeon. She took a step closer Lizzy and with her hands she started to remove the falling tears coming from her eyes. “You gonna ruin your makeup”.

“You said I looked pretty without makeup”. Lizzy’s answer made both of the girls laugh, lightening up the whole atmosphere. 

“That’s when I know you won’t go outside. But today you have a filming. You can’t look like that”.

“Aren’t you guys coming? We are leaving now”! yelled Jungah from outside the door. The running footsteps hearable everywhere in the dorm, made it clearly that E-Young again couldn’t find something. She had a bad habit of losing her things at the most awful timing.

“I better go help E-Young or else will we never gonna get out of here. Last week she lost her hairdryer. I mean, how is that even possible”? said Jooyeon. She was about to opened the door when Lizzy grabbed her wrist making her stop.

“Unnie”? Lizzy took a deep breath before continuing. “Please tell me how I can erase my feelings for her”.

The searching took about 10 minutes but it finally managed E-Young with the help from all 7 members, to find her missing notebook. It was hidden inside the refrigerator under a pack of eggs. Being asked about how it ended there her only answer was: “I have no idea. But ever since I moved into the dorm with you guys, my things suddenly keeps disappearing. Maybe there is something wrong with the dorm or you. Do you poising me or something”. That comment made the girls fully recover from their tiredness and once again, their van got filled with the famous laughs of After School.  And it brought a smile to Jooyeon’s face to see Lizzy smile too. Only Nana didn’t say a single word.

Jooyeon couldn’t take her eyes of her. She stared at her without blinking once, completely taking away by her beauty. She was only wearing a short black dress, leaving her perfect honey thighs . The dress’s tightness showed her faultless curves around her hips, showing on the same time a slim but healthy body. Jooyeon could see her entering the club from her spot in the sofa. She immediately turned jealous the moment she saw the first boy staring at her, judging her from top to bottom, before undressing her in his mind. Such a ert! Not only him but almost everyone turned around to get a glimpse of Uee. Jooyeon didn’t know what she hated the most. The boys there were looking at Uee or the girls. Why do you also have to be so perfect? It hurts.

“You’re staring” whispered Lizzy quietly into Jooyeon’s ear. Jooyeon could feel her cheeks heat up but thanks to the dim light no one could see it.

After School had decided to go clubbing for the first time in weeks since all of them, amazingly enough, had a schedule free tomorrow. After finishing their schedule they had decided to meet at one of the few hidden night clubs in Seoul that only allowed celebrities and rich people. It were famous for being unknown to the general population. They sat around one of the VIP’s tables, only missing Uee, who’s schedule always where the longest. She smiled widely when she finally reached their table after crossing the dangerous dancing floor.

“I’m sorry for being late. You know how it is. Why didn’t you order yet”?

“We were waiting for you” said Jungah. “But since everyone are here now. I will go order us something to drink”. She got up from the sofa and gave Uee a welcome hug.

“I’ll go with you since I know more about alcohol than you”.

“Says who”?

“I do”. Uee linked her arm with Jungah before heading to the bar together. In respond Jooyeon could do nothing but sighed. She had been waiting for Uee all night and then when she finally arrives 2 hours after everyone else, she leaves again without even saying hello to her. She watched her two friends disappearing into the giant amount of party people with a disappointed look on her face.    

“So he stood outside the class with that cheesy smile waiting for me. I knew I had no chose but to meet him since he had been waiting for so long”. Kaeun was busy telling about the guy from her school, who had been hitting on her for weeks now. “He asked me out again. He said he would pay for everything. The food, the movie, whatever I wanted. The only thing I needed to do was to share “my beautiful smile” with him”.

“Then what did you answer”? asked Raina curiously. “No again? You’re breaking that guy’s heart, you know”?

“I know, I know. That’s why I said yes”. Kaeun cracked in a huge smile which showed her adorable eyesmile. Everyone around the table looked surprised at their maknae, even E-young, who had putted on an expression less look ever since Kaeun had started talking about the boy. Her eyes suddenly grow big.

“I thought you weren’t interested” joked Jooyeon. “Did you see him shirtless or something”?

“I’m not that kind of person, unlike you, Jooyeon. But I just thought; why not give him a chance. He is sweet, really into me and as a bonus; he also got a really nice body. But that’s not why”.

“You’re such a lair, Kaeun” laughed Jooyeon.

“No I’m not”. Kaeun crossed her arms showing a mad facial expression, but it didn’t last more than a few seconds until she started laughing too. Everyone, except E-young seemed to be enjoying the story. Even Nana and Lizzy, both shared a little smile listen to the maknae’s story. “He was so excited that for a minute I thought he would fall on his knees. He started jumping and”… Suddenly E-young stood up from her seat, making Kaeun stopped talking. “I have to go to the bathroom” she said quickly before turning around and almost running away from their table before anyone could get a chance to say something.  

“What’s wrong with her”? asked Kaeun unsure.

“Maybe her interview didn’t go well” said Raina.

“Or maybe she just had to pee or fix her makeup” said Jooyeon. Her face lighted up the moment she saw Uee and Jungah, slowly making their way towards them carrying tons of drinks. Forgetting all about E-young. Kaeun on the other side couldn’t stop looking around uneasy, worried about E-young.

“I think I will go find E-young” said Kaeun and left the group. Lizzy looked after her as she walked towards the bathroom. Why is it so hard for people to see the obvious? Isn’t it readable in the eyes when you like someone? When you look at them? Lizzy peeked discretely at Nana. She still hadn’t said a word to her. Not that she expected her to, but it broke her heart to see Nana avoid her on purpose. She doubted Nana had even looked at her once since that time in her room. That’s how she is. The small distances between them, could easily have been 200 kilometer. She seemed that far away from her.  Lizzy turned her head to look at Jooyeon. Do I also look like that when I look at Nana? If I do, how can she not know my feelings for her? You’re way too obvious Jupal. That lovely glimpse in your eyes.

“Sorry it took so long. The guy at the bar was too busy erting at Uee’s legs to serve us any drinks” said Jungah before handing the girls their drinks. “LET’S DRINK”!!!

Meanwhile it managed Kaeun to reach the bathroom in one piece. She entered the small bathroom to find three toilet stalls, sinks and a huge mirror hanging unstable on the wall. Surprisingly enough it was pretty clean considering how bathrooms usually looked like, at nightclubs like this. An almost silent crying could be heard from the toilet stall, farthest away from the door. 


No one answered. Kaeun stood outside the toilet stall, where she had heard someone crying.

“E-young are you inside”? Kaeun knocked at the door. The person inside the toilet stall started to snuffled.

“I’m not leaving before you come out and tell me what’s wrong”. Kaeun waited for another minute.

“E-young”? Kaeun’s voice started to sound insecure, like it was on the limit of breaking. “I’m worried about you. You don’t talk to me, like you use to. You avoid me and… and I don’t know what to do. Please come out and talk to me”.

On the other side of the door, E-young could feel the constantly growing lump in . She was about to cry again listen to Kaeun’s fragile voice. With all her heart she wanted to go out and tell her the truth. She took a deep breath. “Do you like him”? Her voice sounded shaky.


“Him, you’re going on a date with”?

“I did it for fun. I don’t understand the point of this. Can’t you come out”?

At that moment, unlocked E-young the door and stepped outside facing a confused Kaeun. “Because I like you”. She looked directly into Kaeun’s eyes as she took one step further, shorting the distance between them. Just do it. She leaned herself forward while closing her eyes, hoping Kaeun wouldn’t reject her or if that was the case, that she wouldn’t be quick enough to escape her attend on kissing her. She felt her lips kiss something but it wasn’t Kaeun’s lips, but her cheek. She had turned her head. E-young could feel her heart breaking. She rejected me. E-young stood unsure, balancing her weight from one foot to another, while feeling an unbearable pain inside her chest.  So this is how it feels like. Rejection. But when E-young  finally opened her eyes, after making herself sure she wouldn’t break into tears right in front of Kaeun, the first thing she saw was Kaeun’s eyesmile.

“For a moment I was worried you would never open your eyes again”.  

“Why are you smiling” asked E-young confused. She didn’t know which feeling was more dominating. Her sadness after the rejection or the angriness over seeing Kaeun smile at this whole situation.

“Because I like you too. You’re babo”.

Is she playing with me?

E-young’s sadness completely turned into a condition of disbelieve and angriness. She could feel her forehead going into a deep furrow. She always had a hard time reading Kaeun. “If that’s the truth, why didn’t you let me kiss you then”?

“You think you gonna take my first kiss that easy”. She covered with her hands.

“Your first kiss? Really? You haven’t had your first kiss yet”? asked E-young doubtful.

“Don’t say it like that? You’re embarrassing me”. E-young smiled at seeing Kaeun blushing and shyly looking away. “I can’t give it away free”.

“Free? What does that mean”?

“That means you must earn it”.

“And how do I do that”? asked E-young.

“You can start with buying me ice cream. I know a place that’s open now”.

“At this hour”?

Kaeun grabbed E-young’s hand and together they left the bathroom, marking the beginning to the girl’s relationship with their first date. This will explain why the other members didn’t get to see E-young and Kaeun for the rest of the night. The two of them went to a night open shop to eat ice cream, watched a movie in an almost empty theater and E-young kissed Kaeun’s cheek for another time that night, only to receive a bruise after being hit in repay of the kiss but it was definitely worth it. Overall E-young’s favorite night of the year. She succeeded in confession to her crush, to discover she shared the same feeling as her. All the hard time she had felt hidden her feelings, disappeared the moment Kaeun took her hand and together escape into the night.

Since you won’t let me kiss you, then I won’t allow you either. Let’s see how impatient you’ll get. After all I’m irresistible. I will give it a week. Then you’ll go crazy, Kaeun. 


To be continued :D

And a HUGE congratulation to our perfect actress Uee, who just won an acting award at MBC Drama Awards. I'm so proud of her <3

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Chapter 15: Why you can write something so cute like this >\\\\< waiting for your next chapter :))))) 5tingg
Francean #2
Chapter 15: Naliz is so cuteee ^.^ im loving this story with them and jooee . Update soon?
Chapter 15: me like,me like.i like this chapter.their progression got better
Chapter 15: Hehe naliz is so cute ^^ giant panda and elephant rock! XD
Chapter 15: Im laughing at the youre like an elephant part
Chapter 15: the author's note at the beginning was super cute it made me smile so much you're such a cutie omg

tHANK you for updating! this chapter was so cute haha ! <3
Chapter 15: Wow! Loved the new chapter :) can't wait for the next update :D
Chapter 14: the progress.i love it.uee finally give jupal a chance.anticipate naliz.i mean how nana going to handle her problem with u know who
Chapter 14: Hi author nim :D New reader here! Omg your story is so amazing! >< I'm really saddened by jooee but naliz is so sweet and cute XD I'm so looking forward to the next chapter! Please update soon~