Thank You


I cried in the darkness hugging my knees, I cry alone in my fears. With mind drifted thinking about the fear I experienced.

I was afraid something bad would happen to me , I'm afraid someone saw me crying , I'm afraid I cannot do it , I'm afraid everyone will leave me alone , I'm afraid to cry alone in the dark , I'm afraid there's no place else for me , I'm afraid one day the door was will be closed , I'm afraid one day it will break the window , I'm afraid to smile , I'm afraid to look at you, I'm afraid to talk to you , I was afraid to meet you , I'm afraid to imagine your face .

There is no light that brighten, there was no one, just me alone. In my loneliness, the darkness that covers me, my tears keep rolling down, what I can do, I cannot do anything.

" Hey... "

I saw who was calling me, someone with a smile on his face.

“What is your name? Why are you crying? "

I am not answer, I tried to answer, but the answer cannot come out from my mouth.

"Do not worry, everything will be fine. You're not alone there, I'm here, and I’ll always be beside you. Always. "

Who?, I could not see his face , but in my heart I feel the warmth that enveloped my body, It all becomes clear now .

" My name is Choi Minho, you can call Minho. Nice to meet you. "

Choi Minho, he smiled. I want to smile back. But, my lips do not follow my wishes. Without realizing, my tears flowed see that smile.

" Ahh! Are you okay? Sorry to make you cry. "

I shook my head, I want to say that he was innocent. But I was too afraid to pull out my voice.

" Do not be afraid, I'm not a bad person who is in the movies. I am not a dog who chasing a cat. I'm just a human being with the same bitter memories like you. You do not have to be afraid anymore, I’ll take care of you. "

He hugged me and comforts me with whisper something only the two of us can hear.

" Thank you for being in my life. Just calm down, you're not alone because I'm next to you. So stop crying. Crying makes me want to cry too. "

Immediately my tears stop flowing. Warm feeling flowing in the body.

" Thank you Minho sii , has been with me , which has given light . "

That's the word that I said to him, Choi Minho. The first and also the last.

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tarquin #1
Chapter 1: more minstal!!
ast_yui #2
Chapter 1: Fighting!!! And keep writing, nyong!!!
Yayacute #3
Chapter 1: Love it :))
Keep writing minstal fanfic , dear !!!!
Chapter 1: Nice story :))
Thxxxx u for making this fanfic :))
Chapter 1: Minho is like an angel who have just come down to the earth for someone's sake.This is love. 사랑이야 <3 *-*