Chapter 5

Save What's Left of Me

This week wasn't really anything to complain. I actually was back in the focus of school work, getting assignments done and seeing what the next day held for me. Dara, sure she's kind of quirky, but she actually is beginning to be someone I could maybe trust. We so far have exchanged numbers and agreed on hanging out sometime soon. You can imagine the happiness on my mom's face knowing I was finally pushing my wall a bit down.

I'm just happy it's Friday and I can just begin to relax. Maybe a nice nap will do. Hmph, I can almost feel Cloud Nine coming…. to….take... me….away. “KIDS, COME DOWN DOWNSTAIRS, IT’S IMPORTANT!” I heard Appa bellow, so I leaped out of bed and rushed downstairs. I wonder what Appa wants. Kris came soon afterwards, he looked like he had himself a nap as well.


Appa waved to us to come sit on the couch with him and Mom. He had this grin on his face when he shouted, "We decided on the date already, we're gonna get married next week Friday!" Oh my gosh. "Hold up, next week, that quick?!" Kris was just as stunned as I was, "Are you two sure you wanna do that so soon?" Mom was so happy, I could see her jumping like a child in her seat, "Well, the hotel here is gonna be packed very soon with wedding dates and it was the only one that was flexible enough for family and friends to come over, and the budget fit just right into our plans.” Appa held my mom’s hands and looked happily at Kris, “Kris, I want you to be my best man."


He couldn’t believe what Appa told him, "What, me? Appa are you sure, that's a really huge honor." "Kris, there's no one else that could have been there for me when your Mom left this earth, you really helped me find strength again. Please accept the role." Kris was shocked, but he was happy, I could see the glory in his eyes, "Of course Appa, I’d be honored."


Just before they could go on celebrating this nice moment, Mom had news for me too, "Since Kris is the best man, it has to be completed with my maid of honor as you (Y/N)." "Me? Are you sure, Mom? I don't exactly fit that role."

"Sweetie, it would mean the world to me if you do be my maid of honor. You are the only place that deserves that role, just because of everything that happened…"

"Okay Mom! I'll do it, for you." I interrupted her quickly before she could go on.

"YAY!  Thank you (Y/N), that's all I wanted."


I really feel bad being the maid of honor for my mother. If there is an honor for bringing drama and hell to your mother, I could accept it gladly. But an honor like this just scares me, but I wanna make my mom happy."Now everything is going just right. Also, Kris and (Y/N), since we'll be out for a really long time tomorrow, we want you two to go out and have some nice step-sibling bonding time. We will be a family, and I want you two to get to know each other as much as you can.


Okay, that's something else I'm not sure about doing. If I still get nerves hanging around Dara, what makes him think Kris will be any easier? I can't even trust going to the girls' bathroom that's next door to the boys' bathroom, I'm just that paranoid. Kris seemed eager though about the idea, I'll do it if she's up to it." Well, talk about being put on the spot. "Yeah, sounds great, we can go out for some food or something."


Appa smiled seeing us agree to the plan, "Thanks you two, now hurry along to whatever you're doing, we still got some decisions to make over the wedding and honeymoon." Mom looked at him in a way that I can’t explain because it was too yuck for me when she giggled, "Ooo, I'm already excited for that." "So am I sweetie." Appa started kissing Mom and that was the cue to leave, TMI and PDA, no need for our teenage eyes.


Kris quickly got up and headed upstairs, “On that creepy note, I'm gonna go hit the shower and go to sleep, good night everyone.” "Night son!" I got up soon after, "Well, night you two." Before I could proceed to the stairs, Mom called for me. "(Y/N), I really want you two to bond okay? I know you still got your issues over everything, but you don't have to tell him everything, you know? Just get to know Kris.”


Appa agreed completely, “(Y/N), I didn’t tell Kris the whole story, I just said you had gotten into some accidents was all” Sure, accidents. "I know, Mom and Appa. I'll try for you two." Mom and Appa smiled sweetly at me as I walked off.

I really want to try for the sake of their relationship, but I'm already getting scared. Last time I was alone with a guy, well you know how that went. Just hope tomorrow goes smooth, nothing more nothing less.


The next day, I got up at like 10 and found the parents gone. I went downstairs and saw Kris already dressed up.


I looked at him and was in awe, he was actually really...... handsome. The way his hair was, his chiseled features, his intense eyes, and full lips. He was just beautiful. Wait a minute (Y/N), this is gonna be your new step-brother. Stop thinking such thoughts. Before I could go on with my mind battle, Kris walked to me and smiled, "Get ready, I'm gonna take you to the mall." I looked at him and never realized how tall he was. I found myself barely able to speak, so I stuttered, "Uhhh, uuuh, yeah, I'll be quick!"


I quickly ran upstairs and threw together an outfit.


We headed out and walked for 20 minutes until we hit the mall. Kris and I went from shop to shop looking at clothes, seeing the new electronics, and getting some candy because I love it. We ended up having a good time. He and I would joke around with the outfits we'd see and start laughing. I never felt this happy before, he made me feel like it was old times with.......... The reminder brought me down, it just made me remember when Seung-hyun was good to me and when I loved him. Great, I'm still not over this. Abruptly, Kris groaned, "Let's go eat! I'm hungry!" He was so cute the way he complained, wait cute? He grabbed my wrist lightly and dragged me to a coffee shop where we ordered some mochas and cake.


We sat down and he and I actually started talking more in depth. He told me how when his mom passed, he was young enough to understand, but he went through a long depression. He would cry every night and wake up screaming. I could relate to that feeling. He said he found strength when he realized he needed to be strong for his dad, so they both could move on and be happy again. "Even though I miss my Mom, I think your Mom is good to my Dad. She truly cares about him, and I like how she treats him. It was kind of lonely though when I had to stay here in Seoul for a while when Appa transferred to Busan for a bit. I would've gone, but I didn't want to change schools. He actually would've came back long time ago if he hadn't met your mom, but I'm happy he took his time." 


Looking at Kris, I felt for some reason happy. He was honest with me and he just had this aura of "I'll protect you." No, no, no (Y/N), remember, you can't let yourself feel like this. He's just a guy, he can't be trusted. But isn't it different? It's not like the feelings with Seung-hyun, this one was a complete different feeling I couldn't describe. It was more real. Before I could go further, Kris spoke, "Appa told me you guys met at the hospital, apparently you had some kind of accident, actually two. What happened?"


"I don't want to talk about it, it's kind of difficult to explain." Well it really isn't.


"Come on, I told you my story, so tell me. Usually I don't talk about these kind of stuff with anyone, not even my own father. Tell me (Y/N), it can't be that bad."


"Listen, it's none of your concern alright? Drop it, now!"


"What's wrong, I just wanted to know what it is, gosh I'm trying to nicely get to know you, and you're just being really distant. Sometimes you're open with me, but the next you close yourself off, what is it? If I'd known you'd be moody, I wouldn't have been so nice..."


"Look! I have my reasons to be. I don't get why you're being so good to me in the first place! You probably have some plan to hurt me, me, or kill me for all I care, so that's why I am the way I am! I won't let it happen again, so do yourself a favor and leave me alone!" Kris sat there, startled at the way I yelled at him. I could feel the tears in my eyes forming, and I couldn't let him see me this way. I ended running away from him and going all the way back home. I grabbed the spare key Appa gave me, opened the door, and ran to my room. I just locked myself in my room and cried hysterically until I fell asleep.

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Just noticed that the view count on my story jumped so quick to over a 1,000 views!!! :D Thank you, to each and everyone of you who's been reading my story ^.^


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Chapter 29: wow!!! i'm having emotion all over me.. i'm glad finally get a happy ending.. please do write the sequel... thumbs up 100x ^^
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 27: Awwww...hehe, gonna read the sequel after this,hehe, anyways done reading this one :)
Chapter 29: i would like to see a sequel ^-^
Chapter 27: Loved it! You, author, should be writing a sequel!
I just finished this story~
It was great! Your a good writer :D
Chapter 28: Thank u for ur beautiful story too author ^ ^ i hope to read ur stories in the near future again!! good luck ^__^
Thanks for the update ! Love the Big Bang x Kris crossover ! :) <3
striped-cat #8
Chapter 2: aww. :'( nuuu top dont do dis ples