Surprise visit!

DaeJae Oneshots
“DaeDae? Is that you? Can you hear me?”
“Hi Umma, I can hear you. Did hyung show you how to use your mobile phone again?”
“Yes! How did you know?”
“It shows up on my phone that you're calling from your mobile, umma, I told you this before. There’s no need to shout, I can hear you loud and clear.”
“Oh, sorry dear. I’m calling you from the train! Isn’t it amazing! I’m actually using my mobile phone outside!”
“From the train? Umma, where are you going? Did you finally convince Appa to go on a holiday with you?”
“Ahhh silly man. He says he’ll join me in a few days. He still has some work to wrap up.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you had holiday plans? Are you going anywhere nice?”
“Well, because it was a surprise, DaeDae. I asked your brother not to tell you.”
“A surprise?”
“I’m coming to visit you and your JaeJae for a couple of days! Isn’t that amazing! Your father will join me and then we’ll go on to Jeju for a week.”
“DaeDae? Can you hear me? Aigoo silly technology, I bet its broken again. DAEDAE!”
“Huh? Oh sorry Umma, I zoned out. You say you’re coming to visit? When do you get here?”
“Oh, Well the train gets in very soon, in about 30 minutes I think. Your father said for me to get a taxi to your home. So maybe an hour?”
“An hour?? Ummaaaaaa, couldn’t you have given me some notice?”
“Well I wasn’t expecting any special treatment, and I thought you’d be glad to see me…”
“Oh no, of course I’m glad you’re coming! I miss my Umma! I just….I would have gone shopping or something.”
“Oh don’t worry about all that DaeDae. I’ve got to go, the ticket inspector is coming, I’ll see you soon baby!”
“Umma? ….Umma? Aish! She hung up on me! JAE!! EMERGENCY!”
Jae looked up from his laptop at Dae hollering from the bedroom. When the older guy came hurtling from the room, Jae jumped up, thinking there was something wrong.
“Your mother? What happened to her? Do we need to go?”
“N-no….on her way….an hour.”
“Umma just called.”
“Yes, I knew that.”
“She says she’s coming to visit us.”
“Ohhh that’ll be nice! When is she thinking?”
“Now. She’s on the train, has been for a while by the sounds of it. She says she’ll be here in an hour.”
They both instantly went into panic mode. The place wasn’t exactly untidy, since Jae liked things orderly, but still things needed doing - cleaning day was usually the day after and Jae felt the need to clean. Dae cleared up the bedroom, since they usually let his mother sleep in there while they made up a bed in the living room. He came out from the room to see Jae singing along and dancing to a girls group song while pushing the vacuum cleaner around. He was so into it he didn’t see Dae steal up behind him to steal a kiss. He looked wide-eyed at Dae, who just smiled.
“I love your voice.”
Jae went instantly red and looked down. Dae just chuckled and went into the kitchen to see what they would need to buy.
The boys had just collapsed back down onto the sofa when the doorbell rang. Jumping back up, Dae went to open the door, Jae trailing behind. He opened the door to his mother’s smiling face.
“Hi Umma. Come on in.” He hugged her and took her bags while she hugged Jae.
“Hello JaeJae, it’s lovely to see you.”
“Hi Umma, I’m happy to see you too. Come in and have a seat. Have you eaten? Do you want something to eat or drink?”
“Ahh you’re so kind sweetheart. I would absolutely love some tea when you have a minute.”
“Its no problem, I’ll go make it now while Dae puts your things in the other room.”
Mrs Jung took a seat on the sofa and took a quick look around with a smile. Her boy had grown up so well, she was proud.
Dae returned and sat next to his mother. “How was your journey?”
“Oh, it was brilliant, that new train is so fast! Did you know your elevator was broken though?”
“What? Umma! You didn’t drag those bags up three floors yourself did you? You should have called me, there’s a button downstairs for that, I’d have come down!”
She smiled and patted his hand. “Don’t worry baby, that lovely neighbour of yours helped me. He’s very nice, such a lovely smile, though he seems pretty young to be living alone.”
“Ohh you must mean Jongup.” Youngjae returned with a tray of tea. “He lives with his older brother. Still, he’s old enough to be in his last year of college.”
“Really? He seems younger.”
“Yeah, he’s the younger brother of a hyung of ours...Jongup has a boyfriend too, who looks even younger.”
“Goodness! Maybe you should invite them for dinner DaeDae, I haven’t met your friends in a while, and JaeJae never had a housewarming did he?”
“We’ll see Umma. I’ll talk to them and ask.”
“Eugh, please tell me you’re not going to tell them about the housewarming we eventually had.”
“Of course, why not?”
“It’s embarrassing!”
“And which part of ‘it’s embarrassing’ do you think makes me not want to share it?”
“Dammit! Daehyun!”
“What’s up Jagi?”
“She’s gonna tell the housewarming story”
“...Well, not right now.”
“What’s the problem with that?”
“You have to stop her.”
“And why would I want to do that?”
“Because if you don’t…”
“Guys stop whispering. I can pretty much figure out what you’re threatening to withhold. Besides, you’d break before Daehyun did, Jae. Don’t kid yourself. I’m writing it, and thats that.”
“But nooooooooonaaa”
“Aegyo doesn’t work on me. Dae, take your little ‘cuddle bear’ away before I write something you’ll regret.”
“Dammit Dae, you told her my nickname! Yah, let me go!”
“Hehe, I love embarrassing them. Right, where was I?”
The next morning Jae woke up to the smell of Mrs Jung’s amazing cooking, and Dae trying to cuddle into the warmth of his chest - completely covered by the blankets.
Youngjae stretched and gave Daehyun a prod, resulting in only a muffled “go away”. He tried extricating himself from Daehyun’s grip but the guy was like an octopus, arms everywhere and not letting go. “No, don’t leave me alone, stay and keep me warm.”
“Dae, I have to get up.”
“No, cuddle for a bit.”
“Dae, your mum is making breakfast. we have to get up.”
At Dae’s groan, Jae knew he’d won. He managed to push Dae from the covers and off the bed so he could fold it up and out of the way. Turning around he laughed att he sight of DAe curled up into a ball on the floor, hugging his knees.
“Come on Jagi, up you get.”
He pulled Dae to his feet, smiling at him rubbing the sleep from his eyes and dropped a kiss onto his lips before heading to the kitchen.
“Morning Umma!”
Mrs Jung looked over her shoulder to see Youngjae and smiled happily. “Morning JaeJae. I didn’t wake you boys up did I?”
“Not at all. Besides, I’d happily wake up before sunrise everyday for you cooking. Though you really should be resting, umma, it’s your holiday afterall.”
“You do know how to flatter an old woman don’t you.” She laughed. “I enjoy cooking, so its really no trouble sweetheart. Is DaeDae up?”
“Yes Umma, I’m awake.” Dae shuffled into the kitchen, giving his mother a peck on the cheek before starting the coffee machine and sitting next to Jae, head on his shoulder.
Mrs Jung turned around a smiled at the sight before her. Dae’s eyes had drifted closed, and Jae was running gentle fingers through Dae’s messy hair with a smile.
“You boys are adorable. I’m so happy you found each other.”
Jae went bright red and hid behind his hands while Dae just laughed. She filled the table up with the food she’d been preparing as Jae made her tea and got him and Dae a coffee.
“Mmm, this is good umma! I missed your cooking!”
“Well I’ll be sure to leave you some in the fridge before I leave. You’re running low on kimchi by the way.”
Dae grinned cheekily at Jae while his mother wasn’t looking. “We’ll have to make some more then. Right Jae?”
The younger boy blushed, remembering their last attempt, where they’d gotten bored waiting for the cabbage to soak and had ended up making out for most of it. Once they’d finished, they ended up feeding each other and getting a mess everywhere.
Jae just nodded and focused on eating his food, kicking Dae’s foot under the table.
After breakfast, The boys sat back with their coffee which Mrs Jung sipped at her tea.
“So, boys. Have you thought about kids yet?”
Dae spat his coffee out and nearly choked, eyes watering as he gasped for air. Jae worriedly patted his back and handed him tissues.
“U-umma! Where did that come from?”
“Well, you know its your birthday next month Daehyun, and none of us are getting any younger. I want to see my grandkids!”
“But, umma! I thought you said you were ok with…”
“Oh hush up DaeDae, I told you adoption was just as good, but you should consider it soon you know! Your brother hasn’t even gotten married yet, you’re starting to be my only hope.”
“Its no good whining at me Jung Daehyun. I’m your mother, you know that doesn’t work on me. All I’m saying is think about it, ok?”
“Yes Umma.” Dae dropped his head onto his arms folded onto the table and Jae rubbed his hands over Dae’s shoulders.
Dae fell back against the closed door with a sigh, stepping forward to give Jae a long hug. 
“I love my umma, but I’m so happy she’s gone.”
His dad had finally arrived and after having a meal with the four of them, his parents had continued on to Jeju as planned.
“Ahh she’s not that bad.”
“I know, really?”
“Eh, she has a point. Its not a bad idea.” Jae shrugged.
Dae looked stunned a bit before leaning back to look into Jae’s face. “Kids? You’re willing to adopt with me?”
Jae rolled his eyes. “Baboya. I’ve promised to stay with you, and I’m planning on that being forever. Do you not remember our discussion from years ago where I said I did want kids eventually?”
“Yeah, but that was before…”
“I was already in love with you then, babo. I was planning on it being with you.”
Jae laughed at the surprised look on Dae’s face.
“Relax. I’m not saying we should go out right now and get a kid. I’m just saying we should consider it. Besides, we’d need to be married first.”
Jae winked and walked off, leaving Dae stood frozen to the spot.
“Wait, did you just say…..yah! Yah! You can’t say that and walk off!”
hehe poor Daehyun, I don't think he realises what he's gotten himself into.
There will be more from Mrs Jung's visit at some point, and I will be writing the housewarming, despite what DaeJae say. Don't worry if I'm skipping about time-wise. Its not in chronological order, obviously, so theres past stories yet to be written. Yes, including rated ones -the has not disappeared forever. I just relt like I needed some fluff first.
I'm sorry I haven't replied to comments yet. I've been really busy so I haven't had chance, but I have read them all ad I'm grateful you're enjoying this so much.
Did you spot Guppie's cameo? I can't write this without at least mentioning the rest of BAP.
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I have so much fun planned but I'm struggling to find my muse again at the moment, but I haven't given up, promise. I'm sorry for the wait...


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PrecixJane #1
Chapter 11: I love this story so much I hope that you’ll consider to continue writing it ;;;<333
liiloo #2
Ohh god, keep em coming :D
Love it!!!
Chapter 11: owh why cant they be just like in your stories?
Wah!!!!!! too fluffy to handle.My heart explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: i still love this so much, i keep rereading it over and over ;;
Chapter 11: LOLOLOL i love how you put " your feet are freezing bla bla bla" hahah XD


Chapter 11: I re-read the whole fic.... asdfghjkl; all the fluffy moment between baby Jae and Daehyun... *squeal*
Chapter 11: ahahahha too cute =]
Chapter 11: Lol nice idea act ^^ i like it
chattenoire #9
Chapter 11: oh, gosh, the ending cracked me up after drowning in the daejae fluffiness sea.. XD