Leo's Revenge


In which Leo is tired of Ken taking all his stuff.

AU set in highschool over summer vacation. Ken and Leo are bestfriends who live a few houses away from each other. They do everything together- well, more like Leo does everything with Ken. They used to be inseperable until Hyuk moved into the neighborhood across from theirs, because nothing lasts forever- not even the strongest of friendships.




As a Starlight, I find the lack of keo fanfiction both annoying and sad; mainly because of the constant keo situations which leave me with very little fanfiction to quell my feels. I am going to assume that there are other Starlights in a similar predicament, which is why I have decided to actually, like, participate in the VIXX fan community. I apoligize in advance for my terrible writing, I'm a bit of a noob.

Constructive criticism is welcomed and incouraged!

Thanks for stopping by~ (assuming someone other than myself will be reading this).




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Chapter 1: What did I just read.
Chapter 2: What did I just read.
Chapter 3: What did I just read.
Chapter 4: What did I just read.
Chapter 5: What did I just read.
Chapter 6: Time to read it again.
ron337 #2
Chapter 8: haha... no Taekwoon!! mentally first!

can't wait for the next update!!
VixxKeo6988 #3
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update:D I love your story!!!
Chapter 7: I cant stop laughing while reading this story omg xD
StrippedBanana #5
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh...... you don't know and want to know how I feeel..... this is hilarious.... errr ma cry Hahahahaha. I seriously like Ken... //kicks Leo just do it....
hsh0795 #6
Chapter 5: OMG KEN YOU DON'T !!!
this is so funny I love this creepy Ken, and yes please Leo spank him, do it dammit!!!
StrippedBanana #7
Chapter 4: LOL Ken hahaha ///kicks you.
ron337 #8
Chapter 4: AHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my god! That last line got me giggling.. XD how in the world did ken not feel itchy though?! @_____@

I'd jump creepy ken.. maybe.. hahaha.. can't wait for the next update! \(^o^)/
Chapter 4: I can't with this story anymore omfg this is hilarious. And Leo, you should be damn I'd kill to have Ken sitting outside my window .;
Chapter 4: " That little was sitting in the tree outside my window.

Just staring at me. "

Ken . . I -
Brb crying .