Play Date

Play Date



"Mommy, mommy!" Yixing shouted excitedly to his mother, while running to her in the kitchen.

Yixing's mother, who had been busy putting up some dishes she just washed, bent down so that she was eye level with her son and asked with a smile on her face. "What is it, Xing Xing?"

"Can you call Lulu's mommy and ask if he can come over to play?" Yixing asked with the cutest tilt of the head and smile, dimple and all.

Yixing's mother chuckled and pinched her son's cheek, making her son pull away with a cute little frown. "Of course, sweetie!" his mother said and Yixing's frown turned into a bright grin. He then ran off to set up his toys.


Yixing and Luhan were best friends who met earlier on in the year in kindergarten, who met over wanting to play with the same toy car.


They bickered and bickered. "I got it first!" Yixing had first said. "No I did!" Luhan countered.

They kept arguing until the teacher appeared and asked what happened. They both yelled, "He took my toy!" They both looked at each other, huffed and crossed their arms in irritation. The teacher sighed. "Boys, listen here. How about you two share the toy and play with it together?" The boys still wore frowns on their faces and made no move to share the toy car that was lying in the middle of them.

The teacher sighed again. "If you two don't make up and play together like the other kids, I'm going to have call your parents. Do you boys want that?" The teacher looked at the two little boys with a quirk of her brow. They two boys' eyes widened and they both shook their head. The teacher smiled. "Good. Now say sorry you two, and try and be friends." The teacher got up and patted both of their heads, and went to tend a little girl who started crying.

The two boys sat down and looked at each other. Yixing was to first to mumble, "I'm sorry.." and Luhan nodded, mumbling, "Me too.." Yixing then smiled his adorable, dimpled smile and Luhan couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm Yixing, but my mommy and daddy call me Xing Xing." Yixing told Luhan. Luhan smiled. "I'm Luhan, but my mommy and daddy call me Lulu." The little boys grew to warm up to each other immediately, so much so that they totally forgot they were fighting moments ago. They ended up playing together for the rest of the day.

When their mothers came to pick them up, Yixing introduced Luhan to his mother saying, "Mommy, this is Lulu! He's my new best friend!" while Luhan introduced Yixing to his mother by saying, "This is Xing Xing! He's my new best friend too!" The mothers smiled and greeted each other.

The boys didn't seem to want to let go of each other yet. They had these sad expressions on their faces, but they eventually let go of each other when their mothers told them that they'll get to see other the next day. They waved bye and did a cute little bro fist and left with their mothers, a smile adorning their faces.

They were best friends ever since.


"Xing Xing!" Yixing's mother called out. "Lulu's here!" That was all it took for Yixing to come running to the door to greet his best friend in the whole wide world.

That didn't really work to well though because Luhan was doing the same thing. They ended tackling each other and fell down on the carpet floor with Luhan on top of Yixing. Luhan took to that as an advantage to give his best friend a great big hug since they hadn't seen each other in a while.

"I missed you!" Luhan told Yixing and Yixing countered, "I missed you more!" and hugged Luhan tighter. Yixing's mother laughed at their cuteness and told them, "Okay you two, that's enough. Run along and play now." She made a little waving motion with the back of her hand, so the two boys pulled away and scurried to Yixing's room hand in hand.

They played with every toy Yixing had all the way from toy cars to action figures. The only sound that came from Yixing's room were giggles and well the little sound effects they made as played.

"Vrooooom!" Yixing exclaimed as he moved the car along. Luhan then said in the deepest voice he could muster, "Stop! It's the police!" holding up a police action figure right in front of the car. "But sir- They were cut off by Yixing's mother calling them for dinner. Their eyes lit up and they quickly dropped the toys to get some food into their bellies.

"The food is so yummy, Auntie!" Luhan exclaimed as he took another bite of the roasted chicken Yixing's mother had prepared. "Thank you sweetie!" She gave Luhan a bright smile. They ate happily and heartily until they felt so full that they could explode. After they were done the boys both said "Thank you!" like the good boys they were and ran off to play some more.

They continued playing until they got bored and ended having a little fake tea party. Yixing got out his little teacups and saucers and laid them on the floor with a little, plastic teapot. They giggled at how silly it all seemed, but as long as they were together it was always fun.

They talked over tea about the bully in class that both of them hated, and about how this other boy seemed to looked very much like a panda. It seemed like their talking turned into gossiping, so they just giggled and gossiped and gossiped and giggled, while taking casual sips of their tea of course. All in all, it was a very fun filled afternoon and evening for the two little boys, but it was getting late. Luhan probably had to leave soon.

"Lulu.." Yixing said almost sadly. "I think you're going have to leave soon.." It was getting dark out. Luhan nodded just as sad. "But I don't want you to go.." Yixing almost whined. Luhan went up to him and gave a him a hug. Yixing buried his face in the crook of Luhan's neck and just like that an idea popped into Yixing's head. Yixing looked up and said, "I could ask my mommy if you could sleep over!" expression brightening. Luhan's eyes lit up and he nodded enthusiastically. Yixing sprang up and ran to ask his mother.

"Mommy, mommy! Can Lulu sleep over? Please, please, please!" Yixing asked his mother with those puppy dog eyes of his and his mother sighed because she knew she had no choice. "Of course, dear. Let me just call Lulu's mommy and tell her okay?" She smiled and ruffled her son's hair and added, "Lend a pair of your clothes to Lulu and get changed for bed, okay?" After a cheer of joy and a nod from Yixing, she went to call Luhan's mother.

Yixing picked out one of his deer pajamas for the other boy and his favorite unicorn pajamas for himself and they both got changed and ready for bed.

The two boys slid under the covers and Yixing's mother came in and tucked them in, kissing them both on the forehead and murmuring a soft goodnight. She shut the light and Yixing's little nightlight before heading out the door. The two boys turned towards each other and automatically attached themselves in a tight embrace.


“Good Night, Xing Xing” Luhan whispered into Yixing's neck.

“Good Night, Lulu.” Yixing whispered back into Luhan's hair.

They soon fell asleep cuddled up with smiles on their faces in a vow to be best friends forever and ever.


So, how was it? ^^ I just love these two dorks so much ugh.. ;; I really hope you guys enjoyed this! <3 Please leave a comment telling me what you thought! ;w; I really love reading them and replying to them! Please subscribe as well! :) 

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fuzzyfur #1
Chapter 1: Sooo cute. That little tea party and gossip section that they were having. ♡♥♡♥ Sequel please? Author-nim ~~~
Chapter 1: Your fic and poster was so cute! A sequel would be nice where they grow up and romance starts but it's all up to you. :D
Chapter 1: aaaaaaa sooooooo adorable
crying my Layhan feels
that tea party hahaha
Icha0296 #4
Chapter 1: OMG it' s realllyyyyyy cute.......but layhan always cute btw
bby_tigz #5
Chapter 1: this was too freakin cute!!!
Chapter 1: AWW CHIBI LAYHAN LOVE <3 I LOVED IT <3 It's perfect ;_; SO CUTE :D
Chapter 1: Omg I feel like basking in a pool of feels it was so cute and adorable ♥
Chapter 1: Author-nim,
I sincerely thank you for leaving me to die with no regrets in life.
Chapter 1: Haha sooo cute! The unicorn pajamas! Such an adorable friendship