Alternative One

All About Kim Himchan

Yongguk pushed his chair back away from his desk as he stretched, staring at his computer screen he felt his eyes beginning to sting as he had been looking at it for four hours straight as he organised important files for the company's event preparations for Valentines Day. Yongguk rubbed his eyes as he looked at his small calendar ah valentines, what a waste of a whole day Yongguk scoffed and smiled. He suddenly felt a hand patting his shoulder, even though it had been years since his incident, he still hated the feeling of being touched, it sent shivers through his skin.

"Yongguk are you busy?" a male voice asked. Yongguk looked up and shook his head. "Thank goodness! Can you summarise these for me please? Please? The president is coming in today and I have to be on the shop floor. Please?!" Yongguk looked at the files held out in front of him, he wanted to go on a break but he also didn't want to disappoint his co-worker. Yongguk nodded as he took the files "Thank you so much! I owe you one!" his co-worker grinned at Yongguk as he fixed his tie and then walked away. I should have said no Yongguk thought as he began to log back onto his computer.

"Yongguk, do you have the summary of the event plans? I need them for the meeting with the president" Yongguk looked up at his boss who was standing over him with a cigarette in his mouth, the smell stifled Yongguk, making him feel like he wanted to choke.

"I've summarised them, but I haven't printed them yet" Yongguk answered as he tried to breathe in as little smoke as possible.

"Are you slacking?! Get it on my desk in two minutes!" his boss shouted as he stormed away, red in the face with anger. Yongguk put his fists up behind his boss' back before turning around and printing the file. He got up to collect them from the printer where he heard some of his co-workers talking.

"I heard the president had to get married quickly, because his wife became pregnant during high school" a snobby lady with brown hair said as she flipped her hair.

"Married?! That's a surprise! I heard he was gay!" another lady said as she leaned towards the lady with brown hair.

"Yah!" a girl with black hair called as she lightly slapped her arm "gay?! Dont't be stupid! That woman has come here before" she said, with a hint of jealousy accompany her words.

Yongguk couldn't be bothered to listen to their pointless conversation so he collected his sheets and went to give them to his boss. However it did occur to Yongguk that while the president did visit the company sometimes, he had never seen him and many barely knew anything about him.

"Ah! Good! Is this all of it??" his boss asked as be flicked through the pages, Yongguk nodded. "Good, ah he shouldn't surprise visit like this! It's such a hassle!" the boss complained as he got up from his seat.

Yongguk returned to his seat moments later, focusing on the work he was given. An hour later he had finished and flung his arms into the air for a stretch after saving the work and sending it to his co-worker all done! Now it's time for food! Yongguk smiled to himself as he pushed his chair back ahhh! I can't wait to eat! Yongguk almost skipped to the food court, after ordering he returned back to his desk and rubbed his hands together time to eat! Yongguk grabbed his steel chopsticks but as he did this, a palm squeezed his shoulder making him jump and drop his chopsticks this better be important! Yongguk spun his chair around.

"You're wanted in the meeting, the president wants to see you" the expression on his boss' face was so serious that it sent cold shocks down Yongguk's spine. As Yongguk began to follow his boss, he hoped that he wasn't being fired I have sacrificed hours of my life for this company! Yongguk thought as he clasped his hands together. Entering the meeting room, he watched his boss sit down.

"Um, the employee who summarised it is here..." the boss said as he pulled in his chair.

"I know, you wouldn't have any other reason to leave and enter the room again" the director replied, not looking up, Yongguk's boss cleared his throat. As the president flicked through the pages of Yongguk's summary, he spoke.

"You... You summarised this right? Which means you've seen and approved of it?" he asked.

"Yes..." Yongguk nodded as he stared at the file.

"Then you believe couples will come here to win prizes than come here to be with each other?" the presidents tone was stern as he closed the file and folded his arms.

"Even though couples want to be together, wouldn't they want to win something as a memory?" Yongguk asked, trying to be careful with his words. 

"Do you understand probability? What are the chances of a couple coming to win a prize compared to the chances of singles coming to win a prize?" he asked as he leaned back in his chair "wouldn't someone who is rich and single want to fill the void on Valentines day? We aren't here to cater to those with empty pockets, we are here to empty the pockets which have no end, do you understand?" 

"Yes..." Yongguk answered as he nodded.

"Then why did you accept, summarise and submit this bull?!' the president raised his voice, it became a shout as he suddenly turned to face Yongguk. 

Yongguk suddenly became paralysed as he analysed the glare which bore into his eyes, the body, the person in front of him managed to leave Yongguk at a loss of words for a second time. As they both stared at each other, the other attendees of the meeting looked at each other in silence, Yongguk finally spoke.

"Kim Himchan..." Yongguk felt a lump forming in his throat as he tried to regulate his breathing. Saying the presidents name suddenly earned him a shout from his boss. 

"Oi! Why are you addressing him that way??! Even if you know each other under other circumstances, you should be formal here!!" Yongguk listened to his boss shouting, but he couldn't take his eyes off the man in front of him, his voice had changed, his hair, even his face had slightly changed but what didn't change was the rushing feelings Yongguk had felt long ago in high school. The president cleared his throat.

"It's nice to see you again, let's talk in my office after the meeting" Himchan produced a fake smile as he spoke, annoying Yongguk I know you're not happy to see me, but you better deal with it "Anyway for now this meeting has come to an end, you've heard my thoughts. Re-do the plan for the Valentines day event, and don't disappoint me" Himchan stood up "Bang Yongguk, my office please" Himchan gestured for Yongguk to walk ahead and Yongguk took the opportunity to check his hand, and then he spotted it, the glint of gold on his left ring finger is it Ga Yun? Yongguk thought, as he stared at the ring before looking up to see where to go.

Yongguk walked ahead, as he reached the office he peered through the glass doors and examined the wide space with white walls and sleek black furniture. He pushed open the heavy door and was greeted with a rush of escaping air.

"Please sit down" Himchan said as he walked ahead of Yongguk, dropped some files on his desk and then leaned against it, folding his arms he stared at Yongguk "You look good in a suit" 

"Thank you" Yongguk replied as he cleared his throat and rubbed his palms against his knee. Himchan smiled. I was hungry you little and you called me here to tell me I look nice??! Yongguk thought as he forced a quick smile.

"I thought about you a lot since high school, I was worried" Himchan continued staring at Yongguk. Bastard, I don't want your pity.

"I didn't think about you at all" Yongguk replied, keen to leave Himchan's office. He watched Himchan's smile disappear.

"Drop the act" Himchan scoffed.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Yongguk replied calmly, desperate not to lose his composure. He didn't want to cry, he didn't want to feel anything for the man in front of him.

"Is this how you act when we haven't seen each other in years??" Himchan's voice was becoming louder as he unfolded his arms and walked towards Yongguk. 

"If you're finished, I'm ready to leave" Yongguk quickly stood up but Himchan pushed him back down and leaned over him, placing one hand beside him on the chair arm. Their faces became close, so close that Yongguk experienced Himchan's heat bouncing off of him. "You're married..." Yongguk said quietly as he stared at Himchan. Himchan stood up and pulled off his ring, placing it in his pocket and then leaning back down. 

"In this moment I am single" Himchan quietly responded, his breathing becoming heavier and faster. 

"You have a child" Yongguk responded trying not to give in to the feelings that tied knots in his stomach. 

"Bull" Himchan whispered as he stared at Yongguk, not once averting his eyes. 

"It would be wrong to do anything" Yongguk replied, looking down at Himchan's lips.

"Yes, it would" Himchan answered. Yongguk closed the distance between them and felt the warmth of Himchan's lips on his own, his body was becoming hot as their hands began to quickly explore each other and the pace of their kisses became faster. Yongguk pushed the chair back as he grabbed Himchan's waist, only deepening his desire for the man he once loved. But he suddenly came to his senses as he pushed Himchan back. They both stood in silence as they steadied their breathing.

"I can't forget any of it. I thought I could but I can't because you were my first. My first everything." Himchan quietly said as he began to breathe at a normal pace.

"Me too, you were my first but I didn't love you first. Just like the other person, you turned around and left me" Yongguk quickly got up and walked out of the office. Turning a corner he leaned against the wall and clutched his clothes as he lost his composure, tears filling his eyes and wetting his face, he fell to the ground as he couldn't control himself. Fiercely wiping the tears he looked around him, only to spot his co-worker staring at him with the expression of shock. Yongguk quickly stood up and fixed his shirt.

"Do you want to walk back together? I have to get the summary from the president" he asked, as looked at Yongguk from head to toe. Yongguk nodded as he continued wiping his face with the back of his hand.

As they slowly walked back together, his co-worker finally elimated the silence between them.

"Was it bad?? The break-up, I mean" he looked at Yongguk who was staring at the ground.

"We weren't together in the beginning, so there was no need to break up in the end" Yongguk answered. They continued their walk in silence until they reached the doors of the office. As his co-worker was about to pull open the door, Yongguk grabbed his arm.

"You said you owe me right?" Yongguk stared at his co-worker who nodded slowly "Don't ever talk about what you saw today with anyone, okay? That is all I ask of you" 

"I understand, this is something which I will take to my grave" his co-worker answered as he smiled at Yongguk. Yongguk smiled back. They both walked in together, greeted again by the bustling sound of rushing workers, the tapping of keyboards and the whirring of machinery. Yongguk returned to his desk and looked down at the food which he wanted to enjoy I've lost my appetite he thought as he got up to throw the food in the bin.

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Chapter 1: Gonna make a bad joke but this was a one shot right?
Chapter 1: how do add an alternate ending and leave it as a cliffhanger

wae wae wae?
#3 more?? Can hv sequel pweaseeee???
Chapter 1: It kinds feels like there should be more chapters... Like, a full story... Na mean?! ;)
Chapter 1: Wants moreeeeee!!!! Hahahah
cheesecakesoulmusic #6
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness please don't let this be the end! Good job I could really feel the angst in Yongguk's voice :)