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Change of life

Sorry for not updating for so long._.


Yongguk's POV:

 I went up to wake Nari up since she have not woken up. From the staircase, I could hear her screamings so I quickly went into her room. Aigoo she must be having nightmare again... " Hey wake up Nari. Ssh~ Its juz a nightmare. Oppa is here. Wake up Nari ah. " She was sweaty and pale from the nightmare she had. She woke up with her lips trembling in fear and hugged me as usual whenever she wakes up from her nightmare. I comforted her and asked her what she dreamt about. I told her to go have a warm shower to relax her nerves and not to think too much before coming down for breakfast. I went to the kitchen and found 5 worried faces looking at me.

Daehyun's POV:

 After we heard Nari's screamings, we stopped eating as we were all worried. She did not have nightmares until recently she had nightmares again. After 5mins, we heard the water running and footsteps from the staircase. We immediately looked up at Yongguk hyung with a worried expression as he sat down. He told us what Nari dreamt about and it was kind of blur. He also told us not to worry as Nari said that maybe she was too exhausted from yesterday since it has been sometime she played for so long that she had nightmare again. Suddenly all of our attention turned to Jongup. " W-what d-did I-I d-do? " We blamed Jongup for causing Nari to have nightmare since he was the one that went out to play with her making her exhausted.

Youngjae's POV:

 Suddenly all the 5 of us glared at Jongup. If glaring could kill, he would have died. " Yah jongup its your fault! "        " Hyung what did you do to my noona?! "       " Moon Jong Up how could you do this to me precious dongsaeng? "        " You this bad boy! "        " Moon Jongup you are so dead! "       " Hyung answer me. "       " Answer us! " No words came out from Jongup's mouth. " Morning everyone! " Nari saved his life. When we turned to look at Nari, Zelo was already hugging her saying that he is going to protect her from Jongup that monster. Nari had a blur look on her face as Zelo dragged her to sit down between him and Yongguk hyung instead of between him and Zelo. Jongup looked annoyed as Zelo stole Nari away from him. Seeing Nari being so blur, Himchan hyung told her what happened before she came down.

Jongup's POV:

 After I went to throw away the rubbish I went up and saw Nari. " Morning "       " Morning " We hugged before talking for awhile. " If you guys don't come down now we will leave and you guys would go to school yourselves." Himchan hyung broke our monent. Not wanting to walk to school ourselves, we quickly went to take our bag and went down together hand in hand. The rest did not tease us anymore since they find it bored already.

/Reached school/

Nari's POV:

 When Youngjae and I reached class, I looked for Hyojin but she is not there. Hmm... weird she is never late for school. Why is she not here yet or is she absent? I asked some of the other classmates and they said that they did not see Hyojin today. I called her phone but she did not answer. I messaged her but she also did not replied. I was about to call her again when the teacher came in. Hmph she left me alone in school. After schoool I shall go to her house to check her.

/After school/

 I message them to inform that im going to Hyojin's house as I left the class in a rush and they don't have to worry.

 *beep* I enter the passcode to Hyojin's house. Since we are very close, we know each other house passcode. The living room is empty but why is it so messy...? Ehh why does these scene looks so familiar? Hmm... Oh I remember already! It was in my dream last night! But why would I dream about this... I decided to find out why so I carefully walked further into the house. I pushed opened Hyojin's room door and I saw her in a corner hugging her legs tightly to her chest . " Hey Hyojin... " I spoke softly and slowly walked towards her. " Nari... " she looked at me blankly before calling out my name and started crying. I sat beside her and hugged her trying to comfort her. After a while she started telling me what happened.

Hyojin's POV:

 Nari hugged and comforted me for awhile. After that I told her what happened. Last night after supper which was around 11pm. Suddenly there were people banging on the door while shouting loudly. They were looking for my parents. They said that my parents owned them money. My parents asked them to give a few more days to pay them back as they have not raised enough. They agreed and gave 3 more days or not they will take me away and 'sell' me in order to pay their debts. When they were leaving, they kicked the dinner table and the chairs and threw our family photo onto the floor making the glass to shatter on the floor. After they left, my parents told me what happened not to worry and go to sleep first as they would clean up tomorrow morning. I was too shocked to do anything thus I juz listened to them and went to bed. I lied on my bed staring at the ceiling blankly. Slowly, I fell into dreamland as I was tired. I had a nightmare so I woke up to go to the kitchen to get a cup of water. As I was on my way, I saw light shining through my parents room. I was curious but scared so I decided to take a look and I found out that they were not there. I realised that stuffs in the room were gone suddenly a thought popped out in my mind. ' Did they abandoned me?! ' I open the wardrobe and the carbient. To my disappointment, everything was gone. ALL GONE. They really abandoned me... My whloe mind was blank but I remembered that I kept my passport and money in a secret place where they don't know. Luckily they did not find it, I was relieved. But the thought of them abandoning me made me so hurt and I cried.

Nari's POV:

 While listening to Hyojin, I saw her eyes getting teary. I hugged her before continuing to listen to her. I felt my anger was slowly building up and I felt so disappointed in her parents as I never thought that they were this kind of parents. Abandoning their own child when there were trouble. Escaping on their own for their survival. After she finished talking. I cried again. Looking at Hyojin, my heart clenched. I can't stand my best friend being hurt. I decided to ask her move into our house since there is a guest room. I asked BAP and they said that they were fine with it. And they also said that the more the merrier. She had alot to pack since she would not be coming to this house again as its too dangerous to stay. I called Yongguk oppa and Himchan oppa to come and fetch us since the stuffs were heavy and both of us girls could not manage it.

Himchan's POV:

 On the way back, Hyojin kept being worried and asking if it was alright for us as she was worried that she would affect our normal lifestyle. We assured her that everyone was alright with it and it would not affect our lifestyle. " But what if - "       " Hyojin-ah if you continue being worried and asking questions, I would juz leave you by the roadside and let those badass catch you. " Yongguk hyung 'threatened' Hyojin and she immediately kept quiet while looking out of the window pouting. All of us laughed at her cuteness. Nari told Hyojin that Yongguk hyung was juz joking and said that we would never leave her alone. Hyojin 'ignored' her acting like she was angry and upset. Nari kept on poking her soon they were having a poke war at the back. " Alright girls stop poking each other and come. " I interupted their 'war' and helped hyung with the stuffs.

Zelo's POV:

 Daehyun hyung, Jongup hyung and I were at the car park waiting. Youngjae hyung stayed at home waiting for the pizza and chicken wings to arrive and pay for it. Daehyun hyung was dragged out by Jongup hyung and me in case he finishes the food alone. Jongup hyung went out because he wants to see his girl. Me? I have nothing to do and im bored so I came out to help. Once they arrived, I hugged Hyojin noona. Each of us took a small but heavy bag while noonas took nothing. We brought Hyojin's noona bags to her room before going down for dinner. " Okay from today onwards, the sitting arrangment will change. " Yongguk hyung announced. Yongguk hyung and Himchan hyung sat at one end each. Jongup hyung, Nari noona and Hyojin noona oneside while Daehyun hyung, Youngjae hyung and me sat at the another side.

Jongup's POV:

 After dinner, Hyojin noona went her new room to unpack. Nari went to help out and to accompany her so that she would not feel scare. While the rest of us gathered at the living room as usual chatting and playing around. " Jongup-ah you okay? Why are you sulking? " Yongguk hyung asked. " I was sulking? Ahahaha I didn't even realise. "        " Maybe hyung didn't have much time with noona today so he is sulking. "       " Awww don't be sad You have us. Come here my uppie~ " Daehyun hyung said as he wanted to hug and kiss me. " Eww hyung! " Everyone bursted into laughter.


 Soon it was 10.30pm and it was time to go to bed. Himchan hyung went to inform Hyojin noona and Nari while we went to our room. I went to brush my teeth and before I went to sleep, I checked my phone and saw a message from Nari. We chatted for awhile before going into dreamland.






End of chapter 12

Enjoy? Or not?

COMMEMT plz ? / B.A.P- Happy power plant korea / HAHAHAHA they are so CUTEEE! <3

 Im sorry All of them is juz TOO HAWTTTT! <3

*I don't own any pics or link*

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Chapter 20: Sorry but I didn't like the ending ...
It should not end like this it should be more exciting and have more chapters !!
Chapter 18: Wow ~
New update ~
But ...
I want more please update soon .
Chapter 17: Update soon
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 17: update soon X3!!!
INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 16: my older sister watches "You Who Came from the Star" too!
and B.A.P's song 1004/chunsa/angel is REALLY GOOD!!!
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 16: my older sister watches "You Who Came from the Star" too!
and B.A.P's song 1004/chunsa/angel is REALLY GOOD!!!
Chapter 15: I like this chapter
Update soon
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 15: ugh, Jongup, only choose one okay? Rinah or Nari??
Eleenluvu #9
Chapter 15: zelo!!!!!!!!
stephani_bap #10
Chapter 14: woaa! zelo! you already grow up!