

This morning i got kidnapped while i was on my way to school by five beastly idols.They stopped me by the sidewalk and offered me some Baozi(bun) they bought from Xiumin's Baozi shop.And when i refused to take the baozi from them,they forced me to eat it by having Doojoon to hug me tightly from the back to prevent me from struggling and then have Yoseob to feed me and after eating Doojoon carried me to the backseat of this big black limousine.Gikwang then used a soft and long cloth as a blindfold to cover my eyes to prevent me from knowing where they were taking me to.After that Dongwoon placed a headphone over my ears to prevent me from listening to their conversation and to help me relax.Hyunseung drove for about 20 miles or at least 40 minutes.And when we reached,Yoseob untied the blindfold from my eyes and took off the headphone.I looked to my side and saw Gikwang whispering to someone on the phone and i had a feeling that there was some sort of surprise waiting for me.Before i knew it,Doojoon carried me out of the car and in front of my eyes was a really huge mansion.I was amazed by such beauty of the house that i didn't notice that Doojoon was already carrying me to one of the bedrooms in which looks like a master bedroom.He then placed me gently on the bed and went out,after leaving me alone my eyes wander around the bedroom and i saw rose petals all over the place.The door opened and i saw Juhyung wearing a suit and holding something behind his back.He walked towards me and slowly revealed the bouquet of rose with a small box in the middle with a shiny diamond ring.I was too shocked to think as junhyung kneel down and said "will you marry me??".For that moment i thought that everything was just a dream,I nod my head slowly as i was still in shock to even say yes.Junhyung looked at me and smiled he then place the ring on my finger and pulled me in for a hug.We noticed that the rest of them were staring at us from the open door and Yoseob was recording all of it but the two of us decided to ignore them and stayed in the embrace of each other.


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Chapter 1: Oh so they are boyfriend/girlfriend now fiancé.