Chapter 8 - Return to Seoul


Rushing out of the airport, he extending his hand and hailed a cab. When a taxi finally pulled up next to him, he placed his luggage into the boot with the help of the stout driver. Clambering into the car, he pulled on his seat belt and fastened it before straightening his outfit.

"Where to sir?" asked the small man who was adjusting the rearview mirror.

Nichkhun gave the man the address of the place Taecyeon had arranged for him before sitting back in his seat. He watched as the taxi driver drove with ease, despite his height and his tendency to have to peer over the steering wheel. They sat in silence, the only sound being the lone ruffle of the man scratching his rough moustache sat above his upper lip. It was like a big, fat, hairy slug plopped on his face. The driver turned up the volume of the radio. They listened to the thumping beat of the Kpop playing quietly in the background. He watched as the driver hummed a catchy tune and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

"First time visiting, me boy?"

"No sir, actually, I used to live in Seoul"

The man raised his eyebrows looking amused.

Nichkhun straightened in his seat when they came across a familiar street. "Wow.." he muttered. In such a short period, of just two years, Seoul had already changed so much. He kept his eyes open but felt disappointed when he found that his favourite noodle bar as a child was now replaced with a book store. Nichkhun had never been too fond of books. Reading seemed to tire hime out and make hime drowsy. "It's changed a lot.." Nichkhun whispered to himself in suprise as he noticed all of the new stores. "It has hasn't it?" the driver grinned.

Nichkhun was glad when they pulled up very soon afterwards. He noticed he was in a familiar neighbourhood which was close to the city center meaning transport was easy.

"Here, my number"

Nichkhun gazed at the driver in surprise as he was handed a piece of paper. He wasn't used to randomly receiving numbers from people he'd only met moments before, he guessed that today was some sort of lucky day. He had scored Stephanie's number and now he had scored the number of some middle aged taxi guy. People seemed eager to help him. 

"I actually live in this neighbourhood, come by some time! I'll be happy to help you while you are in Seoul and I also have a present for you!" he winked and Nichkhun backed away.

"Not that kind of present! Honestly.. kids these days.." the driver grinned as he hobbled back over to his car. With one last wave, he closed the door and disappeared down the street.

Turning around with a huff, Nichkhun gazed up at his new home. 

'An apartment building.. Cause I'm not sick of those..'

Making his way up to his floor, he plonked himself on the lone bed in the unfurnished apartment. There was a sense of lonliness with the white walls and the lack of furniture. Nichkhun placed his suitcases in the corner of the room before heading off to take a shower. He decided it would be nice to take a leisurely stroll around Seoul especially because there was no chance he would be eating in, not without any appliances or groceries.

Stepping into the streets of Seoul, he breathed in the air. It was a cool night and Nichkhun wore a simple t-shirt, shorts and a pair of toms. He wore a jacket on top, ped jsut incase it got colder later. He gazed at all of the loving couples. Somehow it was just as it had been back in New York. He guessed that it was because Love had no language boundaries. It was international. Still, the couples didn't seem to phase him as much. Watching them, he seemed to feel at home. Feel at ease. Would that have been him? What would have happened if he hadn't left that fateful day two years ago? Coming across a small stall, Nichkhun sat down and ordered some noodles. He'd craved some proper noodles. As much as he loved the instant noodles in America, he missed the Korean cuisine. Eating the last of his noodles, he sat back, wiping his mouth before taking a sip of beer. The cold liquid immediately energised him as it trickled down his throat.

He gazed up at the starry night sky above him, it was slightly easier to see the stars here in Seoul. Despite the smog, it was easier than it was in New York. He remember the time when he'd tried to count the stars but with no luck. It was an impossible task. A little like his quest to find his lost love.How do you find one person, one person among the 10 million living in that city? She may have even moved. There  were infinity questions which were unanswered but with the little piece of hope Nichkhun had, he knew that if he didn't try, he'd only be left with regret.

Man.. I am SO SORRY! Took FOREVER! I kind of started school, got into routine and schooly things then I got hooked on the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series' (You should seriously read it btw) and yeah, I'm also a lazy bum ;) But I was doing my homework on the computer and thought that I should quickly write and upload a chapter so here it is! Promise to kick myself and start releasing chapters more regularly again! Love you all, Cheerio! :D

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ooo i love this
jtediana #2
starts to find their ff after the news broke up!
Have a joy and great day khunfany shipper!!!
taengooLover9 #3
Chapter 11: Tiffany‘s real name is stephanie hwang .. haha nice story author.. so beautiful ..
Chapter 11: Sequel! O u O <3
paquitz #5
Chapter 11: Beautiful story
Jorelyngrace #6
Chapter 9: Nice update...Stephanie is Tiffany?
FanyFanyTiffany09 #7
Chapter 7: Please update..^^
Who is the girl he referring to is it Tiffany or the girl he met before,
Jorelyngrace #8
Chapter 6: Who's the girl he's refering it Tiffany?? ..or the girl he met before..
Jorelyngrace #9
Chapter 7: Please update soon...I want to know what happened in the past..
Jorelyngrace #10
Chapter 4: Your story is so mysterious...what happened in the past? I want to read more trying to figure it's like their past are connected..