Chapter 10 - Could It Be You?

After his enjoyable coffee in an awkward silence,  Nichkhun couldn't help but fidget in his seat. Clearly, he needed to start up a conversation but every time he opened his mouth, all of his courage vanished again. Stephanie was still at it, typing away. Her coffee was probably freezing. Wiping his sweaty palms on his trousers, Nichkhun forced a cough. 
Immediately, her eyes diverted from the screen. Success! Nichkhun had caught her attention only he hadn't thought out his plan very well.. What was the next step? Panicking, he let an awkward grin slip onto his face. 
"Ahah.. Ha.." 
Glancing back down at her screen, Nichkhun felt the failure washing over him like an indestructible wave. After a flew clicks of the mouse, to Nichkhun's surprise, she pushed down the screen and placed her laptop into her bag. 
"Sorry I had some work to finish off" she stated. 
Nodding in understanding, Nichkhun replied "Ah I see"
"So what is your occupation? What do you do?" He quickly continued, sensing a silence reoccurring. 
"Journalist, I also write stories in my spare time. It's enjoyable, just being in control of what happens for once. If you want to give your characters a happy ending, you can. If you want to kill them off, you can. Fairies, Knights, it's all up to you. Unicorns!"
Nichkhun nodded grimly. Ding! And the winner of the cruelest person ever goes to the gods above! If there are any. There was yet another similarity for Nichkhun to grimace over. It wasn't even funny anymore. It was like someone was playing a trick on him and whoever it was, they were obviously being very insensitive. 
"What about you?" she questioned. 
"I'm an artist" 
 He grinned, oblivious to Stephanie's now darkening face. 
"Are you busy?" He asked
She shook her head in reply. 
"Well.." He continued. "See I don't really know my way around Seoul. I didn't mention that I was also a part time idiot?" He grinned. 
A smile tugging at the corners of , she nodded. 
"Okay I will be your guide for the day" 
With that, Nichkhun's day brightened up a little. At least he wouldn't be holed up in his apartment all day. Nichkhun had the mind of a goldfish. He could hardly remember any directions despite it having only been two years. It wasn't helpful either that so many stores had been replaced. He had lost his best landmarks. 
Sun still high in the sky, they strolled down the streets side by side. Nichkhun slowed his pace to match hers, stumbling occasionally. He wasn't sure if that was a smirk he saw playing at her lips when he happened to trip over himself. 
They had lunch at a little French restaurant where Nichkhun had tested out his French skills. Although he could only muster the occasional "Oui Oui" and "Merci beaucoup", he was proud of himself. After that, they had continued to stroll, Stephanie pointing out any important landmarks on the rare occasion they strolled past one. By night, their feet and voices were worn out having been chittering and chattering all day. 
They were sat next to each other, in a park, gazing up at the sky. They fought pointing out the stars and constellations. Suppose that's what happens when your with a genius, Nichkhun grinned, surprised by her knowledge of the stars. 
"It's kind of cold isn't it?" He asked, shivering a little. 
"I have a jacket" she replied, shuffling through her bag. 
Something prancing around, as she searched, caught Nichkhun's eyes. It was the same Hello Kitty Charm Siwon's girlfriend had. Or at least Nichkhun assumed it was Siwon's girlfriend, considering they had kissed. Sure enough, it was confirmed when Stephanie pulled out the familiar jacket. 
"Siwon.." He muttered to himself. 
"Hmm? You know Siwon?"
"Yeah.. I kind of met him at a book store today.. Your his girlfriend?" Nichkhun hesitated, feeling guilty about feeling jealous. He didn't warm up to the fact Siwon was Stephanie's boyfriend. He had really started to hit off with her. 
She burst into laughter. 
"No!" Nichkhun couldn't help he relief that washed over him. 
"He's my step brother!" She laughed as if she'd been told the funniest joke ever. 
Nichkhun smiled, scratching his head in embarrassment. 
When the laughter had died down, a more serious atmosphere washed over them. 
"Do you believe in fairytales?" 
He thought for a moment, recounting his own fairytale. 
"I do"
She nodded. 
"Me too, I think. If I can ever be reunited with my knight although the chances are low."
Nichkhun nodded in understanding. 
"The first knight or the first princess, they aren't necessarily yours" Nichkhun said. 
"There are no rules in fairytales saying that your princess or your knight must be your first love. People can only assume" 
She glanced at him. He sounded so passionate. She wasn't stupid. She could read the grief in his eyes. His yearning heart, calling out to his princess, hoping she could hear him. She had the urge to reach out to him, grab his hand and assure him that everything would be okay but could she do that? Would everything be okay? She had her own knight she was yearning for. Would he find her? She could only hope and bare with the pain. 
Lightening things up a little, they left the park and headed towards a fancy restaurant that Nichkhun had suggested. 
"Nick.. This is pricey! You don't have to!" 
"Hush! My treat, take it as payment for accompanying me today"
Before she could respond, he had asked the waiter for a table for two. 
After placing their orders they sat quietly. They had both spoken a lot today. Speaking anymore seemed like much to big a task. 
When their orders came at last, they devoured them quickly. Nichkhun grinned when he caught sight of the sauce in the corner of Stephanie's mouth. He reached over the table, napkin in hand, wiping it for her. Returning to his seated position he grinned, feeling nerves starting to kick in. Both of them picked up their glasses and took sips. They continued to talk, sipping their glasses all the while. 
Nichkhun had been surprised when Stephanie had ordered a second glass. He wasn't sure she could withstand it. Whatever they put in their cocktails, it was strong. He had stuck to red wine but judging by Stephanie's closed eyes, he had assumed. Stephanie had collapsed onto the table and when Nichkhun reached over to wake her, he received no reply. 
After waving over the waiter and paying the bill, he set about, brainstorming how he could return her home. He didn't know her address so he would have to take her home with him, even if that meant she became suspicious of him later on. 
He slung her bag over his shoulder before pulling off her heels. He was surprised she hadn't said anything because looking at her feet, she must have been in pain. He never understood women and high heels. Piggybacking her, he slipped out of the restaurant thanking the staff. 
She was light which helped him greatly. He took each step with ease. He glanced at the couples around him. Was that what he looked like right now? Did they look like a couple? Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he continued on his way. He told himself off, urging himself to stop falling in love with girls after only knowing them a single day! He wouldn't allow himself to fall in love in such a short time span again. He came to a halt when Stephanie murmured. "Nichkhun..." He was sure now that the person he was carrying was Tiffany. What were the chances that among all of the similarities they shared, Stephanie also knew another Nichkhun. The gods or whoever controlled the planet may be cruel but they couldn't be that cruel. When he finally walked up the steps to his apartment. Questions swirled. Questions that would have to wait until the morning. 
Flicking on the lights, he placed her heels by the door and fought his way through all of the boxes. The landlord must have sent the boxes up when they had been delivered. Nichkhun had ordered lots of new furniture and he was excited only he didn't look forward to putting it all together. Pulling back the duvet, he placed her onto one side of the bed and placed her bag on the floor next to the bed. Tucking her in, he brushed back the hair in her face and couldn't help but stare at her for a while. Was it really her? He started to notice her beauty much more now. It was like looking at a painting. 
Picking up a note on the table, he began to unpack boxes as he read. He landlord had said that there were some groceries in the fridge that some man had dropped off. Nichkhun wasn't sure who the man was but he knew it was polite to accept gifts, besides, Nichkhun hadn't got any groceries so accepting them was probably a good idea. 
He started to piece bits and bobs together. Luckily, he was good at following instructions and by the time the clock struck two, he had sorted out the tv, coffee table and a set of drawers. Deciding it was enough progress for one night, he waked into his room and plugged his phone into the socket. Pulling off his clothes, he changed into a more comfortable pair of shorts and tshirt. Pulling back the duvet, he collapsed onto his bed and immediately, he was asleep. 
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ooo i love this
jtediana #2
starts to find their ff after the news broke up!
Have a joy and great day khunfany shipper!!!
taengooLover9 #3
Chapter 11: Tiffany‘s real name is stephanie hwang .. haha nice story author.. so beautiful ..
Chapter 11: Sequel! O u O <3
paquitz #5
Chapter 11: Beautiful story
Jorelyngrace #6
Chapter 9: Nice update...Stephanie is Tiffany?
FanyFanyTiffany09 #7
Chapter 7: Please update..^^
Who is the girl he referring to is it Tiffany or the girl he met before,
Jorelyngrace #8
Chapter 6: Who's the girl he's refering it Tiffany?? ..or the girl he met before..
Jorelyngrace #9
Chapter 7: Please update soon...I want to know what happened in the past..
Jorelyngrace #10
Chapter 4: Your story is so mysterious...what happened in the past? I want to read more trying to figure it's like their past are connected..