A Boys Tears

Heart Attack

Sehun was sitting in the waiting room outside the Operation Theatre. The sun had long set and outside the hospital street lights were flickering into life. Sehuns eyes were focused on the wall opposite him. The light outside the Operation Theatre shone a crimson red, casting its light over Sehuns head. His shadow cast long across the floor, stained red from the light. The light seemed more menacing and ominous, worse than the red lights that lit up the Red Light Zone. Sehun had walked through those lights so many times in his life. Over time the lights had started to have comforting presence whenever he would retire home in the afternoon. But this time it was different. The light set his nerves on edge. Just like they had the first time he had walked through the Red Light Zone. He felt the same amount of apprehension, the same amount of fear. His heart thumped just as fast but this time it was different. This time he didn’t have Luhan beside him.

The light flickered and went out. Sehun was drowned in the silver lighting from the overhang bulbs. Sehun blinked as he stared at the walls. His shadows were no longer red. Sehun lifted his head to look up at the door of the Operation Theatre. The light had gone off.
Sehun jumped to his feet, breathing heavily.

Jongin slipped out of the Theatre. He was exhausted at the effort he had put behind that operation. He never intended to hit the boy. It just happened. Yet he still couldn’t shake the guilty feeling in his heart.
Being a trained doctor they had always been taught that they were never meant to get involved with their patients personally, but given the circumstances this had already gone too far.  Jongin ran his fingers through his hair and brought it down over his face, letting out a long and haggard sigh. He didn’t know what he was going to say to the boys brother. AS soon as he thought this he felt two shaky hands on his shoulders. Jongin came face to face with a pair of light brown eyes. They looked as if they had been crying for a fair few hours.

‘My b-brother… my dear h-hyung, please tell me something.’

In that instant Jongin could see fear in the boys eyes. They were scared. Scared of being alone. In that same instant, Jongin vowed to himself that never again would he allow this fear to plague those eyes again.
Jongin put on his best smile and he nodded

‘He’ll be fine, he’s stable for now.’

Sehuns grip tightened on the doctor, his heart was pounding so loud he was sure that even Luhan could hear it.

‘Can I see him? Please…’

Jongin looked into the boys eyes again. He looked into them for a long while before sighing and pulling back slowly.

‘He’s asleep, but if you want I can take you to see him.’

Sehuns eyes widened. Jongin smiled and raised his hand, ruffling the boys head, before letting his hands touch the smaller boys before turning and walking back into the operation theatre. Jongin held onto Sehuns hand not because he wanted to, but because he thought that if he didn’t support the kid, the boy in front of him would crumble into a million pieces. Jongin walked down corridors and up-stairs. He walked into an elevator waiting till they reached the top floor. Jongin walked briskly out onto landing before finally stopping in front of a place that looked like a dorm. Sehun was led inside into a smaller room with a sign on the wall that read ‘Viewing Bay.’ A glass window stretched all across the Viewing Bay. Sehun panted slowly as he walked into the room.
On the other side of the glass stood a bed with wires connected to it, Sehuns eyes fell on Luhans body. He looked so fragile. Sehun pressed himself up against the glass, he was crying again. Jongin stood at the doorway as he watched the smaller boy press himself against the glass, trying to get closer to his brother.

‘Come on hyung… come back… come on hyung…’


This took longer than expected. I seem to be loosing my touch. My apologies. 
I'm still working on my last fanfic and I haven't updated that one either. But I decided to update this. I need time for the other one 
Anyways. How are you all? Good? Thats good~ 
Ish... I have no idea where I'm going with this. SO with that in mind
Buckle up, it's gonna be a BUMPY ride BU 
..... Yea I'm weird. TEEHEE 
Anyways, subscribe and comment on what you like, don't like, want to see or feel like commenting. 
ANd as always Enjoy~

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Chapter 10: I don't get it! I'm getting confused but Aww please Update soon ^^^^^^^^^^ <3 . <3 I love the story
Chapter 8: this is getting really interesting!!!! WHAT DID KAI SAW???OR HEARD WHATEVE?? BUT WHAT WAS IT? update sooooooooon PLZZZ
Chapter 6: Lmao now I have sekai feelings. XD I hope Jongin helps them! >.< But most important... I hope Luhan will be okay!!
That place scares me lol so Hunhan should go to live with Kai. XD
Chapter 5: Ps!: Take your time, I understand. :D I will wait patiently for the next chapter. Do not hurry~! >.<
Chapter 5: Awww so bad. Poor Luhan. D;That's so sad. ;_; I hope he will be okay. Is there going to be Sekai? XD Even though I like all pairings in this fic I want Lulu with Sehunnie~! >.< They're so cute!
Chapter 4: Aww poor Luhan. I hope he will surviveee ;(
Chapter 1: Waa it looks interesting >.< I will be waiting patiently for the next chapater then :D Fighting~ ^^
PS: Aww They are so cute!! >///<