Doctor Kim

Heart Attack

Sehun ran across the pavement. The car skidded to a halt as he flung himself in front of him, picking up Luhans body in his arms.
His eyes were closed, blood spattered over his pale face. Sehun cradled his hyung is arms, tears welling up in his eyes.

‘Oh god, no. No. Luhan Hyung!’

Sehun looked around in earnest, calling out to the masses of people that started gathering around them.

‘Somebody! Anybody! Help us!’

Sehun cried out as he turned back to face his hyung, tears sliding down his cheeks. Luhans lips were pale but they were still warm enough to let out a soft groan.


Sehuns eyes widened as he bundled his hyung up into his arms

‘H-Hyung. I’m here, I’m here oh please…’

Luhan smiled and reached a bloody hand up to touch Sehuns face. Luhan frowned slowly as he looked at Sehuns face, speaking in a low cracked voice.

‘S-Sehun-ah why are you crying..?’

Sehun shook his head and held his hyung to his chest crying out again.

‘Somebody, please! For gods sake help us!’

A soft hand touched Sehuns shoulder and a low deep voice spoke in a hurried tone.

‘Quickly, get him into the car. Theres a hospital nearby. Don’t worry, I’m a doctor. I can help him.’

Sehun nodded and picked up his hyungs small body. The hand steered him into the back of the silver car. Sehun got in with his hyung. He sat on one end, Luhans body taking up majority of the space in the back. Sehun kept Luhans hair, tears dripping from his eyes. Luhan had long since shut his eyes. By the time they pulled up to a hospital, Luhans body had gotten colder. Sehun kicked open the door of the car and, with Luhan in his arms, bursted into the hospital.

‘Somebody help us! Please!’

The man with the deep voice stepped out of the car and shouted to the nearby patrons

‘You there what are you staring at? Get a stretcher immediately and take this boy to the operating unit. We can’t delay any longer. Well? What are you staring at? Come on!’

The patrons winced a little as one of them gingerly stepped forward mumbling

‘But sir, there are currently some students in the operating clinic preparing for a trial operation sir..’

The man snarled at the younger patron, his voice deep and loud

‘Tell them that Dr. Kim told them to vacate that unit or else they won’t be allowed to step foot into this hospital. Now go. Go!’

Sehun looked up at the man as the patrons took Luhans body from his arms and onto a stretcher.
The man had messy brown hair and tanned skin. His eyes were fierce but they had a soft look about them.

‘W-Who are you?’

The man turned to look at him

‘My names Kim Jongin. And don’t worry. Nothing will happen to your brother.’

He had assuring look and Sehun nodded slowly. Jongin looked at the boy before rushing after the stretcher with Luhan on it.
Sehun looked down at his hands. They were covered in blood. Sehuns eyes watered over as he slumped to his knees and wept.
Short update. I promise I'll update more later. Anyways. 
How are you all? Good? This chapter is short but I hope you all like it 

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Chapter 10: I don't get it! I'm getting confused but Aww please Update soon ^^^^^^^^^^ <3 . <3 I love the story
Chapter 8: this is getting really interesting!!!! WHAT DID KAI SAW???OR HEARD WHATEVE?? BUT WHAT WAS IT? update sooooooooon PLZZZ
Chapter 6: Lmao now I have sekai feelings. XD I hope Jongin helps them! >.< But most important... I hope Luhan will be okay!!
That place scares me lol so Hunhan should go to live with Kai. XD
Chapter 5: Ps!: Take your time, I understand. :D I will wait patiently for the next chapter. Do not hurry~! >.<
Chapter 5: Awww so bad. Poor Luhan. D;That's so sad. ;_; I hope he will be okay. Is there going to be Sekai? XD Even though I like all pairings in this fic I want Lulu with Sehunnie~! >.< They're so cute!
Chapter 4: Aww poor Luhan. I hope he will surviveee ;(
Chapter 1: Waa it looks interesting >.< I will be waiting patiently for the next chapater then :D Fighting~ ^^
PS: Aww They are so cute!! >///<