Chapter 1

You Think You're So Funny

"Yongguk!" you called out sweetly from the bed.
It was your one year anniversary and you were spending some much needed time together. Which was why you were spread out on your bed and wearing the y lingerie you had purchased for just this occasion.
"One sec!"
You smiled and shook your head before laying back on the pillow. After a little while you heard him enter the room and then the bed dipped down from his weight.
"Hmmm." he hummed appreciatively as he crawled to hover over you. "Is this for me?"
"Yes." you coyly answered. "You want to try it on?"
He stopped gazing at your body and gave you an odd look. Then he slowly smiled and you giggled.
"You think you're so funny?" he questioned as he laid down on you.
Any witty retort you may have formed in your mind vanished as he pressed himself in to you. Instead you let out a little moan as he rubbed himself on you.
"Much better." he murmured and started leaving kisses all over your skin.

A couple of hours later, you awoke and found yourself alone in bed. You sat up and winced a little at the pain between your legs. It was a good pain though as you remembered the way Yongguk ravaged your body and smiled to yourself. Then you slipped out of bed and silently padded out of the bedroom. You found the bathroom light on and the door opened slightly
"Yongguk?" you asked and pushed the door open.
He was sitting on the toilet lid and jumped slightly, hurriedly covering himself with a towel and leaning forward.
"What are you doing?"
"Uh... N-nothing." he stuttered.
You raised an eyebrow at him and a slight blush formed on his face. Then you crossed your arms and let out a little huff. He tried giving you a cute smile but you stood your ground.
He took a deep breath and slowly leaned back, letting you look at his predicament.
You chuckled. "If you wanted to go again, you could have just woken me up." you informed him with a smirk and reached out to touch his .
Then he winced and smacked your hand away.
Your mouth dropped open and you gave him an astonished look at being rejected.
"No, no, no." he quickly uttered. "It's not that. It's... I... I just..."
You crossed your arms again and glared down at him.
"It.. hurts..." he mumbled and looked down at the floor.
"Hurts? How can it..." you trailed off as a thought entered your mind. "Is this... the same one?"
He nodded his head a little as the tips of his ears turned red.
Your mouth dropped open in disbelief. "Did you... take... something?"
He barely nodded his head once as his shoulders drooped. "I tried the ice pack but it's not working." he mumbled, so quietly that you barely heard him.
"How long has it been since you took it?" you asked, unsure of the time.
He glanced at his phone on the bathroom counter. "Five hours."
You sighed and shrugged. "Well then we have to go to the hospital."
Yongguk's head whipped up and he stared at you with his mouth open. "What??"
"You have to see a doctor if it lasts longer than four hours." you calmly stated.
Instead of being calm, he started to panic. "No! No! I... I..."
You rolled your eyes at him. "If the blood stays in there too long, it'll form blood clots and start damaging the tissue. You really want it to not stand up anymore? And if there is too much damage, they'll have to amputate."
His eyes widened as he paled a little before he squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. "Okay, okay. Let's go."
You stifled a giggle and turned to go get dressed. Yongguk got dressed as well and you noticed how he happened to pick out they baggiest clothes he could find. A small giggle escaped you before you could push it down and he glared at you before walking past you, ignoring your apologies.

You drove him to the hospital and walked into the ER.
"Can I help you?" the nurse at the desk asked politely as she smiled up at the two of you.
You nudged Yongguk when he didn't say anything and then you looked at his face. He stood there with wide eyes and his mouth clenched shut, resembling a deer in the headlights.
You chuckled and leaned forward so you could talk quietly. "He has a five hour ."
Her smiled faltered a little as she blinked in surprise. Then she instantly bit down on her bottom lip and resumed smiling but you could tell she was trying not to laugh as well. You took a moment to glance at Yongguk to see if he noticed. However he was now staring at the ceiling and had his hands clasped together in front of him as if he was covering himself once more.
You turned back to the lady with a tiny giggle and proceeded to answer her questions about the 'patient'.
"It should only be a minute." she told you when she was finished.
The two of you went and sat in the waiting room. You glanced around and saw only a couple other people considering how late it was. Then you looked over at Yongguk, seeing how tense he was and the way he was staring a hole in to the floor.
"You trying to burn a hole in the carpet?"
He didn't say anything in response but you saw his hands ball in to fists.
You placed a hand on his back and rubbed it, hoping he took it as a sign of reassurance. He didn't move a single muscle though and you had to turn away so he wouldn't see the smile forming on your face.
After a few moments, he was called in to the back and you held his hand as you walked with him. He changed in to the hospital gown before quickly climbing on to the bed and promptly pulling the blanket over him. You smirked at him but he looked away and you let out a small giggle. He glared at you before the curtain was moved aside and the doctor came in. Then his face went slack.
"Alright, I understand you have a prolonged with some pain?" the female doctor asked sweetly. Then she grabbed some gloves and put them on. "I'll need to examine you to see if there is any signs of damage so we know which course of treatment to start with."
Yongguk hugged the blanket tightly to him as his head turned back and forth between you and the doctor.
She let out a little chuckle. "I'd get a male doctor for you but I'm the only one here tonight and I promise, this happens more often than you think. I've seen it before."
He looked at you again and you giggled. "Go on. Whip it out."
His jaw twitched before he squeezed his eyes tightly shut and laid back.
The doctor gently, but quickly, examined him before covering him up again. "So far so good it seems. We'll start with some oral medication to stop the blood flow to it and see if that'll work." Then she walked out.
He continued laying there though and you chuckled a little as you rubbed his arm.
"So glad you find this funny." he muttered.
"I'm sorry." you offered but still smiling.

Another hour later and you were still at the hospital.
"Want to play baseball? You already got the bat and balls."
"Shut up."
"Too bad we don't have a campfire and marshmallows to go with the tent."
"Shut up."
"They say God gave men a brain and a but not enough blood to run both at the same time."
"Shut up."
"Should we test that?"
He sat up and glared angrily at you just as the doctor came back in. "Well looks like the medication isn't working, we'll have to move on to the next step." she said and started pulling stuff out of a drawer.
"What's two plus two?"
He was glaring so hard at you, you were sure he was trying to set you on fire. "You can leave." he growled.
The doctor placed the stuff on table by the bed and held up a syringe with a needle. "I'm going to stick you with this to draw the blood out."
You turned to leave like it told you to but his hand shot out and gripped your arm tightly. He stared at you in almost sheer panic, his eyes impossibly wide and his face extremely pale.
"I'll numb the area first but you'll still feel a little pinch." she continued as she looked away and prepared everything.
A small, pitiful, high-pitched whine escaped from him as you tried to yank your arm out of his death grip.
"If this doesn't work, we'll have to make a small opening and put in a shunt to drain the blood."
"I think I'm going to be sick." he uttered as he brought his knees up and put his head between them, finally letting you go.
You rubbed your arm as you sighed and then started rubbing his back. Then you smirked and whispered in his ear, "Don't poke your eye out."
"You. Are. Not. Helping." he hissed.
After a minute, he finally laid back and let the doctor proceed. You stood by him and held his hand while brushing his hair with your other hand.
"This is like role reversal." you stated with a small smile. "What are we going to name the baby?"
"I hate you."

Much to Yongguk's relief, it was only a short while later that the two of you were walking out of the hospital.
"Too bad the needle worked, would have been funny to see the tree with a little branch coming out of it." you said as you settled in to the driver's seat.
He groaned and slumped in the passenger seat. "You think you're so funny." he mocked.
"I just spent a couple of hours of our anniversary night in the ER. I think I'm entitled to a little fun."
He sat up and glared at you. "My got stabbed with a needle."
You stared back at him with a straight face for a moment. Then bursting out in to laughter so hard it brought tears to your eyes.
He rolled his eyes and groaned once more before crossing his arms and slumping again.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." you said and tried to stop laughing. "You're right. You had it so much worse, my poor baby."
He let out a little huff and avoided looking at you while still pouting.
"I know you did it for me to make our anniversary special even though you really didn't have to." you offered and tried to mend his bruised ego. "You're the best I've ever had in bed, even without a silly pill."
When he still ignored you, you continued with some pampering. "We both have the day off tomorrow. How about we go home, get some more sleep, and in the morning I make you breakfast. Then we can spend the day cuddling on the couch and watching some of your favorite movies. I'll make us some ramen with pork for dinner."
He eyed you suspiciously. "Promise?"
You smiled sweetly at him. "Promise. And I won't ever bring this night up again."
He finally showed a small smile as he sat up and nodded. "Alright."
You started driving home when a smirk formed on your face. "Unless I need to blackmail you."
Then you heard a thump as his head hit the headrest followed by an exasperated groan.

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha, this was so funny. I couldn’t stop laughing.
Shawn1231 #2
Chapter 1: Hahahahahhahaha... omfg. I died. Lmao
Chapter 1: I seriously couldn't stop laughing lolllllllllll
Chapter 1: Hahahahahhahah
Chapter 1: Hahahahahahahaha! Oh my...this is so funny! XD
Chapter 1: haahha xD I can't, it was funny and cute!
Chapter 1: HAHAHA that was so cute!
jaraaraa #8
Chapter 1: Puahahahahahahaha!!! Honestly I would make jokes and laugh the entire time too xD
Chapter 1: Lol. This was very funny. Good job author. Very original and nice :D