Chapter 1

40 Reasons To Not Let You Go

WHAT!?!?3 Voices Could Be Heard

It was yours,ljoe's,and L's

"Why?Any objection?"

"Yes!""No"3 voices again

"Why Myungsoo?"Your father asked

"Gonna Tell The Reason Later"Myungsoo Replied


Fast Forward>>

"So Myungsoo,What is the Objection?"Your Mother asked

"I love her!I will Do anything To stop that marriage!"

"Fine"You Said 

"Are You Sure Honey"Your mother asked and You Only Gave A Nod

"There's A Conditon"Your Father Said

"I'll Do It"Myungsoo Replied

"Give Us 40 Reasons To Not Let My Sweetie Go"Your Father Said

"Fine!"L Said

"You'll Agree To It?!?"You Said A Bit Shocked

"I let You Go Once,I Won't Let You Go Twice!"Myungsoo Said

"I'll Be Going Now"He added


Your Parents POV

Things Are Going Well As Planned!They said To Each Other In The Same Time





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