17 - The Game Plan

My Brother's Girl
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The days seemed to drag on forever. Ever since Dara had moved out, the house had felt empty. Jaejoong felt even emptier.  After a week of sleeping in the loft, he’d moved back in another room – Dara’s room. His dad and stepmother insisted on it. Actually they had insisted on it, after Jaejoong spent just one night in the loft, but Jaejoong couldn’t bring himself to move back in Kris’ room. He felt awkward, so unwanted.

His parents have been nothing but kind to him. At first they had treated this disaster like was no big deal. Just some stupid little fight that they’d soon forget, and he and Kris and Dara would all be the best of friends again in a heartbeat. But after seeing the combination of hurt, anger, and guilt on their faces, the Kims allowed that it was more serious than they’d realized.

Jaejoong had even toyed with the idea of bagging the whole trip and heading back to Seoul a week early. But he just couldn’t bring himself to leave. It would be like giving up. On Dara. On Kris. On summer, really.

“Jae Oppa! Kris Oppa!” Hayi came tearing out the deck, where they’d been hanging out, each in their own little world. She pulled Kris’ headphones. “It’s really important.”

“Don’t do that, Hayi,” Kris said sharply, rubbing his ear. “That hurt. What is it?”

“Dad’s on the phone. He’s down at the marina. He said there’s something wrong with the boat…he can’t get it started or something.” She stopped to take a breath. “He wanted me to ask you guys if you could go lend him a hand.”

Jaejoong folded down the corner of the page he was on and put down his book. “Sure.”

Kris looked over at Jaejoong for the first time that day. “Yeah. Whatever. Tell him we just need to put on our shoes and some shirts, and we’ll bike down in a couple of minutes.”

“Okay,” Hayi, dashing back into the house.

“You sure you don’t mind hyung?” Kris asked.

“Not at all.”


The Kims kept their bikes propped along the side of the house. Except for Kris’, they were all old-fashioned three-speeds. Jaejoong had to pedal hard and fast to keep up.

“I wonder what’s wrong with the boat,” Kris mused, talking more to himself than to Jaejoong. “Dad hasn’t had it out for a while. Maybe it just needs to get warmed up.”

“Maybe.” Having Kris speak to him again felt so good. Not that they were having a deep conversation or anything. But the past few days had been filled with so many tense moments and angry glances that anything that wasn’t made Jaejoong optimistic.

The marina was about a mile from the shore, accessible either from the street or by the beach. It was an easy bike ride: The terrain was flat and a special jogging-biking trail led directly to it. After locking their bikes on a bike rack, they spotted their dad out on one of the docks standing next to the boat. He waved them over.

“Can’t figure out what’s going on with this old thing,” Mr. Kim said, sighing. He ran a hand over the boat. “It’s not running right. The engine keeps on catching or something. Funny. Never had a problem in the 8 years we’ve had it.”

“Does it start?” Kris asked.

Mr. Kim shook his head. “I’ve tried to start it 3 times this morning, but no luck. And I didn’t want to get it started and motor out into the water only to have it break down with just me on it.” He grinned. “I thought I’d put you two with me in that position.”

“Want me to try to start it?” Jaejoong asked.

“Yeah. Get in.” Jaejoong hopped in.

“You too, Kris,” Mr. Kim added, patting him on the back. “Go on. Hop in.”

Kris stepped on the side of the boat and down onto one of the leather seats.

Mr. Kim tossed Jaejoong the keys. “See if it starts now.”

Jaejoong turned the ignition and the boat started perfectly. He revved the engine. The smell of gasoline line trickled through the air.

Mr. Kim began untying the thick brown ropes that held the boat to the deck. “Kris. Push off here,” he instructed, Kris obliged, shoving the boat away from the dock.

“Hurry up, Dad! The boat’s going to…” Kris started.

Mr. Kim stepped backward. “You guys don’t need me. Take it for a spin,” he called out. “I’ve got to go talk with somebody inside. See you in a while!” He waved and began walking back up the dock to shore. Then he turned. “Don’t come back until you’re sure it’s running perfectly. It might take a while.”

The guys exchanged glances.

“I somehow get the feeling that we’ve been set up,” Jaejoong said wryly.

“I’m going to kill Hayi,” Kris said with a sigh.


The waters directly off the marina were prime boating areas, for tourists and residents alike. Chartered boats took visitors out for whale watches, and fishermen brought in a daily haul of lobsters and crab to satisfy the high demand in restaurants and local grocery stores.

Kris took over the boat after a couple of minutes. He let the boat fly across the water, shooting a steady stream of salt water into the boat and on their faces. Normally this would be the kind of thing the 2 guys would be really into, vying for a chance to steer the boat, daring each other to go faster and faster.

Not today.

Jaejoong sat uncomfortably in the seat opposite Kris’, his arms folded. He tried to enjoy the view

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Please accept my friend request 🙏. I really really want to ready more jaedara story. Please 🥺🥺🙏🙏
athena_29 #2
Chapter 19: Please accept my friend request 🙏🙏🙏🙏, i kove reading jaedara story
MaritheZya #3
Chapter 19: Nice story. I like the ending.
MaritheZya #4
Chapter 3: Hope you could accept my request. I wNt to read your other ff. Stay safe, btw.
JeDara #5
Chapter 1: can you accept me as your friend so I can read all your stories? Thank you very much if you can
please accept me as your friend :( i would love to read your other stories :’) i’m such an eager to read jaedara stories. pleasee ??:’)
peachymomo47 #7
Chapter 19: Hope you accept my friend request so i can read more of your stories... please
peachymomo47 #8
Chapter 19: Waaahjh.. im glad i read this one.. the story is so nice.. ?
Chapter 19: I can't move on from this one. Kris character is really good. He'd grown so much. Glad that he could fix it with Jae. Will digging ur old fics to read lol, I already read all your stories but forgot how the plot was ended>_<
Chapter 7: krisdara!! my babies!!!
i love jaedara with 3/4th of my heart
but krisdara owns the rest.
i love this story but my heart still breaks for
my main ship.