10 - Crazy Stupid Love

My Brother's Girl
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“I love it here.”

Kris ran his hand through the water; surprisingly clear after a choppy morning. “It’s pretty awesome, isn’t it? Beats being in some cruddy old university, that’s for sure.”

The guys had spent an intense morning Boogie boarding. The waves had been just right, steady, giving them enough speed to make about 15 successful runs. Now, as the sun slipped its way across the sky, they were floating on the Kims’ bright canvas-colored rafts. The water was much calmer now, and they were out past where the waves did any real danger.

“You’re not really supposed to come out this far,” Kris said. “But the lifeguard knows me. He’s cool.”

Jaejoong wrapped his arms around the raft and closed his eyes. It was so peaceful out here. He felt like he could float forever.

“Hey hyung,” Kris nudged Jaejoong’a raft with his toe. “You’re so quiet. You’re not feeling sick again. Are you?”

Jaejoong shook his head. He’d fallen asleep last night on the couch. When he woke up, it had been close to noon. Kris and Dara had gone for an early morning bike ride along the parkway. When they’d returned, Kris dragged Jaejoong out to the beach, Dara insisting she’d find something to do on her own.

“If I had known how sick you were, I definitely would have left the bonfire, hyung. I felt terrible this morning when Dara told me what a wreck you were last night.”

Guilt jabbed him in the gut, a feeling that was becoming disconcertingly familiar. “I’m glad you didn’t leave. You couldn’t have helped anyway. I just needed to lie down.”

Kris paddled, propelling himself farther out into the ocean. “So what do you really think of her?” he asked, resting his chin on the raft.

“Who? Dara?”

“No, our mom. Yeah, Dara, hyung. Who else?”

Yeah. Who else. “She’s really nice.” And she’s a great kisser too, Jae cringed. Yes, I am a slime.

“She’s more than nice. She’s awesome. She’s got that angelic sweet face that I couldn’t get enough of, she’s sweet. What’s not to love?”


“Well, not love.” Kris looked embarrassed. “You know, though. I mean, she’s gorgeous. You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed hyung.”

“I’ve noticed.” Jaejoong slid off the raft, cooling himself in the water. It felt incredibly refreshing and quiet. He wished he had worn his goggles. He loved looking at the ocean life that teemed under the surface. It was a different word down there. He lingered under the surface for as long as he could hold his breath, and then burst to the top.

He swam over and retrieved his raft, which had floated to the south. “But there’s more to life than being just gorgeous,” Jaejoong muttered, climbing back on.

Kris gave him a quizzical look. “Since when?”

“You know what I mean. When you first like a girl, sure, her body or face is what attracts you. But then when you get to know her as a person, it changes.”

“Like how, hyung?”

“I don’t know. Like you get to know personal stuff. Stuff that brings you closer together.”

Kris grinned. “Well, Dara loves wearing pink lingerie. That brings me closer.”

“I’m serious, Kris. There’s more to Dara than just her looks. She’s an interesting person.”

A look of annoyance flashed across Kris’ face. “Ever since the road trip you act like you’re an expert on my girlfriend, hyung.”

“I’m not saying I’m an expert,” Jaejoong said evenly. “I’m just saying she’s not just some…girl. She’s special.” Jaejoong halted as he spoke the words. Kris is going to think I’ve completely lost it. !

“You don’t need to tell that. I know she’s special, hyung. That’s why she’s my girlfriend,” Kris said defensively. “We tell each other everything. There’s nothing about her I don’t know.”

“So then I guess you know all about Joong Hyuk and her mom and stuff,” Jaejoong said. He couldn’t resist. He knew it was kind of jerky, but Kris’ attitude was annoying him. Kris had an awesome girlfriend yet he barely seemed to know her.

“What? What’s there to know? Dara’s dad split when she was 10, and now her mom is seeing that guy.”

11. “Yeah, a guy she can’t stand.”

“Joong Hyuk?” Kris looked confused for a moment. He splashed come water on his arms and back. “She never said anything bad about him to me.”

Maybe you never asked, thought Jaejoong. It wasn’t like Kris was a non-caring guy or anything. He was one of the most concerned, ready-to-help people Jaejoong had known. He just tended to focus on what he wanted to focus on. Being with Dara was one thing. Dealing with her whole family life – well, that was something else too.

“You know. Just that Dara doesn’t like him hanging around all the time, that’s all,” Jaejoong started to think that maybe he should keep his mouth shut. He didn’t have any business discussing Dara’s personal life out here in the middle of the ocean.

“I guess she might have said something about it, now that you mention it, hyung,” Kris mused.

“Or maybe she didn’t,” Jaejoong said under his breath as he drifted away. “Maybe she only share it with me.”


“Hey, Dara!”

Dara shaded her sleep-deprived eyes and looked in the direction of the voices. She’d stayed inside and read for a while – one of the books on her summer reading list that she hadn’t gotten around to reading yet – but the lure of the warm summer sun was too much to resist. A group of 3 girls were sprawled out on their stomachs on the old faded bedsheet, which was covered with beach towels and tote bags.

“Come on, join us!” they called.

Dara took off her slippers and maneuvered her way across the beach blankets that dotted the sand. It was Gummy and Minzy – she’d met them at the party. And she recognized the other one. She was the one who had been talking with Jaejoong.

They scooted over to make room for her.

“Beautiful day, huh?” Gummy said. She gestured to the other girl. “Did you guys meet last night? This is Dara, Kris Kim’s girlfriend. Dara, this is Park Bom. Her house is right next door to Kris.”

Dara smiled. “Hi.”

“Hi.” Bom smiled back. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Dara made a face. “Only good stuff, I hope.”

“Only good stuff,” Bom replied, her cool eyes checking out Dara. Was it Dara’s imagination, or did she sense a certain distrust in Bom’s tone? Oh, well. She shook it off. She’d just met the girl. There wouldn’t be a reason for her to dislike her.

“So where are the guys today?” Minzy asked, adjusting her cover-ups.

“They’re out boarding. Kris and I went for a bike ride this morning, so I thought I’d let them be alone for a while, do some guy stuff.”

“Wow. I don’t know if I’d let two gorgeous brothers like that slip out of my sight for one minute,” Gummy sighed. “I would kill to be in your sandals. You get to stay in the same house as those two.”

Dara laughed. “It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.”

Just then 2 women in their twenties wearing very y bikinis pranced by them.

“That is what gives this shore a bad name,” griped Gummy, making a face as the guys around them ogled the pair. “ cleavage is something I don’t need to see before lunchtime.”

“Tacky city,” Bom added.

“Those s were definitely pumped up with a silicone,” muttered Minzy. “And please, If I hear one more person say a thong is comfortable, I’ll strangle them with one.”

Bom, Gummy and Dara laughed. It felt good to be with the girls, Dara realized. She hadn’t phoned any of her friends at home since she’d left. And her closest friends, CL and Hye Sun, were both away on vacation with their own families. These new girls couldn’t take their place, of course, but it was a refreshing break from the guy-speak she’d been surrounded with.

They filled Dara in on all the beach gossip. Just as it was getting juicy, two dark shadows fell across their backs.

“May I take your order, miss?” Kris and Jaejoong stood there, grinning. Kris took out an imaginary check pad and waited. The guys had come straight from the ocean to drip over them – and see if they wanted anything from the nearest food house.

“Is there anything healthy on the meny?” Dara asked, going along with the game.

Kris looked up at the sky, pretending to be in deep thought. “Well, let’s see. We’ve got greasy, fat, juicy Korean version burgers; deep-fried chicken fingers; and, let’s not forget, chicken wings with extra spicy sauce. All with homemade fries or onion rings, of course. And don’t forget our fat-free condiments.”

“Well…does anyone want to split anything?” Dar asked.

Minzy and Gummy shook their heads. “We’re going to the mall later with Minzy’s mom,” Gummy said. “I think we’re going to eat there too.”

Bom shrugged. “If you want to share the honey-dipped chicken fingers, they’re good.”

“And an order of onion rings?” Dara finished. Bom nodded.

“That’s it, then,” Dara said.

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Please accept my friend request 🙏. I really really want to ready more jaedara story. Please 🥺🥺🙏🙏
athena_29 #2
Chapter 19: Please accept my friend request 🙏🙏🙏🙏, i kove reading jaedara story
MaritheZya #3
Chapter 19: Nice story. I like the ending.
MaritheZya #4
Chapter 3: Hope you could accept my request. I wNt to read your other ff. Stay safe, btw.
JeDara #5
Chapter 1: can you accept me as your friend so I can read all your stories? Thank you very much if you can
please accept me as your friend :( i would love to read your other stories :’) i’m such an eager to read jaedara stories. pleasee ??:’)
peachymomo47 #7
Chapter 19: Hope you accept my friend request so i can read more of your stories... please
peachymomo47 #8
Chapter 19: Waaahjh.. im glad i read this one.. the story is so nice.. ?
Chapter 19: I can't move on from this one. Kris character is really good. He'd grown so much. Glad that he could fix it with Jae. Will digging ur old fics to read lol, I already read all your stories but forgot how the plot was ended>_<
Chapter 7: krisdara!! my babies!!!
i love jaedara with 3/4th of my heart
but krisdara owns the rest.
i love this story but my heart still breaks for
my main ship.